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Integration library between MUnit and ZIO.


Maven Central

Library published for Scala 3, 2.13, 2.12.


libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %% "munit" % munitVersion % Test
libraryDependencies += "com.github.poslegm" %% "munit-zio" % munitZIOVersion % Test

If you are using a version of sbt lower than 1.5.0, you will also need to add:

testFrameworks += new TestFramework("munit.Framework")

Run tests:

$ sbt
> test
> testOnly com.MySuite

Full MUnit documentation available here.


MUnit integration provided by abstract class ZSuite. It contains testZ function which runs ZIO effect as MUnit test.

Note: ZSuite will throw WrongTestMethodError if you pass ZIO into plain MUnit test method. It prevents non-running effects in tests. Also compiler option -Wvalue-discard is highly recommended for working with effects.

import munit.*
import zio.*

class SimpleZIOSpec extends ZSuite:
  testZ("1 + 1 = 2") {
      a <- ZIO.attempt(1)
      b <- ZIO.attempt(1)
    yield assertEquals(a + b, 2)


You can use any of MUnit assertions in ZIO code, but ZSuite contains helpful ZIO-specific assertions.


Asserts that ZIO[R, E, Boolean] returns true.

testZ("false OR true should be true") {
  val effect = ZIO.succeed(false || true)


Asserts that ZIO[R, E, String] has no difference with expected string. Pretty prints diff unlike just assertEqualsZ.

testZ("strings are the same") {
  val effect = ZIO.succeed("string")
  assertNoDiffZ(effect, "string")

assertEqualsZ (assertNotEqualsZ)

Asserts that ZIO[R, E, A] returns the same result as expected

testZ("values are the same") {
  val effect = ZIO.succeed(42)
  assertEqualsZ(effect, 42)

Failure checking

Extension methods for intercept ZIO's failures or defects.


Asserts that ZIO[R, E, Any] should fail with provided exception E.

testZ("effect should fail") {
  val effect = IllegalArgumentException("BOOM!"))


Asserts that ZIO[R, E, Any] should fail with provided exception E and message message.

testZ("effect should fail with message") {
  val effect = IllegalArgumentException("BOOM!"))


Asserts that ZIO[R, E, Any] should die with provided exception E.

testZ("effect should die") {
  val effect = ZIO.die(new IllegalArgumentException("BOOM!"))

Resource management

Resource management in ZSuite based on Scoped and MUnit fixtures. "Test-local" means that resource will be acquired and released on every testZ execution. "Suite-local" means that resource will be acquired before all testZ executions and released after all testZ executions. Resources from test- and suite-local fixtures can be accessed directly from testZ.

Test-local fixture

You can create test-local fixture from Scoped or raw acquire/release effects.

// define fixture with raw acquire/release effects
// `options` contains metadata about current test like its name
val rawZIOFunFixture = ZTestLocalFixture(options => ZIO.succeed(s"acquired ${}")) {
  str => putStrLn(s"cleanup [$str]").provideLayer(

// use it with `testZ` extension method with resource access
rawZIOFunFixture.testZ("allocate resource with ZIO FunFixture") { str => // <- resource
  val effect = ZIO.attempt(str.trim)
  assertNoDiffZ(effect, "acquired allocate resource with ZIO FunFixture")

// similarly for `Scoped`
val ScopedFunFixture = ZTestLocalFixture { options =>
  ZIO.acquireRelease(ZIO.succeed(s"acquired ${} with Scoped")) { str =>
    printLine(s"cleanup [$str] with Scoped").orDie

ScopedFunFixture.testZ("allocate resource with Scoped FunFixture") { str =>
  val effect = ZIO.attempt(str.trim)
  assertNoDiffZ(effect, "acquired allocate resource with Scoped FunFixture with Scoped")

Suite-local fixture

Suite-local fixture can be created from Scoped and provides synchronous access to its resource.

// dirty example, don't do it in real code
var state   = 0
val fixture = ZSuiteLocalFixture(
  ZIO.acquireRelease(ZIO.attempt { state += 1; state })(_ => ZIO.attempt { state += 1 }.orDie)

// suite-local fixture should be necessarily initialized
override val munitFixtures = Seq(fixture)

test("suite local fixture works") {
  val current: Int = fixture() // <- access resource
  assertEquals(current, 1)

ZLayers providing

You can provide dependencies to your tests with test-local fixture. There is testZLayered extension method for fixtures with ULayer[R] resource. It just provides layers into test body, so ZIO[R, E, A] can be converted to ZIO[Any, E, A] with ULayer[R] fixture.

// accessor methods dependent on some `StatefulRepository` and `Service`:

def clean: URIO[Has[StatefulRepository], Unit] = ZIO.service[StatefulRepository].flatMap(_.clean)
def fetch: RIO[Has[Service], Unit] = ZIO.service[Service].flatMap(_.fetch)
def write: RIO[Has[Service], Unit] = ZIO.service[Service].flatMap(_.write)

// ===========

val layersFixture = ZTestLocalFixture { _ =>
  // wire layers in `Scoped`'s acquire
  ZIO.acquireRelease(ZIO.succeed(StatefulRepository.test >+> Service.test))(layers =>
    // graceful release resources after test execution

layersFixture.testZLayered("auto provide layer") {
  val effect: RIO[Has[Service], Unit] = write *> write *> fetch
  assertEqualsZ(effect, 2) // Has[Service] will be provided from fixture

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