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Triggered via schedule March 26, 2023 01:24
Status Failure
Total duration 35m 43s


on: schedule
Matrix: build
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15 errors
build (ubuntu-20.04, true, intel, mpi-ts, ifort, gcc)
Process completed with exit code 77.
build (macos-11, false, openmpi, armci, gfortran, gcc)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (ubuntu-latest, true, mpich, mpi-ts, gfortran-11, gcc-11)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (ubuntu-20.04, false, mpich, armci, gfortran, clang)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (ubuntu-20.04, false, mpich, armci, gfortran, gcc)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (ubuntu-20.04, true, mpich, mpi-pr, gfortran-10, gcc-10, Y)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (macos-11, true, mpich, mpi-pr, ifort, icc)
Process completed with exit code 1.
build (ubuntu-20.04, true, mpich, mpi-pr, gfortran, gcc, Y)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (macos-11, false, openmpi, armci, gfortran, clang)
Process completed with exit code 2.
build (macos-11, false, mpich, armci, gfortran, clang)
Process completed with exit code 77.
build (macos-11, false, mpich, armci, gfortran, gcc)
Process completed with exit code 77.
build (macos-12, true, mpich, mpi-pr, gfortran, clang, Y)
Process completed with exit code 77.