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128 lines (104 loc) · 4.78 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (104 loc) · 4.78 KB

Upgrade to 0.8

View and Entity URL customization

Arguments for the anonymous function of the entity url customisation were changed.

- nga.entity('comments').url(function(view, entityId) {
-     return '/comments/' + + '/' + entityId;
+ nga.entity('comments').url(function(entityName, viewType, identifierValue, identifierName) {
+     return '/comments/' + entityName + '_' + viewType + '/' + identifierValue;

Field Identifier

The Field.identifier(true) does not exist anymore. Instead, you must specify the identifier in the associated entity.

- nga.field('id').identifier(true)
+ entity.identifier(nga.field('id'))

dashboardView() is deprecated, use admin.dashboard() instead

To let developers customize the admin dashboard at will, ng-admin 0.8 decouples the dashboard data and presentation. You can setup the dashboard datasources and template on a new member of the admin class, dashboard():

    .addCollection(name, collection)
    .addCollection(name, collection)
    .addCollection(name, collection)

This is the preferred way to customize dashboard panel position, title, and to customize the fields displayed in each panel. Configure a collection just like you would like to configure a listView. For instance:

    .addCollection('posts', nga.collection(post)
        .title('Recent posts')
        .perPage(5) // limit the panel to the 5 latest posts
    .addCollection('comments', nga.collection(comment)
        .title('Last comments')
            nga.field('body', 'wysiwyg').label('Comment').stripTags(true).map(truncate),
            nga.field(null, 'template').label('').template('<post-link entry="entry"></post-link>') // you can use custom directives, too
    .addCollection('tags', nga.collection(tag)
        .title('Recent tags')
            nga.field('published', 'boolean').label('Is published ?')

See the Dashboard Configuration dedicated chapter for more details.

Calls to dashboardView() are still supported in ng-admin 0.8, but will raise an error in future versions. callbacks no longer apply to POST and PUT queries

Registering a transformation callback using used to be applied both ways: from the REST response to the Entry object used by ng-admin (in read queries using GET), and from the Entry object to the body of the REST requests (for write queries using POST and PUT). This didn't make sense, and prevented a proper use of this map() feature in the edition and creation view.

Now map() only applies to read queries, and a symmetric feature called transform() was added to handle the transformation of ng-admin values from forms to REST requests.

//   API
//   map()  v  ^  tranform()
//          Entry︎
// The API provides and expects last names in all caps, e.g. 'DOE'
// The admin should display them with capitalized last names, e.g 'Doe'
    .map(function capitalize(value, entry) {
        return value.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + value.substr(1).toLowerCase()
    .transform(function allCaps(value, entry) {
        // the API expects upper case last names
        return value.toUpperCase();

ReferenceField.filters() has been renamed to ReferenceField.permanentFilters()

When displaying a reference widget in the edition view, you can filter the list of possible values displayed in the dropdown using the filters() function. In 0.8, this function has been renamed to permanentFilters():

    nga.field('post_id', 'reference')
-         .filters({ published: true })
+         .permanentFilters({ published: true })

Just like the previous filters() feature, permanentFilters() also accepts a function, receiving the string typed by the user in the autocomplete field:

    nga.field('post_id', 'reference')
-       .filters(function(search) {
+       .permanentFilters(function(search) {
            return search ? { q: search } : null;

filters() will remain available until the next version, although it logs a deprecation warning in the console.

Tip: permanentFilters() now also works on the listView, which allows you to define a pre-filtered datagrid.