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10.3.1 - The usual suspects

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@marvinhagemeister marvinhagemeister released this 06 Feb 17:33

tl;dr: Just a minor bug-fix-only release. Safe to upgrade for everyone.

We've been notified of an issue with the way we used the new exports feature that was introduced with Node 13, so we wanted to get out patch release as quickly as possible. Despite that we managed to include several other fixes in such a short timeframe that are worthy to mention.

Run tests against the minfied production artifact

This is big for us. @andrewiggins did an amazing PR which modifies our testing infrastructure to execute the tests against the minfied production bundles that are published to npm. This greatly reduces any chances of us not catching bugs that may exist in transpilers or the custom minify config we're using. And Andre promptly found a few misconfigurations already. Most of you propably didn't run into these issues as they are somewhat in the edge case area, but it's amazing to have a tool to automatically check our code for an mishaps 💯

A new size bot

In the early days of the Preact X rewrite we made a promise to ourselves in that we would check the effects on size for each PR. We started by printing out all the sizes of our exports via microbundle, but we did still have to compare those manually against what's in master. Both @kristoferbaxter and @developit have been joining forces and created a bot which does that automatically. As soon as the pipeline on a PR succeeds it will add a comment listing all the size differences 👍


Bug Fixes

  • Fix className not being applied when set to an empty string with preact/compat (#2309, thanks @JoviDeCroock)
  • Run karma tests against build output (#2300, thanks @andrewiggins) ❤️
  • Fix: Resolves Node submodule subpath error (#2304, thanks @4cm4k1)
