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Annotate With

Michael Damatov edited this page Jan 17, 2024 · 9 revisions
Context action When suggested Applies to
Annotate with [AttributeUsage(...)] class derives Attribute types
Annotate with [HandlesResourceDisposal] non-static non-private method of disposable types, input parameter of disposable types, property or field of disposable types methods, parameters, properties, fields
Annotate with [IgnoreSpellingAndGrammarErrors] parameter is an input parameter parameters
Annotate with [ItemNotNull] nullable annotation context (C# 8.0 or higher) is not enabled and type is IEnumerable<T> (or descendant), or type is Task<T> (or any other generic task-like type), or Lazy<T> and T is a reference type methods, parameters, properties, delegates, fields
Annotate with [InstantHandle] type is IEnumerable<T> (but not a descendant), IAsyncEnumerable<T> (but not a descendant), or a delegate parameters
Annotate with [LinqTunnel] the method has at least one IEnumerable<T> (but not a descendant) parameter and the return type is also an IEnumerable<T> (but not a descendant) or method has at least one IAsyncEnumerable<T> (but not a descendant) parameter and the return type is also an IAsyncEnumerable<T> (but not a descendant) methods
Annotate with [MustDisposeResource] or [MustDisposeResource(false)] disposable types constructors of such types, method with disposable return type, non-input parameter of disposable types types, constructors, methods (and replaces the [Pure] or [MustUseReturnValue] annotation, if exists), parameters
Annotate with [MustUseReturnValue] (with observable state changes) return type is not void methods (and replaces the [Pure] or [MustDisposeResource] annotation, if exists)
Annotate with [NonNegativeValue] type is int, long, short, or sbyte methods, parameters, properties, delegates, fields
Annotate with [Pure] (no observable state changes) return type is not void or the method has out parameters and it does not have any ref parameter methods (and replaces the [MustUseReturnValue] or [MustDisposeResource] annotation, if exists)
Annotate with [ValueRange(...)] type is int, long, short, sbyte, uint, ulong, ushort, or byte methods, parameters, properties, delegates, fields