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codeliner committed Sep 7, 2014
1 parent 03b80ef commit 3da59c0
Showing 1 changed file with 6 additions and 280 deletions.
286 changes: 6 additions & 280 deletions
Expand Up @@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ of Zend Framework 2 components. We need a flexible system but we did not want to
- FeatureManager to ease customization [done]
- Support for [event-centric/aggregates]( [not started]
- Changeable storage adapter like
- ZF2 Tablegateway [done]
- doctrine dbal [wip]
- @jsor is working on [dotsunited/prooph-event-store-doctrine-adapter](
- [ZF2 Tablegateway]( [done]
- [doctrine dbal]( [done]
- mongoDB [not started]
- geteventstore client [not started]

Expand All @@ -35,290 +34,17 @@ of Zend Framework 2 components. We need a flexible system but we did not want to
- Assertions are performed by [beberlei/assert](

You can install ProophEventStore via composer by adding `"prooph/event-store": "~0.3"` as requirement to your composer.json.
You can install ProophEventStore via composer by adding `"prooph/event-store": "~0.5"` as requirement to your composer.json.

##Quick start
* This file is part of the codeliner/event-store.
* (c) Alexander Miertsch <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Date: 20.04.14 - 21:44

* This Quick Start uses ProophEventStore together with ProophEventSourcing.
* But it is no hard dependency. It is up to you if you use a library like ProophEventSourcing,
* Buttercup.Protects or provide your own implementation for your domain model.
* The only thing you need to do is, tell the EventStore which type of
* repository it should use. The EventStore defines it's own RepositoryInterface
* (Prooph\EventStore\Repository\RepositoryInterface)
* that you need to implement if you do not use ProophEventSourcing
* which ships with a ready to use repository implementation.
* Assume, we have the following requirements in the composer.json
* "require": {
* "php": ">=5.4",
* "prooph/event-store" : "dev-master",
* "prooph/event-sourcing": "dev-master", //Default event-sourcing library
"zendframework/zend-db" : "~2.3",
"zendframework/zend-serializer" : "~2.3"
* },
namespace {
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

namespace My\Model {

use Prooph\EventSourcing\DomainEvent\AggregateChangedEvent;
use Prooph\EventSourcing\EventSourcedAggregateRoot;
use Rhumsaa\Uuid\Uuid;

//EventSourcing means your AggregateRoots are not persisted directly but all
//DomainEvents which occurs during a transaction
//Your AggregateRoots become EventSourcedAggregateRoots
class User extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot
* @var string
protected $id;

* @var string
protected $name;

* @param string $name of the User
public function __construct($name)
//Construct is only called once.
//When the EventStore reconstructs an AggregateRoot it does not call the constructor again
$id = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();

//Validation must always be done before creating any events.
//Events should only contain valid information

//We do not set id and name directly but apply a new UserCreated event
$this->apply(new UserCreated($id, array('name' => $name)));

* @return string
public function id()
return $this->id;

* @param string $newName
public function changeName($newName)
//Validation must always be done before creating any events.
//Events should only contain valid information

//Also this time we do not set the new name
//but apply a UserNameChanged event with the new name
$this->apply(new UserNameChanged($this->id, array('username' => $newName)));

* @return string
public function name()
return $this->name;

* EventHandler for the UserCreated event
* By default the system assumes that the AggregateRoot
* has one event handler method per event
* and each event handler method is named like the event
* (without namespace) with the prefix "on" before the name
* @param UserCreated $event
protected function onUserCreated(UserCreated $event)
//No validation here, just apply the values from given event
$this->id = $event->userId();
$this->name = $event->name();

* EventHandler for the UserNameChanged event
* By default the system assumes that the AggregateRoot
* has one event handler method per event
* and each event handler method is named like the event
* (without namespace) with the prefix "on" before the name
* @param UserNameChanged $event
protected function onUsernameChanged(UserNameChanged $event)
$this->name = $event->newUsername();

//All DomainEvents have to be of type AggregateChangedEvent
//(When using ProophEventSourcing),
//These are specific events including a version
//and the related AggregateId
class UserCreated extends AggregateChangedEvent
* @return string
public function userId()
return $this->aggregateId();

* @return string
public function name()
return $this->toPayloadReader()->stringValue('name');

//All DomainEvents have to be of type AggregateChangedEvent
//(When using ProophEventSourcing),
//These are specific events including a version
//and the related AggregateId
class UserNameChanged extends AggregateChangedEvent
* @return string
public function newUsername()
return $this->toPayloadReader()->stringValue('username');

namespace {

use My\Model\User;
use Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\Zf2\Zf2EventStoreAdapter;
use Prooph\EventStore\Configuration\Configuration;
use Prooph\EventStore\EventStore;
use Prooph\EventStore\PersistenceEvent\PostCommitEvent;
use Prooph\EventStore\Stream\AggregateType;

$config = new Configuration(array(
//We set up a new EventStore with a Zf2EventStoreAdapter
//using a SQLite in memory db ...
'adapter' => array(
'type' => 'Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\Zf2\Zf2EventStoreAdapter',
'options' => array(
'connection' => array(
'driver' => 'Pdo_Sqlite',
'database' => ':memory:'
//... and register the ProophEventSourcingFeature
//to connect the EventStore with our EventSourcedAggregateRoots
'features' => array(
//Features are loaded by a special ZF2 PluginManager
//which can be configured like all other ZF2 ServiceManagers
'feature_manager' => array(
'invokables' => array(
'ProophEventSourcingFeature' => 'Prooph\EventSourcing\EventStoreFeature\ProophEventSourcingFeature'

$eventStore = new EventStore($config);

//We use a feature of the Zf2EventStoreAdapter to automatically create an
//event stream table for our User AggregateRoot
//Normally you use this functionality in a set up or migration script

//We attach a listener to capture all persisted streams within a transaction
function (PostCommitEvent $event) {
foreach ($event->getPersistedStreams() as $persistedStream) {

foreach ($persistedStream->streamEvents() as $persistedStreamEvent) {
echo sprintf(
"Event %s was persisted during last transaction<br>The related Aggregate is %s and the payload of the event is %s<br>",


//Start a new transaction to capture all DomainEvents

//Do some stuff with your Aggregates
$user = new User('Alexander');


//Request a repository for your AggregateRoot
$repository = $eventStore->getRepository(new AggregateType('My\Model\User'));

* Normally you want to define a repository interface in your domain
* with methods like add, get and remove and type hints that force you
* to pass in objects related to the repository.
* Therefor the default methods of the ProophEventSourcing repository are named with a suffix
* to avoid naming conflicts with your interfaces
* The repositories behave like collections, you do not need to call save or something like that
* just add new AggregateRoots with $repository->addToStore($aggregate);
* fetch them with $repository->getFromStore($aggregateId);
* or remove them with $repository->removeFromStore($aggregate);

//Persist all occurred DomainEvents, commit active transaction and trigger a LifeCycleEvent

//Output should be somehting like:
//Event My\Model\UserCreated was persisted during last transaction
//The related Aggregate is dda1f14e-0b27-455f-ac4e-fc0043fe8455 and the payload of the event is {"name":"Alexander"}
//Event My\Model\UserNameChanged was persisted during last transaction
//The related Aggregate is dda1f14e-0b27-455f-ac4e-fc0043fe8455 and the payload of the event is {"username":"Alex"}
Check out the [example]( of ProophEventSourcing to see the EventStore in action

What's next?

The library is in an early state and a lot of features have to be implemented until we will release the first stable version. We apologize for the lack of documentation. We are working on it. With the 0.3.0 release ProophEventStore has made a huge step forward and the main functionality has its final structure so we can start to document some of the key features.
Basic functionality of an EventStore is implemented but we want to add more features (like support for snapshots) until we will release the first stable version. We apologize for the lack of documentation. We are working on it.

ZF2 Integration
Expand All @@ -327,7 +53,7 @@ ZF2 Integration

The library is heavily inspired by [malocher/event-store](, [beberlei/litecqrs-php]( and [szjani/predaddy](
The library is heavily inspired by [event-centric/EventCentric.Core](, [malocher/event-store](, [beberlei/litecqrs-php]( and [szjani/predaddy](

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