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Supplemental codes and data for the PanomiR paper.

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This page contains the companion code to the paper: “PanomiR: A systems biology framework for analysis of multi-pathway targeting by miRNAs.” Here, you can find instructions for reproducing the results and the figures.

For information and full instructions about PanomiR R-package please refer to its Github repository or the Bioconductor directory of PanomiR

If you use PanomiR for your research, please cite PanomiR’s manuscript (Naderi Yeganeh et al. 2022). Please send any questions/suggestions you may have to pnaderiy [at] bidmc [dot] harvard [dot] edu or submit Github issues at

Naderi Yeganeh, Pourya, Yue Yang Teo, Dimitra Karagkouni, Yered Pita-Juarez, Sarah L. Morgan, Ioannis S. Vlachos, and Winston Hide. “PanomiR: A systems biology framework for analysis of multi-pathway targeting by miRNAs.” bioRxiv (2022). doi:

Set up and Installation

PanomiR can be accessed via Bioconductor. To install, start R (version > 4.2.0) and run the following code.

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


You can also install the latest development version of PanomiR using GitHub.


Related files are provided in the `data/ folder.

Methods overview

PanomiR is a pipeline to prioritize disease-associated miRNAs based on activity of disease-associated pathways. The input datasets for PanomiR are (a) a gene expression disease dataset along with covariates, (b) a background collection of pathways/genesets, and (c) a collection of miRNAs containing gene targets.

The general workflow of PanomiR is (a) generation of pathway summary statistics from gene expression data, (b) detection of differentially activated pathways, (c) finding coherent groups, or clusters, of differentially activated pathways, and (d) detecting miRNAs targeting each group of pathways.

Identification of dysregulated pathways

The function differentialPathwayAnalysis() detects dysregulated pathways by comparing pathway activity profiles in specified experimental conditions. We have identified dysregulated liver cancer pathways from the liver hepatocellular carcinoma dataset of The Cancer Genome Atlas (Ally et al. 2017). Pathway activity profiles were generated on the canonical pathways collection from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB V6.2) (Liberzon et al. 2011). Pathway activity profiles are based on an extention of a framework previously descrined in Pathpring and PCxN techniques (Altschuler et al. 2013; Joachim et al. 2018; Pita-Juárez et al. 2018). microRNA-pathway scores are derived from annotated miRNA-mRNA interactions in TarBase V8 database (Karagkouni et al. 2018).

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'cowplot'

## The following object is masked from 'package:patchwork':
##     align_plots

# preprocessed MSigDB pathways; Collection of all pathways. 
pathways <- path_gene_table

# TCGA gene expression dataset. 
genes.counts <- TCGA_LIHC

# TCGA gene expression dataset covariates. 
covariates <- COV_TCGA_LIHC

condition  <- 'shortLetterCode'

output0 <- PanomiR::differentialPathwayAnalysis(geneCounts = genes.counts,
                                        pathways = pathways,
                                        covariates = covariates,
                                        condition = 'shortLetterCode',

# Dysregylated pathways
##                                                           logFC   AveExpr
## Pathway.REACTOME_NUCLEAR_SIGNALING_BY_ERBB4          -0.4006321 -0.708800
## Pathway.KEGG_JAK_STAT_SIGNALING_PATHWAY              -0.3663317 -1.076826
## Pathway.REACTOME_CLASS_A1_RHODOPSIN_LIKE_RECEPTORS   -0.4057902 -2.098614
## Pathway.REACTOME_GPCR_LIGAND_BINDING                 -0.3692202 -1.998562
## Pathway.REACTOME_HDL_MEDIATED_LIPID_TRANSPORT        -0.9826705  1.460851
##                                                              t      P.Value
## Pathway.REACTOME_NUCLEAR_SIGNALING_BY_ERBB4          -13.26122 1.633566e-33
## Pathway.KEGG_JAK_STAT_SIGNALING_PATHWAY              -12.58752 7.847204e-31
## Pathway.REACTOME_CLASS_A1_RHODOPSIN_LIKE_RECEPTORS   -12.30811 9.768330e-30
## Pathway.REACTOME_GPCR_LIGAND_BINDING                 -12.24499 1.720745e-29
## Pathway.REACTOME_HDL_MEDIATED_LIPID_TRANSPORT        -11.89976 3.721198e-28

Figure 3

top.paths <- rownames(output0$DEP[1:6,])

path.residuals <- output0$PathwayResiduals
path.residuals <- path.residuals[top.paths,]
path.residuals <- t(path.residuals)

path.residuals          <- reshape2::melt(path.residuals)
names(path.residuals)   <- c("barcode","Pathway","Expression")
path.residuals          <- dplyr::left_join(path.residuals,covariates)
## Joining, by = "barcode"
path.residuals$Pathway  <- gsub("Pathway.","",path.residuals$Pathway)
path.residuals$Pathway  <- gsub("^([A-Z]*)_","\\1: ",path.residuals$Pathway)
path.residuals$Pathway  <- gsub("_"," ",path.residuals$Pathway)

ggplot(data = path.residuals, aes(x=shortLetterCode, y=Expression)) + 
    geom_boxplot(aes(fill=shortLetterCode)) +
    facet_wrap( ~ Pathway, scales="free", ncol = 2) + 
    labs(fill = "Tissue type") +
    ylab("Pathway Activity") +
    theme_bw(base_size = 20) + 
    theme(strip.text = element_text(size=11),
          legend.position = "none")+

The following snippet generates principal component of pathway activity profiles from Figure 3.

pathwaySummaryStats <- <- output0$PathwayResiduals))
pca_res <- prcomp(pathwaySummaryStats, scale. = TRUE)

autoplot(pca_res, data = covariates, colour = 'shortLetterCode')

Figure 4

the function generates a network plot in a directory called Figures under designated output directory. In this case, the root directory.

# using an updated version of pcxn 

pathwayClustsLIHC <- mappingPathwaysClusters(
                            pcxn = pcxn, 
                            dePathways = output0$DEP[1:300,],
                            topPathways = 200,
                            plot = T,
                            subplot = FALSE,
                            clusteringFunction = "cluster_louvain",
                            correlationCutOff = 0.1)



The supplementary tables and the background data required for generating this figure are provided under the data directory.

enriches  <- readRDS("data/LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_Experimental.RDS")
enriches  <- unique(enriches[,c("x","mirset_Size")])
enriches0 <- read.csv("data/Prioritization/cluster_louvain_Prioritization_Tarbase/x2_LIHCGene_Tarbase1000_samples_clustNo_1.csv")

plotCorPanels <- function(enriches, enriches0, ylims = 200){
    enriches2  <- left_join(enriches0,enriches)
    enriches3 <- enriches2#[enriches2$AggInv_fdr <1,]
    cor1 <- cor.test(log2(enriches3$mirset_Size),
                     -log2(enriches3$aggInv_pval),method = "spearman")
    cor2 <- cor.test(log2(enriches2$mirset_Size),
                     enriches2$cluster_hits,method = "spearman")
    cor3 <- cor.test(log2(enriches2$mirset_Size),
                     -log2(enriches3$sumz_pval),method = "spearman")
    cor4 <- cor.test(log2(enriches2$mirset_Size),
                     -log2(enriches3$sumlog_pval),method = "spearman")
    enriches3 <- enriches2#[enriches2$AggInv_fdr <0.01,]
    p1 <- ggplot(enriches3,aes(log2(mirset_Size),-log2(aggInv_pval))) +
        geom_point(size = 2.5, alpha=0.4) + 
        theme_bw() +
        xlab("log(Number of miRNA targets)")+
        ylab(paste0( "- log(PanomiR p-value)")) +
        labs(title = paste0("PanomiR"))+
        theme(plot.title = element_text(size=20, hjust = 0.5),
              axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",size = 10, angle = 0,
                                         vjust = 1,hjust = 1),
              axis.text.y =  element_text(size = 14),
              strip.text = element_text(size = 10,angle = 90),
              legend.position = "none")+
        annotate("text", x = 5, y = 0.75* ylims, hjust = 0,
                 label = paste0("Correlation == ", signif(cor1$estimate,2) ),
                 parse = T,
                 size  = 4)
    p2 <- ggplot(enriches3,aes(log2(mirset_Size),(cluster_hits))) +
        geom_point(size = 2.5, alpha=0.4) + 
        theme_bw() +
        xlab("log(Number of miRNA target)")+
        ylab(paste0( "Number of enriched Pathways")) +
        labs(title = paste0("Enrichment"))+
        theme(plot.title = element_text(size=20, hjust = 0.5),
              axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",size = 10, angle = 0,
                                         vjust = 1,hjust = 1),
              axis.text.y =  element_text(size = 14),
              strip.text = element_text(size = 10,angle = 90),
              legend.position = "none")+
        annotate("text", x = 5, y = 30, hjust = 0,
                 label = paste0("Correlation == ", signif(cor2$estimate,2) ),
                 parse = T,
                 size  = 4)
    p3 <- ggplot(enriches3,aes(log2(mirset_Size),-log2(sumz_pval))) +
        geom_point(size = 2.5, alpha=0.4) + 
        theme_bw() +
        xlab("log(Number of miRNA target)")+
        ylab(paste0( "- log(Stouffer's p-value)")) +
        labs(title = paste0("Stouffer's method"))+
        theme(plot.title = element_text(size=20, hjust = 0.5),
              axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",size = 10, angle = 0,
                                         vjust = 1,hjust = 1),
              axis.text.y =  element_text(size = 14),
              strip.text = element_text(size = 10,angle = 90),
              legend.position = "none")+
        annotate("text", x = 5, y = 0.75 * ylims , hjust = 0,
                 label = paste0("Correlation == ", signif(cor3$estimate,2) ),
                 parse = T,
                 size  = 4)
    p4 <- ggplot(enriches3,aes(log2(mirset_Size),-log2(sumlog_pval))) +
        geom_point(size = 2.5, alpha=0.4) + 
        theme_bw() +
        xlab("log(Number of miRNA target)")+
        ylab(paste0( "- log(Fisher's p-value)")) +
        labs(title = paste0("Fisher's method"))+
        theme(plot.title = element_text(size=20, hjust = 0.5),
              axis.text.x = element_text(face = "bold",size = 10, angle = 0,
                                         vjust = 1,hjust = 1),
              axis.text.y =  element_text(size = 14),
              strip.text = element_text(size = 10,angle = 90),
              legend.position = "none")+
        annotate("text", x = 5, y = 0.75 * ylims, hjust = 0,
                 label = paste0("Correlation == ", signif(cor4$estimate,2) ),
                 parse = T,
                 size  = 4)
    p_tot <- (p1 + p2)/(p3 + p4)

enriches0 <- read.csv("data/Prioritization/cluster_louvain_Prioritization_Tarbase/x2_LIHCGene_Tarbase1000_samples_clustNo_1.csv")
clust1_plot <- plotCorPanels(enriches, enriches0)
## Joining, by = "x"

## Warning in cor.test.default(log2(enriches3$mirset_Size),
## -log2(enriches3$aggInv_pval), : Cannot compute exact p-value with ties

## Warning in cor.test.default(log2(enriches2$mirset_Size),
## enriches2$cluster_hits, : Cannot compute exact p-value with ties

## Warning in cor.test.default(log2(enriches2$mirset_Size),
## -log2(enriches3$sumz_pval), : Cannot compute exact p-value with ties

## Warning in cor.test.default(log2(enriches2$mirset_Size),
## -log2(enriches3$sumlog_pval), : Cannot compute exact p-value with ties
clust1_plot +
    plot_annotation(title = 'Correlation of miRNA prioritzation and the number of gene targets',       
                    tag_levels = "A",
                    theme = theme(plot.title   = element_text(size = 20, hjust = 0.5))
                    ) & theme(plot.tag = element_text(size = 20))
## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
## Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

Supplementary figure 1

Gene-based permutation of pathways has been pre-processed and provided in the corresponding file under the data directory.

all_ps <- readRDS("data/permutation_shuffle_genes_1000.RDS")
all_ps$average  <- apply(all_ps, 1, mean)
all_ps$observed <- output0$DEP$adj.P.Val


all_ps2 <- reshape2::melt(all_ps)
## No id variables; using all as measure variables
all_ps2$dataset <- "sampled"
all_ps2[all_ps2$variable == "observed",]$dataset <- "observed"
all_ps2[all_ps2$variable == "average",]$dataset <- "average"

all_ps2$dataset <- factor(all_ps2$dataset)

ggplot(all_ps2, aes(x=value, color=dataset,
                    group=variable, alpha = dataset)) +
  stat_ecdf(data = all_ps2, size = .5) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 20) +
  theme(panel.grid=element_blank()) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("#d8b365", "#e34a33", "#636363" )) +
  scale_alpha_discrete(range = c(0.9, 0.9, 0.2)) + 
             linetype = "dashed") 
## Warning: Using alpha for a discrete variable is not advised.

Supplementary Figure 2

## Attaching package: 'igraph'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     as_data_frame, groups, union

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     decompose, spectrum

## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
##     union

pathway.clusters <- list()
func <- "cluster_louvain"
for(n_paths in c(150,200,250,300,350,400,450)){
  temp.clusters <- PanomiR::mappingPathwaysClusters(pcxn = pcxn, 
                                           dePathways = output0$DEP[1:500,],
                                           outDir =".",
                                           subplot =  F, 
                                           topPathways =  n_paths,
                                           prefix = "",
                                           correlationCutOff  = 0.1,
                                           clusteringFunction = func,
                                           saveNameCSV  = NULL)
  paths.out  <- V(temp.clusters$DE_PCXN)$name
  paths.out  <-"Pathway" =paths.out,"cluster"=V(temp.clusters$DE_PCXN)$cluster))
  paths.out$method        <- func
  paths.out$n_paths       <- n_paths
  pathway.clusters[[n_paths]] <- paths.out
  print(paste0("Done ", n_paths))
## [1] "Done 150"

## [1] "Done 200"

## [1] "Done 250"

## [1] "Done 300"

## [1] "Done 350"

## [1] "Done 400"

## [1] "Done 450"
path.reps <- Reduce(rbind,pathway.clusters)

path.reps$tag <- paste0(path.reps$cluster,"_",path.reps$n_paths)
path.reps     <- path.reps[path.reps$cluster %in% 1:3,]

tagz <- unique(path.reps$tag)

tagz.mat <- matrix(0, length(tagz), length(tagz))
rownames(tagz.mat) <- colnames(tagz.mat) <- tagz

jaccard.ind <- function(set1,set2){
  uns <- length(union(set1,set2))
  ovr <- length(intersect(set1,set2))
  jac <- ovr/uns

for(set1 in tagz){
  for(set2 in tagz){
    set1.paths <- path.reps[path.reps$tag == set1,]$Pathway
    set2.paths <- path.reps[path.reps$tag == set2,]$Pathway
    tagz.mat[set1,set2] <- jaccard.ind(set1.paths,set2.paths)


                   treeheight_row = 0,
                   treeheight_col = 0,

Supplemental Figures 3 and 4

The following chunk is computing intensive. The output is provided in the next chunk.

  func_list <- c("cluster_louvain")

  pathway.clusters0 <- PanomiR::mappingPathwaysClusters(pcxn = pcxn,
                                                       dePathways = de.paths[1:300,],
                                                       outDir =  "../test_cases/LIHC2/Data2/",
                                                       subplot =  F, 
                                                       clusteringFunction = func_list[1],
                                                       correlationCutOff =  0.1,)
  for(func in func_list){
    top.clusters <- pathway.clusters0
    enriches0    <- readRDS(paste0(data.dir,"LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_Tarbase.RDS"))
    print(paste0("performing: ", func))
    output2 <- PanomiR::prioritizeMicroRNA(enriches0 = enriches0,
                                           pathClust =  top.clusters$Clustering, 
                                           outDir    = paste0("../test_cases/LIHC2/Output2/",func,
                                           dataDir   = "../test_cases/LIHC2/Data2",
                                           sampRate = 10000,
                                           prefix = paste0('x2_LIHCGene_',"Tarbase"), 
                                           saveJackKnife = F, 
                                           saveCSV  = T, 
                                           numCores = 8, 
                                           topClust = 3)
enriches0  <- readRDS("data/LIHCGenesLIHCMirsENRICHMENT_Experimental.RDS")
enriches01 <- read.csv("data/Prioritization/cluster_louvain_Prioritization_Tarbase/x2_LIHCGene_Tarbase1000_samples_clustNo_1.csv")

  mir_order <- (enriches0) |> arrange(x)
  mir_order  <- unique(mir_order$x)
  temptemp <- enriches01[order(enriches01$x),]
  clust1_10 <- readRDS("data/x2_LIHC_AggInv_10k_permutations.RDS")
  temptemp$Bootstrap <- (rowSums(clust1_10 >= temptemp$aggInv_cover))/10000

## [1] 0.9999863
   ggplot(data = temptemp, aes(x = aggInv_pval, y =aggInv_pval_jk)) +
    geom_point() + 
    labs(x= "Estimated p-value", y = "Bootstrapped p-value")

## Saving 7 x 5 in image
  ggplot(data = temptemp, aes(x = aggInv_pval, y =Bootstrap)) +
    geom_point() + 
    labs(x= "Estimated p-value", y = "Bootstrapped p-value")

## Saving 7 x 5 in image

Session info

## R Under development (unstable) (2021-12-03 r81290)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur/Monterey 10.16
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] igraph_1.2.11    ggfortify_0.4.14 cowplot_1.1.1    patchwork_1.1.1 
## [5] dplyr_1.0.7      ggplot2_3.3.5    reshape2_1.4.4   PanomiR_0.99.8  
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] tidyselect_1.1.1   xfun_0.29          purrr_0.3.4        colorspace_2.0-2  
##  [5] vctrs_0.4.1        generics_0.1.1     htmltools_0.5.2    yaml_2.2.1        
##  [9] utf8_1.2.2         rlang_1.0.4        pillar_1.8.0       glue_1.6.2        
## [13] withr_2.4.3        DBI_1.1.2          RColorBrewer_1.1-2 lifecycle_1.0.1   
## [17] plyr_1.8.6         stringr_1.4.0      munsell_0.5.0      gtable_0.3.0      
## [21] evaluate_0.14      labeling_0.4.2     knitr_1.37         forcats_0.5.1     
## [25] fastmap_1.1.0      fansi_0.5.0        highr_0.9          Rcpp_1.0.7        
## [29] scales_1.1.1       limma_3.51.2       farver_2.1.0       gridExtra_2.3     
## [33] digest_0.6.29      stringi_1.7.6      grid_4.2.0         cli_3.3.0         
## [37] tools_4.2.0        magrittr_2.0.1     tibble_3.1.7       crayon_1.4.2      
## [41] tidyr_1.1.4        pkgconfig_2.0.3    ellipsis_0.3.2     pheatmap_1.0.12   
## [45] assertthat_0.2.1   rmarkdown_2.11     rstudioapi_0.13    R6_2.5.1          
## [49] compiler_4.2.0


Ally, Adrian, Miruna Balasundaram, Rebecca Carlsen, Eric Chuah, Amanda Clarke, Noreen Dhalla, Robert A Holt, et al. 2017. “Comprehensive and Integrative Genomic Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.” Cell 169 (7): 1327–41.

Altschuler, Gabriel M, Oliver Hofmann, Irina Kalatskaya, Rebecca Payne, Shannan J Ho Sui, Uma Saxena, Andrei V Krivtsov, et al. 2013. “Pathprinting: An Integrative Approach to Understand the Functional Basis of Disease.” Genome Medicine 5 (7): 1–13.

Joachim, Rose B, Gabriel M Altschuler, John N Hutchinson, Hector R Wong, Winston A Hide, and Lester Kobzik. 2018. “The Relative Resistance of Children to Sepsis Mortality: From Pathways to Drug Candidates.” Molecular Systems Biology 14 (5): e7998.

Karagkouni, Dimitra, Maria D Paraskevopoulou, Serafeim Chatzopoulos, Ioannis S Vlachos, Spyros Tastsoglou, Ilias Kanellos, Dimitris Papadimitriou, et al. 2018. “DIANA-TarBase V8: A Decade-Long Collection of Experimentally Supported miRNA–Gene Interactions.” Nucleic Acids Research 46 (D1): D239–45.

Liberzon, Arthur, Aravind Subramanian, Reid Pinchback, Helga Thorvaldsdóttir, Pablo Tamayo, and Jill P Mesirov. 2011. “Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) 3.0.” Bioinformatics 27 (12): 1739–40.

Naderi Yeganeh, Pourya, Yue Yang Teo, Dimitra Karagkouni, Yered Pita-Juarez, Sarah L Morgan, Ioannis S Vlachos, and Winston Hide. 2022. “PanomiR: A Systems Biology Framework for Analysis of Multi-Pathway Targeting by miRNAs.” bioRxiv.

Pita-Juárez, Yered, Gabriel Altschuler, Sokratis Kariotis, Wenbin Wei, Katjuša Koler, Claire Green, Rudolph E Tanzi, and Winston Hide. 2018. “The Pathway Coexpression Network: Revealing Pathway Relationships.” PLoS Computational Biology 14 (3): e1006042.


Supplemental codes and data for the PanomiR paper.






No releases published


No packages published
