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Groovy core for MiSTer

General description

This core is a analog GPU for CRTs aiming for very low subframe latency


  • Very low latency (~3ms tested with GILT on GroovyMAME with frame delay 8)
  • RGB888/RGB565/RGBA888 blitting
  • Switch all modes (progressive/interlaced) reprogramming pll according to modeline
  • Connect with GB ethernet (direct connection recommended)
  • Audio stream
  • Inputs stream (keyboard, mouse, 2 joypads)
  • Native LZ4 uncompress on FPGA
  • History

Installation (transfers in binary mode!)

  • Copy MiSTer_groovy to /media/fat
  • Copy Groovy.rbf to /media/fat/_Utility
  • Edit MiSTer.ini and add custom binary at end of file

Emulators available

MAME fork by @Calamity, download mame_mister.ini and rename to mame.ini

-video mister 
-aspect 4:3 
-monitor arcade_15 
-mister_ip "192.x.x.x" 
-mister_compression lz4
-nomister_interlaced_fb (from 0.264) 
-joystickprovider mister (from 0.264, analog joysticks from 0.266)
-keyboardprovider mister (from 0.266)
-mouseprovider mister (from 0.266)
*Automatic frame delay is applied with frame delay 0
-mister_fd_margin 1.5/2.0/3.0 (applies a safe margin with ms to auto frame delay)

*Change "uifont default" to "uifont uismall.bdf" on mame.ini for pixel perfect menu
*autosync 0 on mame.ini for menu (60hz)
*MAC builds from

Mednafen fork, on mednafen.cfg set: 192.x.x.x
mister.port 32100
mister.lz4 1 (0-raw, 1-lz4 or 2-lz4hc)
mister.vsync 0 (automatic frame delay)
video.resolution_switch mister

Retroarch fork, on retroarch.cfg set (note: these lines has to exists on retroarch.cfg):

mister_ip = "192.x.x.x"
mister_lz4 = "1" (0-raw, 1-lz4, 2-lz4hc, 3-adaptative)
crt_switch_resolution = "4" (switchres.ini custom file)
crt_switch_resolution_super = "0"
aspect_ratio_index = "22" (core provided)
video_mister_enable = "true"
video_vsync = "false"
mister_scanlines = "true" 
mister_force_rgb565 = "false" (activate it when bandwidth problems)
mister_interlaced_fb = "true"
input_driver = "mister" (for input keyboard/mouse connected on MiSTer)
input_joypad_driver = "mister" (for input controllers connected on MiSTer)
menu_driver = "rgui" (it's the only menu supported)
vrr_runloop_enable = "true" (better performance for flycast)
audio_sync = "false" (better performance for flycast)
mister_mtu = "1500" (for enable jumbo frame, 3800 is allowed)

*Automatic frame delay for best results on latency options
*For dosbox core, set 60fps on core options.
*Hardware cores only works with glcore/vulkan.
*For run a core from command line -> retroach.exe -L cores/xxxx.dll file

Thanks to @Shane for this great windows utility to mirror desktop.


@Calamity for hard testing core and implement GroovyMAME for it

@sorgelig, for developing and maintaining MiSTer.

@jotego, for analog adjustment module.

GroovyArcade Discord #nogpu

MiSTer Discord #dev-talk

@alanswx for their lessons

@wickerwaka for their tips using ddr

@coolbho3k for their overclock

@Emulators teams: Mednafen, MAME and Retroarch

@alexxnr for testing it and encourage me in the project