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Keefe Huang edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 111 revisions

This page describes the dependencies used by preCICE and how to build them. After you install them, you may proceed with building preCICE.

Note: Some of these instructions were written for building preCICE with SCons and not all the steps may be necessary when building with CMake.

Table of contents

The easy way

If you want build preCICE on your own computer and you are using one of the following Linux distributions, we provide a summary here to quickly install everything you need. If everything works, you may ignore the rest of this page.

Other modern versions of popular Linux distributions are also perfectly compatible. Since our users have tried preCICE on various distributions, you may as well ask on our mailling list for any questions.

Ubuntu 18.04 or newer

In Ubuntu 18.04 or newer, everything is available through the distribution's repositories:

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libeigen3-dev libxml2-dev petsc-dev libboost-all-dev python-dev python-numpy
Please consider building with CMake, or click here to see more details for SCons (...)

If you are building with SCons, you also need to install scons and to add the following in your ~/.bashrc file (modify the paths, if needed):

# Eigen
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/include/eigen3:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH"

export PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petscdir/3.7/
export CPATH=$PETSC_DIR/include:$CPATH

Ubuntu 16.04

In Ubuntu 16.04, almost everything is available through the distribution's repositories. You only have to install Boost in another way, since only an older, incompatible version is available.

  1. Install all the available dependencies through APT:

    sudo apt update && \
    sudo apt install build-essential cmake libeigen3-dev libxml2-dev petsc-dev python-dev python-numpy
  2. Install Boost. In the Ubuntu 16.04 repositories, only Boost 1.58 is avaiable, so you need to build an appropriate Boost version from source (see option 2). Also, you need to build petsc from the source if you are to use OpenFOAM adapter (see below how to install it from the source).

  3. Get a recent version of CMake.

Please consider building with CMake, or click here to see more details for SCons (...)

If you want to build preCICE with SCons, you need to install scons and also:

  1. Add the following in your ~/.bashrc (e.g. with gedit ~/.bashrc):
    # Eigen
    export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/include/eigen3:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH"
    # PETSc
    export PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petscdir/3.6.2/. # if you are using OpenFOAM adater, edit this line for yousrself
    export PETSC_ARCH=x86_64-linux-gnu-real
    export CPATH=$PETSC_DIR/include:$PETSC_DIR/$PETSC_ARCH/include:$CPATH
  2. When running SCons to build preCICE, don't build the tests target. For example, run it like this (specified targets, but only solib and symlink):
    scons petsc=yes python=no -j 4 solib symlink

CentOS 7

  1. Packages are installed as follows:
sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo yum update
sudo yum install cmake3 libxml2-devel eigen3 openmpi-devel python-devel

export PATH=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin:$PATH
export CC=/opt/rh/devtoolset-7/root/usr/bin/gcc
  1. Boost library installation is done as follows:
sudo yum install boost169-devel
export BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/usr/lib64/boost169/
export BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=/usr/include/boost169/
  1. The pre-installed gcc compiler is an older version which leads to the following known error. Multiple versions of gcc can be installed:
  • Installing a newer version of gcc via a software development package:
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install devtoolset-7
  • To enable the new gcc compiler in a terminal:
scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
  1. Use cmake3 instead of cmake for the configuration of preCICE.

C++ compiler

A C++ compiler with full support for C++11 is needed to build preCICE. We plan to increase this requirement to C++14 soon.

If you are using the GNU Compiler Collection, at least version 5 is required.

If you are using Debian/Ubuntu, the build-essential package will install everything needed.

When compiling with MPI=on, you need to use a compatible MPI compiler/wrapper. For example, check if the mpicxx --version reports a compatible GCC version.


preCICE uses Eigen for linear algebra computations and the latest version should work.

Option 1: Install Eigen through your package manager

You may as well install Eigen through your package manager (e.g. package libeigen3-dev).

Please consider building with CMake, or click here to see more details for SCons (...)

If Eigen is installed but SCons cannot find it, you may need to set the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable for compilation, like this:

CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/usr/include/eigen3" scons [...]

Option 2: Download the Eigen headers

Eigen is a header-only library, i.e. it's being compiled into preCICE. Download the source from their website and extract it to some folder. Set the environment variable Eigen3_ROOT to the extracted folder.

Please consider building with CMake, or click here to see more details for SCons (...)

For building with SCons, please add the above folder to the include path.



We recommend that you build preCICE using CMake. However, your CMake version might be too old for your Boost version. You can check your CMake version using cmake --version

Option 1: Install cmake from your package manager

If you use Ubuntu, you get cmake through your distribution:

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install cmake

Warning: the CMake version provided by your package manager might be too old (see above). Then you have to continue with option 2.

Option 2: Install CMake from source

See this page for instructions.


preCICE uses Boost for several features and at least version 1.65.1 or higher is required. While Boost 1.67 or newer also works with preCICE, it may complicate how you install adapters that use yaml-cpp. Note that users have experienced problems building Boost 1.69 with some compilers.

You might save some time and space by installing only the necessary libraries:

  • boost_log
  • boost_log_setup
  • boost_thread
  • boost_system
  • boost_filesystem
  • boost_program_options
  • boost_unit_test_framework

These libraries may also depend on other Boost libraries. Make sure that these get installed, too.

The following header-only Boost libraries are also needed: vmd, geometry, signals2, container, ranges.

Option 1: Install Boost from your package manager

If you use Ubuntu, at least version 18.04, you get a suitable version through your distribution:

sudo apt update && \
sudo apt install libboost-dev libboost-log-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev

If, for any reason, the dependencies of Boost on itself are not resolved correctly, try installing the complete colection: libboost-all-dev.

Option 2: Build Boost from source

If your distribution provides an older version of Boost, you need to build it from source. Here is an example for Ubuntu 16.04 and Boost 1.66:

  1. Download and extract Boost into any directory. Switch to that directory.
  2. Prepare the installation, selecting only the libraries that need to be built (this does not affect the header-only libraries). We will later move these files to the system directory /usr/local. Execute:
    ./ --with-libraries=log,thread,system,filesystem,program_options,test --prefix=/usr/local
  3. Install the libraries. Since /usr/local is a system directory, we need root access:
    sudo ./b2 install
    This will copy the libraries to /usr/local/lib and the all the Boost headers to /usr/local/include. You may then remove the Boost directory.
  4. Update the dynamic linker's run-time bindings:
    sudo ldconfig

For more information, please refer to the "Getting Started" instructions of Boost.

If you do not have root access, choose another prefix and set the appropriate environment variables:

# ==== boost ====
BOOST_ROOT=$HOME/software/boost # replace with the actual path

Note: You may already have an older version, e.g. as part of a solver installation (e.g. OpenFOAM). Be cautious, as auto-removing the old version may uninstall your solver.


preCICE uses libxml2 for parsing the configuration file and the latest version should work.

Most likely, the library is already installed. In order to compile preCICE, you also need the development package (libxml2-dev on Debian/Ubuntu).

PETSc (optional)

You need PETSc if you want to use parallel RBF mappings. If you don't need this feature, you may specify petsc=off when using SCons.

We require at least version 3.6.

Option 1: Install PETSc through your package manager

In Debian/Ubuntu, install the packages libpetsc3.6 and petsc-dev.

Then set the environment variables PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH in your ~/.bashrc. For example:

export PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petscdir/3.6.2/
export PETSC_ARCH=x86_64-linux-gnu-real

Option 2: Build PETSc from source

If you prefer to install the most recent version from source, do the following:

  1. Get it from or using git clone -b maint petsc
  2. Change into that directory and compile with or without debugging: ./configure --with-debugging=0 (disable debugging for optimal performance)
  3. Use the make command like the configure script proposes, e.g. make PETSC_DIR=/data2/scratch/lindner/petsc PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-opt all Further documentation see:
  4. Usage: You will need to add petsc to your dynamic linker search path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on macOS). You may also need to set the $PETSC_ARCH.

Finally, in some cases you may need to have PETSc in your CPATH, LIBRARY_PATH, or PYTHONPATH. Here is an example:

export PETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc
export PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-debug

# Especially for SCons

Python (optional)

You only need Python if you want to use the Python action interface (only used for rare applications). If you don't need this feature, you may specify python=off when using SCons. In particular, you don't need to build with Python if you only want to use the Python bindings.

You probably already have Python installed. Howewer, in order to use the Python interface, you also need to install NumPy and the header files for Python and NumPy. On Debian/Ubuntu, install the packages python-numpy and python-dev.

Please consider building with CMake, or click here to see more details for SCons (...)

Note: you may specify custom paths for Python and NumPy, although this is normally not needed, like this:

export PRECICE_PYTHON_LIB="python2.7"
export PRECICE_PYTHON_INC_PATH="/usr/include/python2.7/"
export PRECICE_NUMPY_INC_PATH="/usr/include/python2.7/numpy/"

MPI (optional)

You can build preCICE without MPI in case of compatibility issues with a certain solver (e.g. a closed source solver with a binary-distributed MPI version, or when running on Windows). To do so, use -DMPI=OFF when building with CMake. In such a case, you can still use TCP/IP sockets instead. This might, however, result in lower performance and is, therefore, not recommended if not necessary.

Please note that OpenMPI does not currently fully support the MPI ports functionality [citation needed]. In case you link to OpenMPI, you cannot use MPI for the m2n communication of preCICE. Additionally, the tests for MPI Ports will fail. Read more in the Tests Troubleshooting.

Keep in mind that already PETSc should have installed MPI. Make sure that PETSc, preCICE, and your solvers are all compiled with the same MPI version!

Installing the Python Bindings for Python 2.7.17

Guide to installing the Python bindings for 2.7.17 (...)

This guide provides steps to install python bindings for precice-1.6.1 for a conda environment Python 2.7.17 on the CoolMUC. Note that preCICE no longer supports Python 2 after v1.4.0. Hence, some modifications to the python setup code was necessary. Most steps are similar if not identical to the basic guide without petsc or python above. This guide assumes that the Eigen dependencies have already been installed.

Load the prerequisite libraries:

module load gcc/7
module unload
module load
module load cmake/3.12.1

At the time of this writing module load boost/1.68.0 is no longer available. Instead boost 1.65.1 was installed per the boost and yaml-cpp guide above.

In order to have the right python dependencies, a packaged conda environment was transferred to SuperMUC. The following dependencies were installed:

  • numpy
  • mpi4py

With the python environment active, we have to feed the right python file directories to the cmake command. Note that -DPYTHON_LIBRARY expects a python shared library. You can likely modify the version to fit what is required.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DPETSC=OFF -DPYTHON=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/precice -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo .. -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc; print(get_python_inc())")  -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=$(python -c "import distutils.sysconfig as sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')+'/')") -DNumPy_INCLUDE_DIR=$(python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())")
make -j 12
make install

After installing, make sure you add the preCICE installation paths to your .bashrc, so that other programs can find it:

export PRECICE_ROOT="path/to/precice_install"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="path/to/precice_install/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="path/to/precice_install/include:${CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH}"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="path/to/precice_install/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"

Then, navigate to the python_future bindings script.

cd /path/to/precice/src/precice/bindings/python_future

Append the following to the head of the file to allow Python2 to run Python3 code. Note that importing unicode_literals from future will cause errors in setuptools methods as string literals in code are interpreted as unicode with this import.

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
from builtins import (
         bytes, dict, int, list, object, range, str,
         ascii, chr, hex, input, next, oct, open,
         pow, round, super,
         filter, map, zip)

Modify mpicompiler_default = "mpic++" to mpicompiler_default = "mpicxx" in line 100. Run the setup file using the default Python 2.7.17.

python install --user

Wiki home

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1. Get preCICE

We moved this documentation to the preCICE website. Start looking here.

2. Getting started - Tutorials

We moved the description of all tutorials to the preCICE website. Start looking here.

3. Configuration of preCICE

We moved this documentation to the preCICE website. Start looking here.

4. Using preCICE

We moved this documentation to the preCICE website. Start looking here.

5. Troubleshooting

6. How to couple codes with preCICE

  • We moved this documentation to the preCICE website. Start looking here.
  • Non-C++ APIs

7. Deprecated pages

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