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Releases: polyswarm/polyswarmd


01 Jan 03:48
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We are pleased announce the availability of PolySwarm 1.0 Stable!

Sign up for a free account and try our brand new web-based experience at Soon you'll be able to graph the performance of your (and others') Microengines and join various Communities.

Stay tuned as we conduct a rollout of our engines and our partners' ( engines onto the Ethereum mainnet in the coming weeks. Announcements will be on Twitter & Medium (@polyswarm) that detail with what 1.0 means for PolySwarm and the broader threat intelligence community.

We can't wait to welcome you aboard. Developers, check out our latest docs here: and join our Discord here:

Finally, from everyone at PolySwarm, we wish you a happy new year! 🎉

Version 0.3 (gamma)

01 Aug 06:32
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PolySwarm Gamma focuses on providing matchmaking features that facilitate collaboration between Ambassadors, Experts, and Arbiters. Experts will be able to encapsulate their expertise into Workers tuned to specific types of Artifact. We expect Experts to be able to advertise these Workers in a PolySwarm Registry. This Worker Registry should allow Ambassadors to engage with Workers in a risk-free manner prior to the Stable release (Gamma will continue to utilize the PolySwarm testnet).

Additionally, this release will consider enhancing and extending the Bounty instrument in light of Alpha and Beta feedback and experience. As one example, we anticipate that Bounties will benefit from the ability to solicit Assertions that are kept confidential from other Experts and revealed only after the Assertion deadline. Depending on the level of user interest at this phase, this is a feature we will either explore during Gamma or defer to a later milestone.

PolySwarm Gamma delivers the following:

  • Worker Description Language (WDL) describing artifact analysis capabilities and Expert authorship attribution (for reputation)
  • Distributed, searchable, registry of Workers and their capabilities.
  • Confidentiality for pre-deadline Bounty Assertions
  • Arbiter selection, response, and end-to-end Bounty feedback loop

Version 0.2 (beta)

01 Jun 07:00
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PolySwarm Beta will focus on delivering PolySwarm Offer support over Raiden-style Channels established directly between Ambassadors and Experts. Channel Open, Close and settlement will occur on the PolySwarm test network (“testnet”). We will seek bug reports and feedback on this new mechanism from early testers.

  • Offer Channels
  • Distributed Channel Establishment
  • Multiple offers via single channel
  • NCT settlement at Channel Close
  • Reference implementation for Offer production and response

Version 0.1 (alpha)

30 Apr 21:41
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PolySwarm Alpha will deliver a minimum viable product (MVP) that implements an end-to-end Bounty workflow. The chief goal with Alpha is to allow Ambassadors and Experts to test transactions on a PolySwarm test network (“testnet”) to provide early feedback and bug reports.

PolySwarm Alpha delivers the following:

  • Bounty Manager: a collection of contracts for assessing threat via Bounties
  • Artifact posting and retrieval to / from off-PolySwarm storage
  • Prototype algorithm for Arbiter selection
  • Reference implementations for Bounty publishing, Assertion response, and Arbiter ground truth determination

Need a fully synced Ethereum node (geth/parity/etc.) and an IPFS node accessible to the service, defaults to http://localhost:8545 and http://localhost:5001 respectively.

You can also run with docker-compose, see README.rst for details.

Version 0.1 (pre-alpha)

29 Mar 17:54
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Initial release of PolySwarm interface, works with NCT tokens on the Ethereum mainnet.

Need a fully synced Ethereum node (geth/parity/etc.) and an IPFS node accessible to the service, defaults to http://localhost:8545 and http://localhost:5001 respectively.

You can also run with docker-compose, see README.rst for details.