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Jose I Romero edited this page Dec 6, 2019 · 1 revision

== SAL = Shift Arithmetic Left ==

Hex Mnemonic Cycles
CE 80 SAL A 12
CE 81 SAL B 12
CE 82 nn SAL [N+#nn] 20
CE 83 SAL [HL] 16


A       = Register A B       = Register B [N+#nn] = Memory: (I shl 16) or (N shl 8) or #nn [HL]    = Memory: (I shl 16) or HL

; SAL Ds ; ; Ds = Source/Destination

Ds = Ds SHL 1


"8-Bits Destination" bits are arithmetically shifted left by 1.

NOTE: This instruction can be used as an signed integer multiplication by 2.


Zero: Set when result is 0

Carry: Set when the old bit 7 was 1

Overflow: Set when result overflow 8-bits signed range (< -128 OR > 127)

Sign: Set when bit 7 of the result is 1


; A = 0x04 (4) SAL`` ``A ; A = 0x08 (8) ; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=0):(Overflow=0):(Sign=0)

; A = 0xFE (-2) SAL`` ``A ; A = 0xFC (-4) ; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=1):(Overflow=0):(Sign=1)

; B = 0x45 (69) SAL`` ``B ; B = 0x8A (-124) ; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=0):(Overflow=1):(Sign=1)

; B = 0x84 (-124) SAL`` ``B ; B = 0x14 (20) ; F = (Zero=0):(Carry=1):(Overflow=1):(Sign=0)

; [HL] = 0x80 (-128) SAL`` ``[HL] ; [HL] = 0x00 (0) ; F = (Zero=1):(Carry=1):(Overflow=1):(Sign=0)

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