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opensouce RISC-V implemented from scratch in one night!


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Opensource RISC-V implemented from scratch in one night!


Developed in a magic night of 19 Aug, 2018 between 2am and 8am, the darkriscv is a very experimental implementation of the opensource RISC-V instruction set. Nowadays, after weeks of exciting sleepless nights of work and the help of lots of colleagues, the darkriscv reached a very good quality result, in a way that the "hello world" compiled by the standard riscv-elf-gcc is working fine! :)

The general concept is based in my other early RISC processors and composed by a simplified two stage pipeline where a instruction is fetch from a instruction memory in the first clock and then the instruction is decoded/executed in the second clock. The pipeline is overlapped without interlocks, in a way the darkriscv can reach the performance of one clock per instruction most of time (the exception is after a branch, where one clock is lost in the pipeline flush). As addition, the code is very compact, with around two hundred lines of obfuscated but beautiful Verilog code.

Although the code is small and crude when compared with other RISC-V implementations, the darkriscv has lots of impressive features:

  • implements most of the RISC-V RV32I instruction set
  • works up to 75MHz (spartan-6) and sustain 1 clock per instruction most of time
  • flexible harvard architecture (easy to integrate a cache controller)
  • works fine in a real spartan-6 lx9
  • works fine with gcc 9.0.0 for RISC-V (no patches required!)
  • uses only around 1000 LUTs (spartan-6, core only)
  • BSD license: can be used anywhere with no restrictions!

Feel free to make suggestions and good hacking! o/

Implementation Notes

Since my target is the ultra-low-cost Xilinx Spartan-6 family of FPGAs, the project is currently based in the Xilinx ISE 14.7 for Linux, which is the latest available ISE. However, there is no explicit reference for Xilinx elements and all logic is inferred directly from Verilog, which means that the project is easily portable to other FPGA families and easily portable to other environments (I will try add support for other FPGAs and tools in the future).

The main motivation for the darkriscv is create a migration path for some projects around the 680x0/coldfire family. Although there are lots of 680x0 cores available, I found no core with a good relationship between performance (more than 50MHz) and logic use (~1000LUTs). After lots of tests, I found the picorv32 core and the all the ecosystem around the RISC-V. Although the picorv32 is a very good option to directly replace the 680x0 family, it is not powerful enough to replace some coldfire processors (more than 75MIPS). The main problem around the picorv32 is that most instructions requires 3 or 4 clocks per instruction, which resembles the 68020 in some ways, but running at 150MHz. Anyway, with 3 clocks per instruction, the peak performance is around 50MIPS only.

As long I had some good experience with experimental RISC cores, I started code the darkriscv only to check the level of complexity. For my surprise, in the first night I mapped almost all instructions of the RV32I specification and the darkriscv started to execute the first instructions correctly at 75MHz and with one clock per instruction, which resembles a fast and nice 68040! wow! :)

The RV32I specification itself is really impressive and easy to implement (see [1], page 16). Of course, there are some drawbacks, such as the funny little-endian bus (opposed to the network oriented big-endian bus found in the 680x0 family), but after some empirical tests it is easy to make work.

The initial design was very simple, with a 2-stage pipeline composed by the instruction pre-fetch and the instruction execution. In the pre-fetch side, there is program counter always working one clock ahead. In the execution side we found all decoding, register bank read, arithmetic and logic operations, register bank write and IO operations. As long the 2 stages overlap, the result is a continuous flow of instructions at the rate of 1 clock per instruction and around 75MIPS.

This means that when comparing with the picorv32 running at 150MHz and with 3 clocks per instruction, the darkriscv at 75MHz and 1 clock per instruction is 50% faster.

Unfortunately, I had a small problem with the load instruction: the 1 stage execution needs faster external memory! This is not a problem for my early RISC processors, which used small and faster LUT-based memories, but in the case of darkriscv the proposal was a more flexible design, in a way is possible use blockRAM-based caches and slow external memories. The problem with the blockRAM is that two clocks are required to readback the memory: one clock to register the address and another to register the data. External memories requires lots of clocks, but LUT based memories requires no extra delays and can be used as ROM or RAM without need of extra clock edges.

My first solution was use two different clock edges: one edge for the darkriscv and another edge for the memory/bus interface.

In this case the processor with a 2-stage pipeline works like a 2*0.5+1-stage pipeline:

  • 1/2 stage for instruction pre-fetch
  • 1/2 stage for static instruction decode
  • 1 stage for instruction execution

In the special case of load/store instructions, the last stage is divided in two different stages, working as a 4*0.5-stage pipeline:

  • 1/2 stage for instruction pre-fetch
  • 1/2 stage for static instruction decode
  • 1/2 stage for address generation and data read
  • 1/2 stage for data write

Anyway, from the processor point of view, there are only 2 stages.

In normal conditions, this is not recommended because decreases the performance by a 2x factor, but in the case of darkriscv the performance is always limited by the combinational logic regarding the instruction execution.

As reference, here some additional performance results (synthesis only) for other Xilinx devices available in the ISE:

  • Spartan-3e: 47MHz
  • Spartan-6: 75MHz
  • Artix-7: 133MHz
  • Virtex-6: 137MHz
  • Kintex-7: 167MHz

Although is possible use the darkriscv directly connected to at least two blockRAM memories (one for instruction and another for data) working in the opposite clock edge and and deterministically keep a very good performance of 1 clock per instruction most of time at 75MHz, the most useful configuration is use a cache controller. In this case, is possible use large multi-megabyte memories with lots of wait-states and, at same time, reach a peak performance of 1 clock per instruction when the instructions and data are already cached. Of course, the cache controller impact the performance, reducing the clock from 75MHz to 50MHz and inserting lots of wait-states in the cache filling cycles.

In fact, when running the "hello world" code we have the following results:

  • darkriscv@75MHz -cache -wait-states 2-stage pipeline 2-phase clock: 6.40us
  • darkriscv@50MHz +cache +wait-states 2-stage pipeline 2-phase clock: 13.84us

Although the first configuration reaches the best performance, the second configuration is probably the most realistic at this time!

note: the 3-stage pipeline version is not available anymore, since the 2-stage pipeline version appears to be working well. Maybe it will return in the future. Anyway, the 2-state pipeline version works at 70MHz with or without i-cache only. For some reason, the d-cache does not work anymore and will be fixed in the future.

Development Tools (gcc)

About the gcc compiler, I am working with the experimental gcc 9.0.0 for RISC-V. No patches or updates are required for the darkriscv other than the -march=rv32i. Although the fence* and crg* instructions are not implemented, the gcc appears to not use of that instructions and they are not available in the core.

Although is possible use the compiler set available in the oficial RISC-V site, our colleagues from lowRISC project pointed a more clever way to build the toolchain:


git clone --depth=1 git:// gcc
git clone --depth=1 git://
git clone --depth=1 git://
mkdir combined
cd combined
ln -s ../newlib-cygwin/* .
ln -sf ../binutils-gdb/* .
ln -sf ../gcc/* .
mkdir build
cd build	
../configure --target=riscv32-unknown-elf --enable-languages=c --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-multilib --disable-gdb --disable-libssp --with-newlib --with-arch=rv32ima --with-abi=ilp32 --prefix=/usr/local/share/gcc-riscv32-unknown-elf
make -j4
make install
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/gcc-riscv32-unknown-elf/bin/
riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -v

and everything will magically work! (:

Finally, as long the darkriscv is not yet fully tested, sometimes is a very good idea compare the code execution with another stable reference!

In this case, I am working with the project picorv32:

When I have some time, I will try create a more well organized support in order to easily test both the darkriscv and picorv32 in the same cache, memory and IO sub-systems, in order to make possible select the core according to the desired features, for example, use the darkriscv for more performance or picorv32 for more features.

About the software, the most complex issue is make the memory design match with the linker layout. Of course, it is a gcc issue and it is not even a problem, in fact, is the way that the software guys works when linking the code and data!

In the most simplified version, directly connected to blockRAMs, the darkriscv is a pure harvard architecture processor and will requires the separation between the instruction and data blocks!

When the cache controller is activated, the cache controller provides separate memories for instruction and data, but provides a interface for a more conventional von neumann memory architecture.

In both cases, a proper designed linker script (darksocv.ld) probably solves the problem!

The current memory map in the linker script is the follow:

  • 0x00000000: 4KB ROM
  • 0x00001000: 4KB RAM

Also, the linker maps the IO in the following positions:

  • 0x80000000: UART status
  • 0x80000004: UART xmit/recv buffer
  • 0x80000008: LED buffer

The RAM memory contains the .data area, the .bss area (after the .data and initialized with zero), the .rodada and the stack area at the end of RAM.

Directory Description

  • ise: the ISE project and configuration files (xise, ucf, etc)
  • rtl: the source for the core and the test SoC
  • sim: the simulation to test the core and the SoC
  • src: the source code for the test firmware (hello.c, boot.c, etc)
  • tmp: empty, but the ISE will create lots of files here)

The ise directory contains the xise project file to be open in the Xilinx ISE 14.x and the project is assembled in a way that all files are readily loaded.

Although a ucf file is provided in order to generate a complete build, the FPGA is NOT wired in any particular configuration and you must add the pins regarding your FPGA board! Anyway, although not wired, the build always gives you a good estimation about the FPGA utilization and about the timing.

The simulation, in the other hand will show some waveforms and is possible check the darkriscv operation when running the example code. The hello.c code prints the string "hello world!" in console and also in the UART register located in the SoC. In the future I will provide a real UART logic in order to test the darkriscv in a real FPGA.


The main simulation tool for darkriscv is the iSIM from Xilinx ISE 14.7, but the Icarus simulator is also supported via the Makefile in the sim directory (the changes regarding Icarus are active when the symbol ICARUS is detected). I also included a workaround for ModelSim, as pointed by our friend HYF (the changes regarding ModelSim are active when the symbol MODEL_TECH is detected).

The currently simulation only runs the "hello world" code, which is not a complete test and left lots of instructions uncovered (such as the aiupc instruction, also pointed by our friend HYF). I hope a more complete test will be possible in the future (see issue #9 for more details!).

In order to improve the simulation performance, the UART code is not simulated, since the 115200 bps requires lots dead simulation time.

Development Boards

Currently, therea are two supported boards:

  • Avnet Microboard LX9: equipped with a Xilinx Spartan-6 LX9 running at 66MHz
  • XilinX AC701 A200: equipped with a Xilinx Artix-7 A200 running at 90MHz
  • QMTech SDRAM LX16: equipped with a Xilinx Spartan-6 LX16 running at 50MHz

Both Avnet and Xilinx boards supports a 115200 bps UART for console, 4xLEDs for debug and on-chip 4KB ROM and 4KB RAM (as well the RESET button to restart the core and the DEBUG signals for an oscilloscope). I received two Spartan-6 LX16 boards from QMTECH and this board does not includes the JTAG neither the UART/USB port. Thanks to an external JTAG adapter and an external USB/UART converter, the board is now working fine and support all features from the other boards (UART, LEDs, RESET and DEBUG).

Support for 100Mbps ethernet in the Microboard LX9 board is under development, but I am not sure about the 1GbE ethernet in the AC701 A200, since the card is shared with other developers and must be returned shortly.

In the software side, a small shell is available with some basic commands:

  • led: increment the led register
  • bug: show the last instruction which tried write in the rom area (useful for debug)
  • clear: clear the display
  • heap: dump the heap area
  • stack: dump the stack area
  • hello: print hello to mr.atros

The proposal of the shell is provide some basic test features which can provide a go/non-go status about the current hardware status.

The Friends of DarkRISCV!

Special thanks to: Paulo Matias (jedi master and verilog guru), Paulo Bernard (co-worker and verilog guru), Evandro Hauenstein (co-worker and git guru), Lucas Mendes (technology guru), Marcelo Toledo (technology guru), Fabiano Silos (technology guru and darkriscv beta tester), Guilherme Barile (technology guru and first guy to post anything about the darkriscv [2]), Alasdair Allan (technology guru, posted an article about the darkriscv [3]) and Gareth Halfacree (technology guru, posted an article about the darkriscv [3]. Special thanks to all people who directly and indirectly contributed to this project, including the company I work for.







opensouce RISC-V implemented from scratch in one night!







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  • Verilog 44.6%
  • C 30.0%
  • Assembly 14.3%
  • Makefile 11.1%