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Validsl - type-safe and extensible DSL to validate Kotlin objects

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Getting started


dependencies {



Main purpose is validation depending on context

fun processPerson(person: Person?) {
    validate(person) {
        value { notNull() }
        properties {
            validate(Person::name) {
                value { hasLengthIn(3..20) and matchPattern("<someNamePattern>") }
            validate(Person::phoneNumbers) {
                value { notEmptyCollection() }
                elements {
                    value { matchPattern("<somePhonePattern>") }
            validate(Person::familyMap) {
                value { notEmptyMap() }
                keys {
                    value { isOneOf("Mother", "Father", "Sister", "Brother") }
                values {
                    value { matchPattern("<someNamePattern>") }
    } fail {
        throw BusinessException(value, faults)

    // main logic

But you can use it as default context independent validation

data class Person(
    val name: String,
    val phoneNumbers: List<String>,
    val familyMap: Map<String, String>
) {
    init {
        validate(this) {
            value { notNull() }
            properties {
                validate(Person::name) {
                    value { hasLengthIn(3..20) and matchPattern("<someNamePattern>") }
                validate(Person::phoneNumbers) {
                    value { notEmptyCollection() }
                    elements {
                        value { matchPattern("<somePhonePattern>") }
                validate(Person::familyMap) {
                    value { notEmptyMap() }
                    keys {
                        value { isOneOf("Mother", "Father", "Sister", "Brother") }
                    values {
                        value { matchPattern("<someNamePattern>") }
        } fail {
            throw BusinessException(value, faults)

Base validation code looks like

val value: String // assignment

validate(value) {
    value {
        match { it == "something" } description "Must be equal to something"
} success {
    // do something if validation result is success
} fail {
    // do something if validation result is fail

If value not equal to "something" fail block will execute. Inside fail block you have access to value property that contains actual validated value, and faults property that is list of validation faults with 3 properties: path - path to property, which failed validation, description - constraint description you defined above, value - actual value of property, which failed validation

Already simple and beautiful, but could be better

You can define aliases for frequent constraints according to convention:

Aliases starting with `is` specifies that `value` must not be `null`, except `isNull()`
    other aliases specifies that `null` `value` will pass validation
All aliases must return `ru.potatophobe.validsl.MatchAlias` object to support multiple aliases on one line using `and`
    Example: `{ notNull() and hasLength(10) }`
fun <T> ValueScope<T>.isEqualTo(value: T & Any) = matchAlias {
    match { it == value } description "Must be equal to $value"

and now validation code looks better

val value: String // assignment

validate(value) {
    value {
} success {
    // do something if validation result is success
} fail {
    // do something if validation result is fail

Most frequent constraints already have aliases

 * Specifies that validated value must be null
 * */
fun ValueScope<*>.isNull() = matchAlias {
        match { it == null } description "Must be null"

 * Specifies that validated value must not be null
 * */
fun ValueScope<*>.isNotNull() = matchAlias {
    match { it != null } description "Must not be null"

 * Specifies that validated value must not be null and be equal to provided value
 * */
fun <T> ValueScope<T>.isEqualTo(value: T & Any) = matchAlias {
    match { it == value } description "Must be equal to $value"

 * Specifies that validated value must not be null and be equal to one of provided values
 * */
fun <T> ValueScope<T>.isOneOf(vararg values: T & Any) = matchAlias {
    match { values.contains(it) } description "Must be one of $values"

full list in ru.potatophobe.validsl.MatchAliases.kt

Also, you can validate object properties

data class Something(
    val property: String

val value: Something // assignment

validate(value) {
    properties { // object properties validation definition
        validate(Something::property) {
            value { isEqualTo("something") }
} success {
    // do something if validation result is success
} fail {
    // do something if validation result is fail

And elements if it is Iterable

data class Something(
    val properties: List<String>

val value: Something // assignment

validate(value) {
    properties {
        validate(Something::properties) {
            elements { // object elements validation definition
                value { isEqualTo("something") }
} success {
    // do something if validation result is success
} fail {
    // do something if validation result is fail

Same for entries, keys and values if it is a Map

data class Something(
    val propertiesMap: Map<String, String>

val value: Something // assignment

validate(value) {
    properties {
        validate(Something::propertiesMap) {
            entries {
                value { mapsKey("key" to "value") }
            keys { // object keys validation definition
                value { isEqualTo("something") }
            values { // object values validation definition
                value { isEqualTo("something else") }
} success {
    // do something if validation result is success
} fail {
    // do something if validation result is fail

Try it yourself