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ASP.NET MVC 4 Useful Extensions



DateTime Epoc = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
long ToUnixTime(this DateTime dateTime)
DateTime FromUnixTime(this long timestamp)
TimeSpan ToTime(this DateTime dateTime)
int DayOfWeekByMonday(this DateTime dateTime)
DateTime ToLastModified(this DateTime dateTime)
DateTime ToLastModified(this DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)



DisplayAttribute Display(this Enum value)
string Display(this Enum value, Func<DisplayAttribute, string> attr)
string Display(this Enum value, Func<DisplayAttribute, string> attr, string noAttr)
string DisplayName(this Enum value)
string DisplayDescription(this Enum value)
string DisplayShortName(this Enum value)
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ToSelectList(this Enum value)
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ToMultiSelectList(this Enum value)


DisplayAttribute Display(Type type, Enum value)
DisplayAttribute Display(Type type, string value)
DisplayAttribute Display<T>(Enum value)
DisplayAttribute Display<T>(string value)
IList<SelectListItem> GetSelectList<T>()
IList<SelectListItem> GetSelectList(Enum value)
IList<SelectListItem> GetMultiSelectList(Enum value)
IList<SelectListItem> GetMultiSelectList<T>(Enum value)
IList<SelectListItem> GetMultiSelectList<T>(IEnumerable<T> values)
IList<SelectListItem> GetSelectList(Type type)
IList<SelectListItem> GetSelectList(Type type, Enum value)
IList<SelectListItem> GetMultiSelectList(Type type, Enum value)
IList<SelectListItem> GetMultiSelectList(Type type, IEnumerable<Enum> values)

LINQ Extensions

IEnumerable<T[]> SubArrays<T>(this IEnumerable<T> input, int size)


string ToPriceString(this decimal d, string zero = "")
IHtmlString ToPrice(this decimal d, string zero = "")
string ToRawString(this decimal d)
string ToRawString(this int i)
IHtmlString ToRaw(this decimal d)
IHtmlString ToRaw(this int i)


IHtmlString ToRaw(this string str)
string Crop(this string str, int maxLength)
string F(this string format, object arg0)
string F(this string format, params object[] args)
string F(this string format, IFormatProvider provider, params object[] args)
string F(this string format, object arg0, object arg1)
string F(this string format, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2)


string GetActionName(this ViewContext viewContext)
string GetControllerName(this ViewContext viewContext)
bool IsCurrent(this ViewContext viewContext, string action, string controller)


TimeZoneManager GetTimeZoneManager(this WebViewPage page)
DateTime FromUtc(this WebViewPage page, DateTime dateTime)
DateTime? FromUtc(this WebViewPage page, DateTime? dateTime)
void RedefineSection(this WebPageBase page, string sectionName)
void RedefineSection(this WebPageBase page, params string[] sectionNames)


T Set<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, T obj)
T Set<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, T obj, bool fullName)
T Get<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData)
T Get<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, bool fullName)
bool Has<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData)
bool Has<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, bool fullName)
bool Has(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string key)
bool Flag(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string key)
T As<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string key)
IList<T> AsList<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string key)
IEnumerable<T> AsEnumerable<T>(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string key)
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> AsSelectList(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string key)
string SetTitle(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string title)
string SetTitle(this ViewDataDictionary viewData, string title, string subTitle)
string GetTitle(this ViewDataDictionary viewData)
string GetSubTitle(this ViewDataDictionary viewData)


void SetCurrentTimeZone(this Controller controller, TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
TimeZoneInfo GetCurrentTimeZone(this Controller controller)
DateTime FromUtc(this Controller controller, DateTime dateTime)
DateTime? FromUtc(this Controller controller, DateTime? dateTime)
DateTime? IfModifiedSince(this Controller controller)
bool IfModifiedSince(this Controller controller, DateTime updated, bool updatedInLastModifiedFormat = false)



MetaBuilder Meta(this HtmlHelper html)
IHtmlString MetaPartial(this HtmlHelper html)


  public class MetaBuilder : IHtmlString
		MetaBuilder Add(string name, string content, string lang = null);
		MetaBuilder Equiv(string name, string content);
		MetaBuilder Author(string author, string lang = null);
		MetaBuilder Copyright(string copyright, string lang = null);
		MetaBuilder Description(string description, string lang = null);
		MetaBuilder DocumentState(DocumentState documentState);
		MetaBuilder Generator(string generator);
		MetaBuilder Keywords(string keywords, string lang = null);
		MetaBuilder ResourceType(string resourceType);
		MetaBuilder Revisit(int days);
		MetaBuilder Robots(bool index, bool follow, bool shorten = true);
		MetaBuilder Subject(string subject, string lang = null);
		MetaBuilder ContentLanguage(string language);
		MetaBuilder ContentScriptType(string scriptType);
		MetaBuilder ContentStyleType(string styleType);
		MetaBuilder ContentType(string contentType);
		MetaBuilder Expires(DateTime expires);
		MetaBuilder PicsLabel(string label);
		MetaBuilder Pragma(bool noCache);
		MetaBuilder Refresh(string refresh);
		MetaBuilder SetCookie(string cookie);
		MetaBuilder WindowTarget(string target);
		MetaBuilder Imagetoolbar(bool yes);

example using:

  @Html.Meta().Author("Me").Keywords("programming developing mvc").Generator("hands")


  public class Js
		static readonly IHtmlString Void = new HtmlString("javascript:void(0)");
		static readonly IHtmlString Back = new HtmlString("javascript:history.back();");

example using

<a href="@Js.Void" onclick="doSomething();">Click me!</a>


public class TimeZoneManager
	static string SessionKey = "TimeZone";

	TimeZoneManager(HttpSessionStateBase session);
	TimeZoneManager(HttpSessionState session);
	TimeZoneManager(TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo);

	TimeZoneInfo Current { get; }

	DateTime Convert(DateTime dateTime);
	DateTimeOffset Convert(DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)
	DateTimeOffset ConvertToOffset(DateTime dateTime)

	DateTime FromUtc(DateTime dateTime);
	DateTime? FromUtc(DateTime? dateTime);
	DateTime ToUtc(DateTime dateTime);
	DateTime? ToUtc(DateTime? dateTime);

	static void SetCurrent(HttpSessionStateBase session, TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo);
	static void SetCurrent(HttpSessionState session, TimeZoneInfo timeZoneInfo);
	static TimeZoneInfo GetCurrent(HttpSessionStateBase session);
	static TimeZoneInfo GetCurrent(HttpSessionState session);


  • NotFoundHttpException()
  • NotFoundHttpException(string message)

have fun ;)


ASP.NET MVC 4 Useful Extensions






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