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blog: add dynamic resource allocation feature blog post
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This feature got added as alpha in 1.26.

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pohly committed Nov 30, 2022
1 parent 3801b57 commit f41da92
Showing 1 changed file with 304 additions and 0 deletions.
304 changes: 304 additions & 0 deletions content/en/blog/_posts/data-tbd/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
layout: blog
title: "Dynamic Resource Allocation in Kubernetes 1.26"
slug: dynamic-resource-allocation

**Authors:** Patrick Ohly (Intel), Kevin Klues (NVIDIA)

Dynamic resource allocation is a new API for requesting resources. It is a
generalization of the persistent volumes API for generic resources, making it possible to:

- access the same resource instance in different pods and containers,
- attach arbitrary constraints to a resource request to get the exact resource
you are looking for,
- initialize a resource according to parameters provided by the user.

Third-party resource drivers are responsible for interpreting these parameters as well as tracking and allocating resources as requests come in.

Dynamic resource allocation is an *alpha feature* and only enabled when the
`DynamicResourceAllocation` [feature
gate](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/feature-gates/) and the
`` {{< glossary_tooltip text="API group"
term_id="api-group" >}} are enabled. For details, see the
`--feature-gates` and `--runtime-config` [kube-apiserver
The kube-scheduler, kube-controller-manager and kubelet components all need
the feature gate enabled as well.

The default configuration of kube-scheduler enables the "DynamicResources"
plugin if and only if the feature gate is enabled. Custom configurations may
have to be modified to include it.

Once dynamic resource allocation is enabled, resource drivers can be installed
to manage certain kinds of hardware. Kubernetes has a test driver that is used
for end-to-end testing, but also can be run manually. See
[below](#running-the-test-driver) for step-by-step instructions.

## API

The new `` {{< glossary_tooltip text="API group"
term_id="api-group" >}} provides four new types:

: Defines which resource driver handles a certain kind of
resource and provides common parameters for it. ResourceClasses
are created by a cluster administrator when installing a resource

: Defines a particular resource instances that is required by a
workload. Created by a user (lifecycle managed manually, can be shared
between different Pods) or for individual Pods by the control plane based on
a ResourceClaimTemplate (automatic lifecycle, typically used by just one

: Defines the spec and some meta data for creating
ResourceClaims. Created by a user when deploying a workload.

: Used internally by the control plane and resource drivers
to coordinate pod scheduling when ResourceClaims need to be allocated
for a Pod.

Parameters for ResourceClass and ResourceClaim are stored in separate objects,
typically using the type defined by a {{< glossary_tooltip
term_id="CustomResourceDefinition" text="CRD" >}} that was created when
installing a resource driver.

The `core/v1` `PodSpec` defines ResourceClaims that are needed for a Pod in a new
`resourceClaims` field. Entries in that list reference either a ResourceClaim
or a ResourceClaimTemplate. When referencing a ResourceClaim, all Pods using
this PodSpec (for example, inside a Deployment or StatefulSet) share the same
ResourceClaim instance. When referencing a ResourceClaimTemplate, each Pod gets
its own instance.

The `` list for container resources defines whether a container gets
access to these resource instances, which makes it possible to share resources
between one or more containers.

Here is an example of a fictional resource driver. Two ResourceClaim objects
will get created for this Pod and each container gets access to one of them.

kind: ResourceClass
kind: ClaimParameters
name: large-black-cat-claim-parameters
color: black
size: large
kind: ResourceClaimTemplate
name: large-black-cat-claim-template
kind: ClaimParameters
name: large-black-cat-claim-parameters
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-with-cats
- name: container0
image: ubuntu:20.04
command: ["sleep", "9999"]
- name: cat-0
- name: container1
image: ubuntu:20.04
command: ["sleep", "9999"]
- name: cat-1
- name: cat-0
resourceClaimTemplateName: large-black-cat-claim-template
- name: cat-1
resourceClaimTemplateName: large-black-cat-claim-template

## Scheduling

In contrast to native resources (CPU, RAM) and extended resources (managed by a
device plugin, advertised by kubelet), the scheduler has no knowledge of what
dynamic resources are available in a cluster or how they could be split up to
satisfy the requirements of a specific ResourceClaim. Resource drivers are
responsible for that. They mark ResourceClaims as "allocated" once resources
for it are reserved. This also then tells the scheduler where in the cluster a
ResourceClaim is available.

ResourceClaims can get allocated as soon as they are created ("immediate
allocation"), without considering which Pods will use them. The default is to
delay allocation until a Pod gets scheduled which needs the ResourceClaim
(i.e. "wait for first consumer").

In that mode, the scheduler checks all ResourceClaims needed by a Pod and
creates a PodScheduling object where it informs the resource drivers
responsible for those ResourceClaims about nodes that the scheduler considers
suitable for the Pod. The resource drivers respond by excluding nodes that
don't have enough of the driver's resources left. Once the scheduler has that
information, it selects one node and stores that choice in the PodScheduling
object. The resource drivers then allocate their ResourceClaims so that the
resources will be available on that node. Once that is complete, the Pod
gets scheduled.

As part of this process, ResourceClaims also get reserved for the
Pod. Currently ResourceClaims can either be used exclusively by a single Pod or
an unlimited number of Pods.

One key feature is that Pods do not get scheduled to a node unless all of
their resources are allocated and reserved. This avoids the scenario where a Pod
gets scheduled onto one node and then cannot run there, which is bad because
such a pending Pod also blocks all other resources like RAM or CPU that were
set aside for it.

## Limitations

The scheduler plugin must be involved in scheduling Pods which use
ResourceClaims. Bypassing the scheduler by setting the `nodeName` field leads
to Pods that the kubelet refuses to start because the ResourceClaims are not
reserved or not even allocated. It may be possible to [remove this
limitation]( in the

## Writing a resource driver

A dynamic resource allocation driver consists of two separate-but-coordinating
components: a centralized controller and a daemonset of node-local kubelet
plugins. Most of the work required by the centralized controller to coordinate
with the scheduler can be handled by boilerplate code. Only the business logic
required to actually allocate ResourceClaims against the ResourceClasses owned
by the plugin needs to be customized. As such, the following package is
provide by Kubernetes to include APIs for invoking this boilerplate code as
well as a Driver interface that one can implement to provide their custom
business logic:

- [](

Likewise, boilerplate code can be used to register the node-local plugin with
the kubelet, as well as start a gRPC server to implement the kubelet plugin
API. The following package is provided for this purpose:

- [](

It is up to the driver developer to decide how these two components
communicate. The KEP outlines an [approach using

We also plan to provide a complete [example
driver]( that can serve
as a template for other drivers.

## Running the test driver

The following steps bring up a local, one-node cluster directly from the
Kubernetes source code. As a prerequisite, a [CDI-enabled]( container runtime must be installed on your system (e.g. containerd [v1.7+]( or CRI-O [v1.23.2+]( In the example below we use CRI-O.

First, inside the root directory of Kubernetes, run:

$ hack/

$ \
FEATURE_GATES=DynamicResourceAllocation=true \
DNS_ADDON="coredns" \
CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT=unix:///var/run/crio/crio.sock \
PATH=$(pwd)/third_party/etcd:$PATH \
./hack/ -O
To start using your cluster, you can open up another terminal/tab and run:

export KUBECONFIG=/var/run/kubernetes/admin.kubeconfig

Once the cluster is up, in another
terminal run the test driver controller. `KUBECONFIG` must be set for all of
the following commands.

$ go run ./test/e2e/dra/test-driver --feature-gates ContextualLogging=true -v=5 controller

In another terminal, run the kubelet plugin:

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/run/cdi && \
sudo chmod a+rwx /var/run/cdi /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/
$ go run ./test/e2e/dra/test-driver --feature-gates ContextualLogging=true -v=6 kubelet-plugin

Changing the permissions of the directories makes it possible to run and (when
using delve) debug the kubelet plugin as normal user, which is convenient
because it uses the already populated Go cache. Remember to restore permissions
with `sudo chmod go-w` when done. Alternatively, one can also build the binary
and run that as root.

Now the cluster is ready to create objects:

$ kubectl create -f test/e2e/dra/test-driver/deploy/example/resourceclass.yaml created

$ kubectl create -f test/e2e/dra/test-driver/deploy/example/pod-inline.yaml
configmap/test-inline-claim-parameters created created
pod/test-inline-claim created

$ kubectl get resourceclaims
test-inline-claim-resource example WaitForFirstConsumer allocated,reserved 8s

$ kubectl get pods
test-inline-claim 0/2 Completed 0 21s

The test driver doesn't do much, it only sets environment variables as defined
in the ConfigMap. The test pod dumps the environment, so the log can be checked
to verify that everything worked:

$ kubectl logs test-inline-claim with-resource | grep user_a

## {{% heading "whatsnext" %}}

- For more information on the design, see the
[Dynamic Resource Allocation KEP](
- The Kubernetes documentation is available under ["Kubernetes Documentation
Concepts Scheduling, Preemption and Eviction/Dynamic Resource
- This feature gets discussed in [SIG
and the [CNCF Container Orchestrated Device Working
Group]( There is
a [project board](
with open issues that will get addressed next.
- In order to move this feature towards beta, we need feedback from hardware
vendors, so here's a call to action: try out this feature, consider how it can help
with problems that your users are having, and write resource drivers...

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