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Boids Controller

This repo is an implementation of flocking. Source code is provided, but not all assets can be provided. These assets will not be provided as I do not have privilege to distribute them, however they are all free to acquire from the Unity Asset Store.

The assets do not have any effect on the flocking algorithm at all and are mainly used for visual aids.


If you are not used to the Unity interface - then jump to the Releases tab.


All assets mentioned are free and are simply for visual aids. They have no fundamental affect on the flocking algorithm.

  • TextMeshPro
  • ProBuilder Basic

Project Structure

You must have Unity 5.6 installed to run the demo if you intend to clone the demo!

If things appear to be missing - please get the above aforementioned Assets above!

Assets                              # Root directory
├───Editor                          # Shows debugging options in the scene view
├───Materials                       # Materials used for colour
├───Models                          # Models used (just the triangular bot)
├───Prefabs                         # Templates
├───Scenes                          # Where the demo lives
│   ├───Boid_Controller             # Simple boid controller example
│   └───Boid_Controller_Obstacle    # Simple boid controller example with obstacles
└───Scripts                         # Scripts for the GUI and the BoidController


Please check the Releases tab found on Github for the built projects. Built projects are specifically compiled for Windows. A Linux version will eventually be built. OSX will not be supported because I do not have an OSX machine.