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Releases: predis/predis


04 Sep 21:58
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  • Added retry interval to RedisCluster with a default of 10ms
  • Avoid PHP 8.2 warning in Connection\Parameters
  • Fixed Sentinel reconnect issue in long-running PHP processes


08 Jun 13:15
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  • Dropped support for PHP 7.1 and older

  • Accepted values for some client options have changed, this is the new list of
    accepted values:

    • aggregate: callable returning an aggregate connection.
    • cluster: string value (predis, redis), callable returning an aggregate
    • replication: string value (predis, sentinel), callable returning an
      aggregate connection.
    • commands: command factory, named array mapping command IDs to PHP classes,
      callable returning a command factory or a named array.
    • connections: connection factory, callable object returning a connection
      factory, named array mapping URI schemes to PHP classes, string identifying
      a supported combination of configurations for the connection factory.
    • prefix: string value, command processor, callable.
    • exceptions: boolean.

    Note that both the cluster and replication options now return a closure
    acting as initializer instead of an aggregate connection instance.

  • The connections client option now accepts certain string values identifying
    certain combinations of configurations for the connection factory. Currenlty
    this is used to provide a short way to configure Predis to load our phpiredis
    based connection backends simply, accepted values are:

    • phpiredis-stream maps Phpiredis\Connection\PhpiredisStreamConnection to
      tcp, redis, unix URI schemes.
    • phpiredis-socket maps Phpiredis\Connection\PhpiredisSocketConnection to
      tcp, redis, unix URI schemes.
    • phpiredis-stream is simply an alias of phpiredis-stream.
  • Added the new Predis\Cluster\Hash\PhpiredisCRC16 class using ext-phpiredis
    to speed-up the generation of the CRC16 hash of keys for redis-cluster. Predis
    automatically uses this class when ext-phpiredis is loaded, but it is possible
    to configure the hash generator using the new crc16 client option (accepted
    values predis, phpiredis or an hash generator instance).

  • Replication backends now use the role parameter instead of alias in order
    to distinguish the role of a connection. Accepted values are master, slave
    and, for redis-sentinel, sentinel. This led to a redesign of how connections
    can be retrieved from replication backends: the method getConnectionById() now
    retrieves a connection only by its ID (ip:port pair), to get a connection by
    its alias there is the new method getConnectionByAlias(). This method is not
    supported by the redis-sentinel backend due to its dynamic nature (connections
    are retrieved and initialized at runtime from sentinels) but it is possible to
    get a single connection from the pool by using its ID. It is also possible to
    retrive a connection by role using the method getConnectionByRole().

  • The concept of connection ID (ip:port pair) and connection alias (the alias
    parameter) in Predis\Connection\Cluster\PredisCluster has been separated.
    This change does not affect distribution and it is safe for existing clusters.

  • Client option classes now live in the Predis\Configuration\Option namespace.

  • Classes for Redis commands have been moved into the new Predis\Command\Redis
    namespace and each class name mirrors the respective Redis command ID.

  • The concept of server profiles is gone, the library now uses a single command
    factory to create instances of commands classes. The profile option has been
    replaced by the commands option accepting Predis\Command\FactoryInterface
    to customize the underlying command factory. The default command factory class
    used by Predis is Predis\Command\RedisFactory and it still allows developers
    to define or override commands with their own implementations. In addition to
    that, Predis\Command\RedisFactory relies on a convention-over-configuration
    approach by looking for a suitable class with the same name as the command ID
    in the Predis\Command\Redis when the internal class map does not contain a
    class associated.

  • The method Predis\Client::getClientFor($connectionID) has been replaced by
    getClientBy($selector, $value, $callable = null) which is more flexible as
    it is not limited to picking a connection from the underlying replication or
    cluster backend by ID, but allows users to specify a $selector that can be
    either id (the old behavior), key, slot or command. The client uses
    duck-typing instead of type-checking to verify that the underlying connection
    implements a method that matches the specified selector which means that some
    selectors may not be available to all kinds of connection backends.

  • The method Predis\Client::getConnectionById($connectionID) has been removed.

  • Changed the signature for the constructor of Predis\Command\RawCommand.

  • The Predis\Connection\Aggregate namespace has been split into two separate
    namespaces for cluster backends (Predis\Connection\Cluster) and replication
    backends (Predis\Connection\Replication).

  • The method Predis\Connection\AggregateConnectionInterface::getConnection()
    has been renamed to getConnectionByCommand().

  • The methods switchToMaster() and switchToSlave() have been promoted to be
    part of Predis\Connection\Replication\ReplicationInterface while the method
    switchTo($connection) has been removed from it.

  • The method Predis\Connection\Cluster\PredisCluster::executeCommandOnNodes()
    has been removed as it is possible to achieve the same by iterating over the
    connection or, even better, over the client instance in order to execute the
    same command against all of the registered connections.

  • The class Predis\CommunicationException now uses the correct default types
    for the $message (string) and $code (integer) parameters.

  • The method onConnectionError() in Predis\Connection\AbstractConnection
    class now passes the second argument as an integer value 0 as its default
    value instead of null.

  • Support Pub/Sub and Pipelines when using replication

  • The class Predis\Transaction\AbortedMultiExecException now uses the correct
    default types for the $code (integer) parameter.

  • FIX: using strval in getScanOptions() method, part of
    Predis\Collection\Iterator\CursorBasedIterator to make sure we retrieve the
    string value of $this->match and not passing null to strlen() function.

  • FIX: the value returned from getArgument() in isReadOperation() method,
    part of Predis\Replication\ReplicationStrategy class, is checked to not pass
    null to sha1 function.

  • FIX: the value returned from getArgument() in parseResponse()method,
    part of Predis\Command\Redis\SENTINEL class, is checked to not pass null
    to strtolower() function.


26 May 18:49
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2.0.0-beta.1 Pre-release
  • Dropped support for PHP 7.1 and older

  • Accepted values for some client options have changed, this is the new list of
    accepted values:

    • aggregate: callable returning an aggregate connection.
    • cluster: string value (predis, redis), callable returning an aggregate
    • replication: string value (predis, sentinel), callable returning an
      aggregate connection.
    • commands: command factory, named array mapping command IDs to PHP classes,
      callable returning a command factory or a named array.
    • connections: connection factory, callable object returning a connection
      factory, named array mapping URI schemes to PHP classes, string identifying
      a supported combination of configurations for the connection factory.
    • prefix: string value, command processor, callable.
    • exceptions: boolean.

    Note that both the cluster and replication options now return a closure
    acting as initializer instead of an aggregate connection instance.

  • The connections client option now accepts certain string values identifying
    certain combinations of configurations for the connection factory. Currenlty
    this is used to provide a short way to configure Predis to load our phpiredis
    based connection backends simply, accepted values are:

    • phpiredis-stream maps Phpiredis\Connection\PhpiredisStreamConnection to
      tcp, redis, unix URI schemes.
    • phpiredis-socket maps Phpiredis\Connection\PhpiredisSocketConnection to
      tcp, redis, unix URI schemes.
    • phpiredis-stream is simply an alias of phpiredis-stream.
  • Added the new Predis\Cluster\Hash\PhpiredisCRC16 class using ext-phpiredis
    to speed-up the generation of the CRC16 hash of keys for redis-cluster. Predis
    automatically uses this class when ext-phpiredis is loaded, but it is possible
    to configure the hash generator using the new crc16 client option (accepted
    values predis, phpiredis or an hash generator instance).

  • Replication backends now use the role parameter instead of alias in order
    to distinguish the role of a connection. Accepted values are master, slave
    and, for redis-sentinel, sentinel. This led to a redesign of how connections
    can be retrieved from replication backends: the method getConnectionById() now
    retrieves a connection only by its ID (ip:port pair), to get a connection by
    its alias there is the new method getConnectionByAlias(). This method is not
    supported by the redis-sentinel backend due to its dynamic nature (connections
    are retrieved and initialized at runtime from sentinels) but it is possible to
    get a single connection from the pool by using its ID. It is also possible to
    retrive a connection by role using the method getConnectionByRole().

  • The concept of connection ID (ip:port pair) and connection alias (the alias
    parameter) in Predis\Connection\Cluster\PredisCluster has been separated.
    This change does not affect distribution and it is safe for existing clusters.

  • Client option classes now live in the Predis\Configuration\Option namespace.

  • Classes for Redis commands have been moved into the new Predis\Command\Redis
    namespace and each class name mirrors the respective Redis command ID.

  • The concept of server profiles is gone, the library now uses a single command
    factory to create instances of commands classes. The profile option has been
    replaced by the commands option accepting Predis\Command\FactoryInterface
    to customize the underlying command factory. The default command factory class
    used by Predis is Predis\Command\RedisFactory and it still allows developers
    to define or override commands with their own implementations. In addition to
    that, Predis\Command\RedisFactory relies on a convention-over-configuration
    approach by looking for a suitable class with the same name as the command ID
    in the Predis\Command\Redis when the internal class map does not contain a
    class associated.

  • The method Predis\Client::getClientFor($connectionID) has been replaced by
    getClientBy($selector, $value, $callable = null) which is more flexible as
    it is not limited to picking a connection from the underlying replication or
    cluster backend by ID, but allows users to specify a $selector that can be
    either id (the old behavior), key, slot or command. The client uses
    duck-typing instead of type-checking to verify that the underlying connection
    implements a method that matches the specified selector which means that some
    selectors may not be available to all kinds of connection backends.

  • The method Predis\Client::getConnectionById($connectionID) has been removed.

  • Changed the signature for the constructor of Predis\Command\RawCommand.

  • The Predis\Connection\Aggregate namespace has been split into two separate
    namespaces for cluster backends (Predis\Connection\Cluster) and replication
    backends (Predis\Connection\Replication).

  • The method Predis\Connection\AggregateConnectionInterface::getConnection()
    has been renamed to getConnectionByCommand().

  • The methods switchToMaster() and switchToSlave() have been promoted to be
    part of Predis\Connection\Replication\ReplicationInterface while the method
    switchTo($connection) has been removed from it.

  • The method Predis\Connection\Cluster\PredisCluster::executeCommandOnNodes()
    has been removed as it is possible to achieve the same by iterating over the
    connection or, even better, over the client instance in order to execute the
    same command against all of the registered connections.

  • The class Predis\CommunicationException now uses the correct default types
    for the $message (string) and $code (integer) parameters.

  • The method onConnectionError() in Predis\Connection\AbstractConnection
    class now passes the second argument as an integer value 0 as its default
    value instead of null.

  • The class Predis\Transaction\AbortedMultiExecException now uses the correct
    default types for the $code (integer) parameter.

  • FIX: using strval in getScanOptions() method, part of
    Predis\Collection\Iterator\CursorBasedIterator to make sure we retrieve the
    string value of $this->match and not passing null to strlen() function.

  • FIX: the value returned from getArgument() in isReadOperation() method,
    part of Predis\Replication\ReplicationStrategy class, is checked to not pass
    null to sha1 function.

  • FIX: the value returned from getArgument() in parseResponse()method,
    part of Predis\Command\Redis\SENTINEL class, is checked to not pass null
    to strtolower() function.

Predis v1.1.10

05 Jan 17:47
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  • FIX: Avoid PHP 8.1 deprecation notices in Session/Handler
  • FIX: Fixed "Cannot use object of type Predis\Response\Error as array" error in Connection/Aggregate/SentinelReplication

Predis v1.1.9

05 Oct 19:03
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  • Fixed PHP 8.1 compatibility in StreamConnection

Predis v1.1.8

29 Sep 17:49
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  • Ensure compatibility with PHP 8.1

Predis v1.1.7

04 Apr 19:50
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  • FIX: with the phpiredis-based connection backends, failed pipelines led to
    spurious responses returned after reconnecting to Redis because the underlying
    reader was not properly reset by discarding buffered replies after disconnecting
    (ISSUE #363).
  • FIX: removed cweagans/composer-patches dev dependency and apply patches
    using post-update-cmd script.

Predis v1.1.6

11 Sep 19:46
@nrk nrk
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That was fast, but we had a bug in v1.1.5 so we needed to release a fix ASAP.

FIX: reverted support for sentinels authentication implemented in v1.1.5 as it was bugged (see ISSUE #658), sorry for the trouble. This is now postponed as it requires a more thorough investigation.

Predis v1.1.5

10 Sep 14:50
@nrk nrk
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Here we have a new patch release!

NOTE: We are still missing handlers for commands added in Redis 4, 5 and 6. We will get on par eventually, in the meanwhile you can define your own ones or use Predis\Client::executeRaw(). Read this post for details about how to properly implement support for new commands if you would like to add missing ones and share your work with us by creating pull requests, contributions are always greatly appreciated!

  • NOTE intentionally commented out, please read the release notes for v1.1.6
    FIX: authentication for sentinels is now supported, previously it was not possible to specify a password for sentinels as its value was stripped during initialization because sentinels did not support authentication until Redis 5. Please note that with the current implementation each sentinel must have its own password parameter set in the parameters list despite this password is the same for all sentinels (read how requirepass works on the Redis docs). In this case you should avoid using the global parameters client option used to set default parameters for every connection created by Predis as this would end up using the same password even when connecting to actual Redis nodes. We are investiganting how to make it easier to specify the required password to access sentinels only once instead of repeating it for each sentinel.

  • FIX: the username is now correctly retrieved from the userinfo fragment of the URI when using the redis scheme and a username:password pair is present. Values retrieved from the userinfo fragment always override the ones specified in username and password if those fields are present in the query string.

  • FIX: Predis\Connection\WebdisConnection was unable to connect to Webdis when using an IPv4 address in the URL and this is probably due to some change in cURL internals since the last time we tested it.

  • FIX: an exception is thrown when passing FALSE or any value evaluating to FALSE to the replication client option. This was supposed to be unsupported, in fact it actually breaks client initialization and raises a PHP warning. Now the user is alerted with an InvalidArgumentException and a proper message. (PR #381).

Predis v1.1.4

31 Aug 10:25
@nrk nrk
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Here is a new patch release for v1.1 with more improvements and fixes.

NOTE: We are still missing handlers for commands added in Redis 4, 5 and 6. We will get on par eventually, in the meanwhile you can define your own ones or use Predis\Client::executeRaw(). Read this post for details about how to properly implement support for new commands if you would like to add missing ones and share your work with us by creating pull requests, contributions are always greatly appreciated!

  • The client can now handle ACL authentication when connecting to Redis 6, just pass both username and password to connection parameters and Predis switches to using the augmented variant of AUTH:

    // When using an URI string for parameters:
    $client = new Predis\Client('tcp://');
    // When using a named array for parameters:
    $client = new Predis\Client([
        'username' => 'myuser',
        'password' => 'mypassword',

    As usual Redis servers protected only by a password can still be accessed with just the password parameter. See the Redis documentation for more details about Redis ACLs.

  • FIX: NULL or zero-length string values in password and database do not trigger spurious AUTH and SELECT commands anymore when connecting to Redis.

    // Won't trigger `AUTH` and `SELECT`:
    $client = new Predis\Client('tcp://');
    // Won't trigger `AUTH` and `SELECT`:
    $client = new Predis\Client([
        'password' => null,
        'database' => '',

    This fix addresses some old issues with certain libraries and frameworks (see ISSUE #436).

    Empty connection parameters do not make much sense anyway so, in the next major release, any field containing NULL or a zero-length string will be stripped away when converting URI strings and named arrays to instances of Predis\Connection\Parameters.

  • FIX: SORT now always triggers a switch to the master node in replication configurations instead of just when the STORE modifier is specified. The reason for this change is that SORT is always considered to be a write operation and it actually fails with a -READONLY error response when executed against a replica node (ISSUE #554).

  • FIX: using foreach() on a client instance when it is connected to a single Redis server does not throw an exception anymore but the iteration will run for just one loop returning a new client for the underlying single-node connection (ISSUE #552, PR #556).

    $client = new Predis\Client('tcp://');
    foreach ($client as $clientNode) {
        // Iterates just once, does not throw an exception anymore.

    Using foreach() actually makes sense when using aggregate connection backends for client-side sharding or redis-cluster but there is no reason (and it is wrong anyway) to throw an exception in Predis\Client::getIterator() when the client is connected to a single server.

  • FIX: Predis\Cluster\Distributor\HashRing::addNodeToRing() was calculating the hash required for distribution by using crc32() directly instead of the method Predis\Cluster\Hash\HashGeneratorInterface::hash() implemented by the class itself. This fix does not have any impact on existing cluster deployments using client-side sharding based on this distributor simply because it does not take any external hash generators so distribution is not going to be affected.

  • Improved @method annotations for methods responding to Redis commands defined by Predis\ClientInterface and Predis\ClientContextInterface (PR #456 and PR #497, other fixes applied after further analysys).