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preshing committed Feb 8, 2012
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions README
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A set of Python scripts to fetch benchmarks, analyze them, and output some text & PNG files.
Original version by Jeff Preshing in February 2012.
Released to the public domain.

For more information: [TODO]


* Python 2.6 - 2.7 is required.
* lxml is required if you want to fetch all the data from SPEC's website. Otherwise, you can download aggregated data from [TODO]. You could probably rewrite the lxml part using one of Python's built-in modules; I didn't bother.
* pycairo is optional if you want to generate the PNG files.
* PIL is optional if you want those PNG files to have high-quality anti-aliasing.
* If you are going to republish any results, you need to abide by SPEC's fair use policy.

Collecting SPEC's data

These scripts work with the individual benchmarks in each SPEC result, and not the geometric average which SPEC lists in their CSV downloads. Currently, the only way to access these individual benchmark results is to scrape each result page from their website as text and/or HTML.

If you want to skip the steps in this section, you can simply download the aggregated result files from [TODO] and extract them to this folder.

If you want to scrape & aggregate the results yourself, proceed as follows:

1. Run As of this writing, this script downloads 30715 individual pages from SPEC's website and stores them to a folder named "scraped". It's about 383 MB of data, but may be more in the future. The script launches a pool of 20 subprocesses to speed up the download process, so it completes in a matter of minutes. Some requests may time out and break the script; if that happens, simply run the script again. All previously downloaded pages will not be downloaded again. Note that if SPEC changes their website in the future, the script will need to be updated.

2. Run This will scan all the pages downloaded by the previous script, and output two CSV files: summaries.txt and benchmarks.txt. These files will be used as inputs for the remaining scripts.

Determining which benchmarks took advantage of autoparallel, and disqualifying them

Run to see which benchmark tests had the highest multiple of the geometric average. [TODO] I've assumed that the highest scores definitely benefit from autoparallelization.

I took the top six benchmark tests from both the INT and FP categories, and excluded them from the results in Search for DISQUALIFIED_BENCHMARKS in

Generating the graphs

Run It outputs the following:

* identified_cpus.txt
The right column contains a list of all processor names encountered in the input, along with the source filename and line number. The left column contains the recognized brand name, model name and MHz. I used this file to develop & debug the identifyCPU() function found in the script. If new processors are introduced, this function may need to adapt. It might be a good idea to do a diff of this file generated from the latest SPEC data against a copy generated from older data.

* int_report.txt
The first two lines show the automatically computed conversion ratios between CINT95, CINT2000 and CINT2006. The rest of the file groups all the results by family, then sorts them by hardware release date and normalized SPECint2006 result value. Each line shows the benchmark suite and line number. You should be able to pick out certain points on the PNG graph, find them in this text file, locate the corresponding line in the CSV, and use that to find the detailed html/PDF result page on SPEC's website.

* fp_report.txt
Same thing as int_report.txt, but for floating-point benchmarks.

* int_graph.png
* fp_graph.png
Graphs similar to the ones you'll find on [TODO].

SPECint(R) and SPECfp(R) are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC).
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import csv
import re
import os
import bz2
import cPickle
import sys
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint

TestRecord = namedtuple('TestRecord', 'testID tester machine cpu mhz hwAvail os compiler autoParallel benchType base peak')
BenchRecord = namedtuple('BenchRecord', 'testID benchName base peak')

def scanUntilLine(lineIter, pattern):
for line in lineIter:
m =, line)
if m:
g = m.groups()
if len(g) == 1:
return g[0].strip()
return [x.strip() for x in g]

MHzExp = re.compile('[(/]?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)a? ?([mg]hz)\\)?')

def ExtractMHzFromName(name):
name = name.lower()
m =
value, units = m.groups()
value = float(value)
if units == 'ghz':
value *= 1000
return value

def parse95(path):
testID = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
lineIter = iter(open(path))
for line in lineIter:
if line.startswith(' ------------ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------'):
if 'SPEC has determined that this result was not in' in line:
return [], []
benches = []
for line in lineIter:
m = re.match(' (SPEC.{32}) ', line)
if m:
benchType =
benchName = line[:15].strip()
base = line[35:45].strip()
peak = line[65:75].strip()
benches.append(BenchRecord(testID, benchName, base, peak))
if '_rate' in benchType:
return [], []
benchType = {
'SPECint_base95 (Geom. Mean)' : 'CINT95',
'SPECfp_base95 (Geom. Mean)' : 'CFP95'
base = line[35:45].strip()
peak =[65:75].strip()
properties = {}
label = ''
for line in lineIter:
l = line.strip()
if l in ['HARDWARE', 'SOFTWARE', 'TESTER INFORMATION', '------------------', '--------']:
if l == 'NOTES':
if line[19:20] == ':':
label = line[:19].strip()
desc = line[21:].strip()
if label and desc:
if label in properties:
properties[label] += ' ' + desc
properties[label] = desc
cpu = properties['CPU']
mhz = ExtractMHzFromName(cpu)
opSys = properties['Operating System']
compiler = properties['Compiler']
if 'Hardware Avail' not in properties:
html = open(path[:-4] + '.html').read()
m ='Hardware Avail:\\s+<TD align=left>([^\\s]+)\\s', html)
hwAvail =
m ='Tested By:\\s+<TD align=left>(.+)$', html, re.MULTILINE)
testedBy =
hwAvail = properties['Hardware Avail']
testedBy = properties['Tested By']
hwAvail = datetime.strptime(hwAvail, '%b-%y').strftime('%b-%Y')
except ValueError:
model = properties['Model Name']

testRecord = TestRecord(testID, testedBy, model, cpu, mhz, hwAvail, opSys, compiler, 'No', benchType, base, peak)
return [testRecord], benches

def parse2000(path):
testID = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
lineIter = iter(open(path))
hwAvail = scanUntilLine(lineIter, 'Hardware availability: (.*)')
tester = scanUntilLine(lineIter, 'Tester: (.*?) *Software availability')
for line in lineIter:
if line.startswith(' ========================================================================'):
if 'SPEC has determined that this result was not in' in line:
return [], []
benches = []
for line in lineIter:
m = re.match(' (SPEC.{24}) ', line)
if m:
benchType =
benchName = line[:15].strip()
base = line[35:45].strip()
peak = line[65:75].strip()
benches.append(BenchRecord(testID, benchName, base, peak))
if '_rate_' in benchType:
return [], []
benchType = {
'SPECint_base2000' : 'CINT2000',
'SPECfp_base2000' : 'CFP2000'
base = line[35:45].strip()
peak =[65:75].strip()
properties = {}
label = ''
for line in lineIter:
l = line.strip()
if l in ['HARDWARE', 'SOFTWARE', '--------']:
if l == 'NOTES':
if line[20:21] == ':':
label = line[:20].strip()
desc = line[22:].strip()
if label and desc:
if label in properties:
properties[label] += ' ' + desc
properties[label] = desc
cpu = properties['CPU']
mhz = float(properties['CPU MHz'])
opSys = properties['Operating System']
compiler = properties['Compiler']
model = properties['Model Name']

testRecord = TestRecord(testID, tester, model, cpu, mhz, hwAvail, opSys, compiler, 'No', benchType, base, peak)
return [testRecord], benches

def parse2006(path):
testID = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]
lineIter = iter(open(path))
if '######################' in
return [], []
model =
hwAvail = scanUntilLine(lineIter, 'Hardware availability: (.*)')
tester = scanUntilLine(lineIter, 'Tested by: (.*?) *Software availability')
if model.startswith(tester):
model = model[len(tester):].strip()
for line in lineIter:
if line.startswith('=============================================================================='):
if 'SPEC has determined that this result was not in' in line:
return [], []
if 'SPEC has determined that this result is not in' in line:
return [], []
benches = []
for line in lineIter:
m = re.match(' (SPEC.{27}) ', line)
if m:
benchType =
benchName = line[:15].strip()
base = line[33:43].strip()
peak = line[65:75].strip()
benches.append(BenchRecord(testID, benchName, base, peak))
if '_rate_' in benchType:
return [], []
benchType = {
'SPECint(R)_base2006' : 'CINT2006',
'SPECfp(R)_base2006' : 'CFP2006'
base = line[33:43].strip()
peak =[65:75].strip()
properties = {}
label = ''
for line in lineIter:
l = line.strip()
if l in ['HARDWARE', 'SOFTWARE', '--------']:
if l == 'Submit Notes':
if line[20:21] == ':':
label = line[:20].strip()
desc = line[22:].strip()
if label and desc:
if label in properties:
properties[label] += ' ' + desc
properties[label] = desc
cpu = properties['CPU Name']
mhz = float(properties['CPU MHz'])
opSys = properties['Operating System']
compiler = properties['Compiler']
autoParallel = properties['Auto Parallel']

testRecord = TestRecord(testID, tester, model, cpu, mhz, hwAvail, opSys, compiler, autoParallel, benchType, base, peak)
return [testRecord], benches

def iterRecords():
allTests = []

for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join('scraped', 'cpu95')):
if fn.lower().endswith('.asc'):
allTests.append((parse95, os.path.join('scraped', 'cpu95', fn)))
for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join('scraped', 'cpu2000')):
allTests.append((parse2000, os.path.join('scraped', 'cpu2000', fn)))
for fn in os.listdir(os.path.join('scraped', 'cpu2006')):
allTests.append((parse2006, os.path.join('scraped', 'cpu2006', fn)))

tests = []
benches = []
for i, pair in enumerate(allTests):
if i % 100 == 0:
print 'Analyzing %d/%d ...' % (i, len(allTests))
func, arg = pair
t, b = func(arg)
tests += t
benches += b

print 'Writing summaries.txt ...'
with open('summaries.txt', 'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f)
for t in tests:

print 'Writing benchmarks.txt ...'
with open('benchmarks.txt', 'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f)
for b in benches:

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import csv
import collections
import math
from pprint import pprint

def iterCsvRecords(path, className):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
clazz = None
for row in reader:
if clazz is None:
clazz = collections.namedtuple(className, row)
yield clazz(*row)

benchTable = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for brec in iterCsvRecords('benchmarks.txt', 'BenchmarkRecord'):
benchTable[brec.testID][brec.benchName] = brec

def geomAverage(values):
averageExp = sum([math.log(x) for x in values]) / len(values)
return math.exp(averageExp)

for benchType in ['INT', 'FP']:
print 'Top contributing benchmarks to %s results, by maximum multiple of the geometric average:' % benchType
topBenchResults = {}
summaryTable = {}
for srec in iterCsvRecords('summaries.txt', 'SummaryRecord'):
summaryTable[srec.testID] = srec
if srec.autoParallel == 'Yes' and benchType in srec.benchType:
base = geomAverage([float(brec.base) for brec in benchTable[srec.testID].itervalues()])
for brec in benchTable[srec.testID].itervalues():
r = (float(brec.base) / base, brec)
topBenchResults[brec.benchName] = max(r, topBenchResults.get(brec.benchName, (0, None)))
for v, k in sorted([(v, k) for k, v in topBenchResults.iteritems()], reverse=True):
benchValue, brec = v
print benchValue, k, brec.testID, summaryTable[brec.testID].machine


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