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rking edited this page Oct 22, 2012 · 7 revisions

Saying require 'pry';binding.pry is too much to type every time you want to drop into Pry from a script.

Here are some solutions.

Vim mapping

" Make \\p add the pry debug line
map <Leader><Leader>p orequire 'pry';binding.pry<esc>:w<cr>

" …and use bpry from Insert Mode:
iabbr bpry require 'pry';binding.pry

" Nab the last line from ~/.pry_history. (TODO: Make another one like it that prompts for the #)
map <leader>pry1 o<esc>:.!tail -1 ~/.pry_history<cr>==

Shell Script + eval ?

echo 'echo "require \"pry\"; binding.pry"' > ~/bin/dbg; chmod +x ~/bin/dbg

Then you're supposed to be able to dbg, and it works except for a critical detail: when you do that the "binding" is wrong. Any ideas?

Global method

def dbg(b_ing = binding)
  require 'pry'
  • (+) It spares you the require part
    • (-) But not the binding, which is the way you most likely would use it
  • (-) Has to be defined on a per-project basis, though it:
    • (+) Lets you use any editor
    • (+) Lets you use any CLI command (like cucumber, rails, etc...)