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Ingame Editor

Chris Adderley edited this page Dec 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

There is a fairly comprehensive, if a bit buggy, ingame editor shipped as part of Waterfall. Y

Editor Overview

You can edit effects with the Editor. The workflow is as follows.

  1. Set up your ModuleWaterfallFX block in your part file
  2. Assign Controllers
  3. Launch a ship with the part
  4. Open the ingame editor by clicking on the Waterfall icon

Panel Overview

Here is the layout of the editor ingame:

Controllers Panel

The controllers panel lets you override control so you can preview your effects

  • Link to Editor

Export Panel

The Export panel lets you dump config effects to the clipboard so you can paste them back into your files

Template Panel

Module Panel

Effect Panel

Material Editor

Modifier Panel

Modifier Editor