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AppDynamics Kubernetes Snapshot Extension

Use Case

The extension monitors events and the state of Kubernetes or OpenShift clusters, records attributes of resources: pods, endpoints, daemon sets, replica sets, deployments and nodes. The data is received via Kubernetes API at a configurable interval and is sent to the AppDynamics Analytics Events API. Metrics are automatically created and stored under a desired Application Tier. Metrics can be viewed in the Metrics Browser under Application -> Metric Browser -> Application Infrastructure Performance -> Tier Name -> Custom Metrics -> Cluster Stats.

Sample Dashboard The extension aggregates metrics at the cluster level with further categorization by node and namespace.

If you want to monitor events only, use Kubernetes Events Extension. If you are interested in automated metric collection for events and other cluster resources, this extensions is self-sufficient. The event collection is enabled by default.

The extension automatically creates the dashboard below. The first attempt to create the dashboard is made after the number of seconds defined in the dashboardCheckInterval setting has passed since the first run of the extension.

The Default Dashboard

Other specialized dashboards with the metrics collected can be built in AppDynamics -> Dashboards & Reports.

For each exposed metric, a named ADQL query is created by the extension along with the dashboard. Double-clicking on a dashboard widget will open the corresponding query. These automatically created queries can also be accessed under Analytics -> Searches. The search names are built in the following format:

<Cluster Name. Metric Name>


  • This extension requires the Java Machine Agent.
  • The AppDynamics platform needs the Events Service set up.
  • REST API credentials. The account can be created under Administration -> Users. The user account must have rights to create dashboards and saved searches.
  • You will need one or more Transaction Analytics/APM Peak licenses to consume the raw data. Viewing metrics and the dashboard does not require PEAK licenses.
  • The number of collected metrics depends on the size of the cluster in terms of namespaces/projects and nodes. It may be necessary to increase the threshold for metric ingestion in the machine agent configuration:

The current metric collection rate is:

  • Cluster-specific: 52
  • Node-specific: 15
  • Namespace-specific: 39


Either Download the Extension from the latest Github release or Build from Source.

  1. Deploy the KubernetesSnapshotExtension-<VERSION>.zip file into the <machine agent home>/monitors directory.

> unzip KubernetesSnapshotExtension-<VERSION>.zip -d <machine agent home>/monitors/

  1. Set up config.yml.

Required settings

  # Path to your kubectl client configuration. A typical location is "$HOME/.kube/config",
  # but it may differ on your machine

  # Name of the application. It can be an existing application or a new application.
  # All collected metrics will be associated with it
  # The extension will first look for APPLICATION_NAME environmental variable.
  # The application name in the machine agent configuration must match this value
  appName: "Cluster-01"

  # Name of the tier where metrics will be stored. The tier will be associated
  # with the application configured earlier
  # The extension will first look for TIER_NAME environmental variable.
  # The tier name in the machine agent configuration must match this value.
  appTierName: "ClusterAgent"

  # Events API Key obtained from AppDynamics --> Analytics --> Configuration API Keys --> Add
  # The API Key you create needs to be able to Manage and Publish Custom Analytics Events
  # EVENT_ACCESS_KEY environmental variable can be used to populate the field
  eventsApiKey: ""

  # Global Account Name obtained from
  # AppDynamics --> Settings --> License --> Accounts --> Global Account Name
  # **GLOBAL_ACCOUNT_NAME** environmental variable can be used to populate the field
  accountName: ""

  # REST API credentials. The account must have rights to login, create dashboards and saved searches
  # REST_API_CREDENTIALS environmental variable can be used to populate the field
  controllerAPIUser: ""

  # Controller URL to access REST API
  controllerUrl: ""

  # Absolute path to the json template for the default dashboard
  dashboardTemplatePath: "<full path>/monitors/KubernetesSnapshotExtension/templates/k8s_dashboard_template.json"

Note: node name parameters -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName and -Dappdynamics.agent.nodeName must be defined for the machine agent startup, as shown in the example start-up script below.

When running MA with this extension in Kubernetes, do not deploy as Daemon Set. Make it a 1 replica Deployment. Set apiMode config variable to cluster

Optional settings:

# List of resources that will be monitored. Comment out individual items to exclude
#from monitoring
- type: "pod"
- type: "node"
- type: "deployment"
- type: "daemon"
- type: "replica"
- type: "event"
- type: "endpoint"

# Dashboard name suffix
dashboardNameSuffix: "SUMMARY"

# Time in seconds between the checks if the default dashboard needs to be recreated
dashboardCheckInterval: "600"

# Number of records in a batch posted to AppD events API
batchSize: "100"

# Events Service Endpoint. These Default settings are for SaaS Users. Change if you are on Premise
eventsUrl: ""

# Name of the Pod  schema
podsSchemaName: "k8s_pod_snapshots"

# Name of the Node schema
podsSecuritySchemaName: "k8_node_snapshots"

# Name of the Deployment  schema
deploySchemaName: "k8s_deploy_snapshots"

# Name of the Daemon Set  schema
daemonSchemaName: "k8s_daemon_snapshots"

# Name of the Replica Set  schema
rsSchemaName: "k8s_rs_snapshots"

# Name of the EndPoint  schema
endpointSchemaName: "k8s_endpoint_snapshots"

# Name of the Events  schema
 eventsSchemaName: "k8s_events"

  1. Configure frequency of updates in monitor.xml:
  1. Restart the Machine Agent

A sample startup script for the machine agent with an elevated metrics threshold:

SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.controller.port=${CONTROLLER_PORT}"
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.applicationName=${APPLICATION_NAME}" # must match the appName configuration value
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName=${TIER_NAME}"  # must must match the appTierName configuration value
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.nodeName=${TIER_NAME}_node1"  # must be defined for the metrics to be accepted
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.accountName=${ACCOUNT_NAME}"
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.accountAccessKey=${ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY}"
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.uniqueHostId=Master-${APPLICATION_NAME}"
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.controller.ssl.enabled=true"
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.sim.enabled=true"
SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dappdynamics.agent.maxMetrics=2000"
#SVM_PROPERTIES+=" -Dmetric.http.listener=true"

./bin/machine-agent ${SVM_PROPERTIES} -d -p ./pid.txt


  1. Stop the machine agent
  2. Delete the existing default dashboard and the automatically generated searches in Analytics. They will be re-created by the extension.
  3. Deploy the new version of the extension as described in the Installation section.

Build from Source

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run mvn -DskipTests clean install
  3. The KubernetesSnapshotExtension-<VERSION>.zip file can be found in the target directory

Directory Structure

Directory/File Description
src/main/resources/conf Contains monitor.xml and config.yml
src/main/resources/templates Contains the default dashboard template k8s_dashboard_template.json
src/main/java Contains source code for the Kubernetes Snapshot extension
src/test/java Contains test code for the Kubernetes Snapshot extension
target Only obtained when using maven. Run 'maven clean install' to get the distributable .zip file.
pom.xml maven build script to package the project (required only if changing Java code)


Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly via GitHub.


  1. Verify Machine Agent Data: Please start the Machine Agent without the extension and make sure that it reports data. Verify that the machine agent status is UP and it is reporting Hardware Metrics.
  2. config.yml: Validate the file here
  3. Check Logs: There could be some obvious errors in the machine agent logs. Please take a look.
  4. The config cannot be null error. This usually happens when on a windows machine in monitor.xml you give config.yaml file path with linux file path separator /. Use Windows file path separator ** e.g. monitors\Monitor\config.yaml. For Windows, please specify the complete path
  5. Collect Debug Logs: Edit the file, /conf/logging/log4j.xml and update the level of the appender com.appdynamics and com.singularity to debug. Let it run for 5-10 minutes and attach the logs to a support ticket.


This extension is provided as a beta feature: it is our intention to incorporate this into the AppDynamics Platform to provide additional integration with our APM and Business iQ products. AppDynamics reserves the right to change beta features at any time before making them generally available as well as never making them generally available. Any buying decisions should be made based on features and products that are currently generally available.

For any questions, please contact AppDynamics Center of Excellence.


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