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4. Performing Updates

Mark Jessop edited this page Mar 10, 2018 · 2 revisions

Updating horus_utils is a two-stage process.

Git Pull

First, you need to run a 'git pull' within your horus_utils directory. Under linux, you would perform this with:

$ cd path/to/horus_utils
$ git pull

Under Windows you may be using TortiseGit, in which case you right-click on the directory, and from the TortiseGit sub-menu, click 'pull'.

Updating Dependencies

Some updates may add new dependencies, not all of which can be automatically downloaded when is run. In these cases, you should re-run the dependency installation steps, in particular the conda install (windows), sudo apt-get install (linux) and pip install (both) lines, to make sure you have all the necessary dependencies available.

Re-Installing HorusLib

Once the files have been updated, you need to re-install the horuslib library. From either a terminal, or an administrator command prompt, run:

$ python install

Under linux you will need to pre-pend the above command with sudo.

Debugging Update Issues

If an application fails to run after an update, the best way of checking what's wrong is to run the application from a command prompt or terminal, to see what errors are produced.

Often the issue will be something as simple as 'cannot import library ', indicating a dependency has not been installed.