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5th Amendment

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@polterguy polterguy released this 29 Sep 08:21
· 971 commits to master since this release

This is the 5th Amendment release, arguably the first real stable release of the system as it is supposed to be. This release features an integrated "AppStore" - The Bazar. It features Sephia Five - A webmail client with PGP support. It features Sulphur Five - A secure file sharing system. It features Camphora Five - A CRUD app generator, allowing you to create your own apps in seconds. In addition to many more apps and features. Phosphorus Five is now a fully fledged web operating system, and a web app development framework.

Installation in a production environment

To install a new binary release, or upgrade an existing on linux/Debian/Ubuntu, type in the following to download the installation script. Make sure you don't have an old "" file in the same folder from before.


Then the following to make your installation script become an executable.

chmod +x

Then start the installation process with the following.

sudo ./

The sha1 for download is as follows '19C500C0926D3C96B10396BFCA0711917FCEF833'.

The above installation script have only been tested with Ubuntu Server, Xenial version 16 - But might work with any Debian based system. If you have troubles installing it, please send me an email at - And I'll help you out.

Testing the source

If you wish to test the source code with e.g. Visual Studio, make sure you download the "source" version below, and at the very least put the download for Micro in your "/p5.webapp/modules/" folder. Then make sure you have MySQL installed, in addition to GnuPG to handle your PGP keys. The latter is necessary to make "the Bazar" work, since it relies upon PGP signed zip files when it downloads new apps.


If you wish to test the source code locally, in e.g. Visual Studio or MonoDevelop, it's crucial that you also install MySQL and GnuPG. The binary release (on Linux and Debian based system) takes automatic care of this for you.

I just read your MSDN article, what should I do

To play with the System42 examples, you must download System42, unzip it, and rename the folder such that it is named exactly "system42". Then you must put that folder inside of your Phosphorus Five main folder structure - More specifically inside the "/p5.webapp/modules/" folder. At which point you can start testing the system42 examples. If you take this route, you don't need MySQL nor GnuPG, since System42 doesn't rely upon any of these components.

Hint - Do this before you start your p5.sln file, and start debugging P5!