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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 8, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Discord.js Bot Template

This repository is deprecated and will not receive any further updates for the time being.
It will be replaced by ppauel/typescript-discord-bot, which is based on TypeScript. Nevertheless I am happy about everyone who used this repository! ❤️


Create a new file called .env and insert your bot token as shown in the .env.example file. After that you specify the guild id of the server you want to use for guild commands in the config.json file. To install all required packages, run npm i in the bot's root directory. Now you can start the bot by running node . or use it with PM2.


  • Slash Command / Context Menu Handler (Guild and Global)
  • Interaction Handler (Buttons, Select Menus, Modals)
  • Event Handler
  • Examples and Templates