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Release Checklist

Lipis edited this page Jan 12, 2018 · 22 revisions
  1. Run on other projects to check for regressions
  2. Write release notes
  3. Complete all milestone items, close milestone
  4. Merge release notes
  5. Checkout master
  6. Bump version in package.json
  7. Update
  8. Run yarn test_integration -u to update snapshots (new parsers, getSupportInfo)
  9. Commit
  10. Run yarn build
  11. Run yarn test:dist
  12. cd dist
  13. npm publish
  14. npm install prettier@latest, do smoke tests on CLI and API
  15. Push release commit
  16. Create a GitHub release to tag master
  17. Wait for release notes to deploy
  18. Check blog post
  19. Tweet from @PrettierCode account via TweetDeck
  20. Create a new branch
  21. Bump own prettier dependency (this will update the playground)
  22. yarn; yarn lint --fix; yarn lint-docs --fix
  23. Commit, PR, Merge

Then monitor Twitter/GitHub for any immediate issues 😄

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