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Revisiting Recurrent Reinforcement Learning with Memory Monoids

This repository contains the code for Revisiting Recurrent Reinforcement Learning with Memory Monoids.

The standard way to train recurrent policies in RL could use some improvement. We usually truncate and zero-pad trajectories to a fixed length so that we can create a tensor of shape [Batch x Seq. Length], as depicted below:

We call this approach Segment-Based Batching (SBB). However, this breaks up episodes such that we cannot backpropagate through the entire episode, hindering policy learning. Furthermore, the zero-padding ends up costing extra space and compute, as well as breaking Batch Normalization and similar methods. Finally, SBB requires implementing padding-aware loss functions. I find that in practice, this introduces bugs, as these padding-aware recurrent loss functions can be very complex.

We propose a simple alternative that we call Tape-Based Batching (TBB): collapse the batch dimension into the sequence length dimension and treat our data as one very long list. This would be inefficient for a transformer or LSTM, but not for sequence models that scale logarithmically with the length of the sequence, like State-Space Models, Fast and Forgetful Memory, or Linear Transformers.

With one long list, we resolve most issues caused by segment-based batching. We no longer need to truncate and pad, we no longer truncate backpropagation, and we can use non-recurrent loss functions (PPO, Q learning, etc) to train recurrent policies. Please see the paper (link forthcoming) for how we accomplish this, or look at and to see how we implement this.

We find that replacing SBB with TBB greatly improves sample efficiency across a number of models and POPGym tasks. Our approach is in blue, compared against segment-based batching with various segment lengths.

Repository Structure

  • collector/ contains the sample collection code
  • experiments/ contains experiments as yaml files
  • memory/ contains memory model implementations
  • plotting/ contains plotting tools and scripts used to generate all plots
  • contains replay buffers for SBB and TBB
  • contains loss and update functions
  • runs a SBB double DQN, given a SBB experiment. For example, python experiments/cartpole_easy/segment_s5_10_100.yaml
  • runs a TBB double DQN, given a tape experiment. For example, python experiments/cartpole_easy/tape_s5.yaml
  • contains various utilities
  • contains definitions of the models as well as various utilities
  • implements the discounted return as a memory monoid, records the time taken, and ensures the memory monoid is correct
  • is a way to run many experiments at once
  • requirements.txt should contain necessary packages to run the scripts (without versions, to avoid dependency hell)
  • requirements_freeze.txt contains the exact dependency verions for the experiments (if requirements.txt does not work)

Rerunning Experiments

To rerun experiments, first install either requirements.txt or requirements_freeze.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, simply run either the SBB or TBB script

python experiments/cartpole_easy/tape_s5.yaml # Run TBB
python experiments/cartpole_easy/segment_s5_10_100.yaml # Run SBB

You may need to set up a wandb account to log metrics to the cloud.


Coming soon!