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Getting Started

Porrith Suong edited this page Apr 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

3. Getting Started

To set up a scene properly to use the Developer Console, you can copy and paste the following from the Developer-Console.unity scene.


The Developer Console gameObject is a UI which is responsible for:

  • Displaying the Console information
  • Interacting with the Console to execute commands

Meanwhile, the [Console Command Executor] contains:

  • ConsoleCmdExecutor which parses string inputs into their respective types
  • ConsoleUI which activates/deactivates the console with a custom key binding

How is everything hooked up?

The console command input uses the UI's UnityEvent to send a string to the ConsoleCmdExecutor, where the string is split and each argument is parsed into their respective types. Once parsed, the arguments are used to invoke a Relative Event or Global Event based on the number of arguments.

For example:

  • killall is considered a Global Event since there is only 1 argument, the event name.
  • heal 32606 50.0 is considered a Relative Event since there is more than one argument.

The reason behind this is that currently, as of .NET 3.5 version, the RelativeEventHandler and GlobalEventHandler work differently and at a minimum to execute a Relative Event you need 2 arguments:

  • event name
  • the ID of the gameObject to invoke the relative event
GlobalEventHandler RelativeEventHandler
Uses Delegates Uses Reflections to mimic Delegates for dynamic argument parsing
Stores Delegates in a Dictionary Stores string representations of methods in a Dictionary of Lists<string>

See the GlobalEventHandler and RelativeEventHandler pages in the manual/scripting API for a more detailed explanation.