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BloggersUnity is a web application that allows users to create and publish blog posts.

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BloggersUnity is a web application that allows users to create and publish blog posts. It's built with Django and offers features like user authentication, creating, editing, and deleting posts.


  • User authentication (signup, login, and logout)
  • Create and publish blog posts
  • Edit and delete your own posts
  • View and browse posts by category
  • User profile with avatar and contact information
  • ...

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up a local development environment.

Step 01: Run Locally

  1. Prerequisites

    • Be using Linux, WSL or MacOS, with bash, make etc.
    • Python 3.x - for running locally, linting, running tests etc.
    • ...
  2. Installation

    Clone the project to any directory where you do development work.

    git clone
    cd BloggersUnity
    make venv
    make install
    make makemigrations
    make migrate
    make run

Step 02: Create Docker Image and Run Docker Container

  • Follow the Docker official documentation for Docker Installation.
  • You can find the installation guide source here.

Step 03: Create CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins

Step 04: Deploy to Minikube Cluster

Step 05: Setup Argocd on Minikube for Continuous Delivery

  • Follow the Argocd official documentation for Argocd Installation.
  • You can find the installation guide source here.


A standard GNU Make file is provided to help with running and building locally.

  make help         - This is for help
  make venv         - Create a virtual environment
  make install      - Install dependencies
  make run          - Run the Django development server
  make migrate      - Apply database migrations
  make makemigrations - Create new database migrations
  make test         - Run tests
  make image        - Build the Docker image
  make push         - Push image to the registry
  make lint         - Run linters (flake8)
  make format       - Format code using black
  make clean        - Clean up Project

Make file variables and default values, pass these in when calling make, e.g. make image IMAGE_REPO=blah/foo

Makefile Variable Default
IMAGE_REPO username/project_name
IMAGE_TAG latest

The app runs under Django and listens on port 8000 by default, this can be changed with the PORT environmental variable.


Visit http://localhost:8000 to access the application. Create an account and start writing your blog posts.


Contributions are welcome! Please read for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For detailed documentation, see the BloggersUnity Documentation.




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