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Mac PSEye Setup

Chadwick Boulay edited this page Apr 24, 2015 · 1 revision

The PSEye works with the plugin on Macs without any setup. However, you should probably calibrate the camera to improve tracking accuracy. There is also a provided tool to test the camera outside the psmoveapi context, to help debug.

Testing the camera

This is optional and only really recommended if you are having trouble getting the camera to work in the psmoveapi context.

You will need to install libusb-1.0 and SDL2 via homebrew. Then run Binaries\Mac\ps3eye_sdl You should see the image captured by the camera.

Camera Calibration

Cameras and lenses distort the image before it is captured. This distortion can be undistorted, but we first need to know the camera properties by running the calibration application.

Print the chessboard pattern onto good quality paper and affix it to something sturdy, like a thick piece of cardboard. It is important that the paper does not curl or ripple. Then run Binaries\Mac\tracker_camera_calibration. Orient the camera to look at the chessboard and when it is a good view (onscreen, coloured lines will identify the chessboard corners), press the space bar. Make sure the viewport has focus before pressing space. Keep doing this for different chessboard orientations and positions; it should stop at around 9 or 10.