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How to use with Block's

Danilo edited this page Jun 7, 2020 · 3 revisions


This framework includes the ability to manage the flow through the blocks programming, to make the code dependent of the module where resides.

Block defines

Define name Description Data types
SOAPEngineCompleteBlock generate when all data are been downloaded and parsed NSString
SOAPEngineCompleteBlockWithDictionary generate when all data are been downloaded and parsed NSDictionary
SOAPEngineFailBlock generate when error occurs NSError
SOAPEngineReceiveDataSizeBlock generated during data reception NSUInteger
SOAPEngineSendDataSizeBlock generated when sending data NSUInteger
SOAPEngineReceivedProgressBlock generated during data reception NSProgress
SOAPEngineSendedProgressBlock generated when sending data NSProgress


	#import <SOAPEngine64/SOAPEngine.h>

	// standard soap service (.asmx)
	SOAPEngine *soap = [[SOAPEngine alloc] init];

	// each single value
	[soap setValue:@"my-value1" forKey:@"Param1"];
	[soap setIntegerValue:1234 forKey:@"Param2"];
	[soap requestURL:@""
			completeWithDictionary:^(NSInteger statusCode, NSDictionary *dict) {
				NSLog(@"%@", dict);
			} failWithError:^(NSError *error) {
				NSLog(@"%@", error);