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Releases: prantlf/railroad-diagrams


26 Apr 17:00
Choose a tag to compare

1.0.1 (2020-04-26)

Bug Fixes


26 Apr 15:52
Choose a tag to compare

1.0.0 (2020-04-26)

  • Introduce the method Diagram.fromJSON to create diagrams from machine readable formats convertible to JSON.
  • Add a command-line tool rrd2svg for converting JSON or YAML diagram input to SVG output.
  • Add a command-line tool rrdlint for validating JSON or YAML diagram input.
  • Support VerticalSequence, which is makes sequences with many items more readable than Stack. (Authored by Glynn Williams.)
  • Remove Python and separate JavaScript implementation for Node.js. Single JavaScript "source of truth".

This is the first version released after forking the original project.