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Anne Draelos edited this page Sep 6, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the improv wiki!

Table of Contents

Module Documentations

  • [Acquirer](Data Acquisition)

File System Structure

Plan for organizing the repo:

  • data/: Symbolic links to synced folders (such as Dropbox) with large data files
  • doc/: Text-based documentation not already added into Python docstrings
  • src/: Top-level directory for all source code. Further divided into modules, e.g. src/visual/
  • test/: Top-level directory for all test code. Mirrors the src directory structure


User Pipeline

  • Configure experimental setup:

    • Choose image acquisition source, which chooses an Acquisition module
    • Choose processing sources, currently only caiman. Can be broken out:
      • Motion correction
      • Neuron/component identification
      • Spike extraction
    • Choose analysis sources to obtain inferences
    • Configure other experimental parameters (size, rate, expected components, etc)
    • Configure display options: either choose module, or configure default visualization
  • Initialize server:

    • Load data store -- need to consider persistence between days and sessions
    • Load chosen experimental parameters
    • Initialize chosen pipeline components
  • Run server:

    • Pipeline components wait or run depending on signals from nexus server
    • Front end interfaces with the user and the server

Code Pipeline

  • Front end as GUI is run first
    • Creates Nexus and communicates with it
    • Nexus can alternatively be run as stand-alone on command line
    • Has store client from Nexus from which to pull images, plots
    • Also hands off user-input in the form of configuration to Nexus
  • Nexus runs inside front-end and handles all communication
    • Starts data store server and handles clients interfacing with the store
    • between front-end (user) and other components
    • between components in the form of signaling
  • Other components: analysis, processing, etc
    • Have access to the store through the client provided by Nexus