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Matthew D. Cutone committed Jan 21, 2020
2 parents 65176f7 + de28422 commit b392a45
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Showing 7 changed files with 897 additions and 1 deletion.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/api/plugins.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
:mod:`psychopy.plugins` - plugin utilities for extending PsychoPy

.. automodule:: psychopy.plugins
:members: loadPlugins
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/developers/pluginDevGuide.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
.. _pluginDevGuide:

Extending PsychoPy with Plugins

Plugins provide a means for developers to extend PsychoPy, adding new features
and customizations without directly modifying the PsychoPy installation. Read
:ref:`usingplugins` for more information about about plugins before proceeding
on this page.

How plugins work

The plugin system in PsychoPy functions as a dynamic importer, which imports
additional executable code from plugin packages then patches them into an active
PsychoPy session. This is done by calling the ``psychopy.plugins.loadPlugins()``
function and passing the names of the desired plugin modules to it. Once
``loadPlugins()`` returns, imported objects are immediately accessible. Any
changes made to PsychoPy with plugins do not persist across sessions, meaning if
Python is restarted, PsychoPy will return to its default behaviour unless
``loadPlugins()`` is called again. While you accomplish the same effect using
conventional ``import`` statements, the plugin loader also automatically handles
patching objects exported by the plugin into PsychoPy's modules and classes.

To demonstrate why plugins are advantageous over ``import``, let's consider a
case where we want to add support for some display related hardware. This
example requires overriding the default behaviour of the
``psychopy.visual.Window.flip()`` method and adding a new class to
`psychopy.hardware` called ``DisplayDriver``. These objects reside in a package
called `psychopy_display` installed alongside PsychoPy. The following two code
snippets yield the same result:

Using ``import`` statements::

import psychopy
import psychopy.visual as visual
import psychopy.hardware as hardware
import psychopy_display

visual.Window.flip = psychopy_display.flip
hardware.DisplayDriver = psychopy_display.DisplayDriver

win = visual.Window() # create a window
hw = hardware.DisplayDriver(win) # initialize our class

Equivalent to above using a plugin::

import psychopy
import psychopy.visual as visual
import psychopy.hardware as hardware

win = visual.Window() # create a window
hw = hardware.DisplayDriver(win)

As demonstrated, using the plugin does not require the user to manually specify
which attributes to assign the imported objects. The plugin loader knows where
to put objects because the modules defines an ``__extends__`` attribute. Other
than the ``__extends__`` statement, the code in `psychopy_display` is exactly
the same in both cases.

While you could have the module apply patches when imported by doing the
assignments from within the module, the plugin system does some bookkeeping to
keep track of what parts of PsychoPy have been modified, warning the user when
multiple plugins attempt to modify the same attributes. For instance, if another
plugin is loaded and attempts to modify ``psychopy.visual.Window.flip()``, the
plugin system will identify the conflict and inform the user. This safeguards
against possible undefined behaviour arising from the conflict which affects the
operation of previously loaded plugins.

Plugins can contain executable code which could run when loaded. For instance,
a routine to initialize something so the user doesn't have to explicitly.

Acceptable Use Policy for Plugins

If one chooses to make available their plugins, regardless of the method of
distribution, they must abide by the following policies for acceptable use.

1) Plugin developers must be as transparent as possible regarding the intent of
their software.
2) Plugins must not perform actions which may compromise the security or
privacy of the user.
3) The software must not perform unsolicited: file operations (access,
modification, or deletion of files on the users computer or network), changes
to the user's computer hardware or software configuration, or transmission of
data over a network (eg. usage data).
4) Plugins which modify PsychoPy's existing code should be focused on a specific
feature. Avoid creating a plugin which modifies multiple, unrelated aspects
of the software.

Plugin packages

A plugin has a similar structure to Python package, see the official `Packaging
Python Projects` (
guide for details.

To make PsychoPy plugins discernible from any other package in public
repositories, developers should adhere to the official naming convention. Plugin
names should always be prefixed with `psychopy` with individual words separated
with a `-` or `_` symbol (i.e. `psychopy-quest-procedure`). What you name the
package is up to you, but keep it concise and informative. The `name` argument
of the `setup()` function in `` file should be set to the name you've
chosen. Furthermore, the package directory or module file the plugin code
resides in should be named the same, but with `_` underscores separating words
(i.e. `psychopy_quest_procedure`). This convention is used to make plugin
packages easier to find once installed locally.

Below is an example of what a package's directory structure should look like:


The `` in the sub-directory is the entry point for your plugin code.

The ``__extends__`` statement

The ``__extends__`` module attribute is **required** by all PsychoPy plugins. If
``__extends__`` is not defined in file used as the entry point for plugin
module, it cannot be loaded by ``loadPlugins()``. The plugin loader imports the
module and looks for this attribute to not only identify whether a module is a
plugin, but to determine where to assign objects within PsychoPy.

The value of ``__extends__`` is always either a dictionary or `None`. Dictionary
keys are strings specifying the *fully qualified name* of a PsychoPy object
whose attribute you wish to extend or modify. Target PsychoPy objects can be
modules (eg. `psychopy.visual`), classes (eg. `psychopy.visual.Window`) and
their methods.

Note that objects can only be assigned to unbound classes and their methods and
will not modify instances present before the plugin was loaded. The items of the
``__extends__`` dictionary are strings or lists of strings specifying the names
of objects to place in the associated namespace. For example, an ``__extends__``
statement may look like this::

__extends__ = {'psychopy.core': "MyTimer",
'psychopy.visual': ["MyStimClass", "myFunc"],
'psychopy.visual.Window': "flip"}

Where `"MyTimer"`, `"MyStimClass"`, `"flip"` and `"myFunc"` are objects defined
in the scope of the plugin module. When the plugin is loaded, `MyTimer` will be
placed in `psychopy.core`, and `MyStimClass` and `myFunc` in `psychopy.visual`.
The method ``psychopy.visual.Window.flip()`` will be replaced with `flip`.
After a plugin is loaded, the behaviour of ``flip()`` will change and all other
object will be accessible within their respective scopes (eg.
``psychopy.visual.myFunc()`` will be callable).

In a some cases a plugin may not extend any namespaces, but still contains code
to modify PsychoPy. This is the case for plugins which alters the Builder
interface (eg. add a menu item). If so, the file must still contain a
``__extends__`` directive but it may be set to `None` or an empty dictionary.

Note the optional ``__all__`` attribute some modules define is ignored by the
plugin loader. You can include ``__all__`` in your plugin module if you wish to
allow it to be imported conventionally, or to expose non-PsychoPy related

Optional ``__load()`` and ``__shutdown__()`` functions

Some plugins may need to execute code when loaded or to clean up when PsychoPy
closes. You can indicate which code to run in either of these events by defining
optional ``__load()`` and ``__shutdown()`` functions in the same file
``__extends__`` is defined. If present, the ``__load()`` function is called
before assigning objects specified by ``__extends__`` and ``__shutdown()`` is
called when ``psychopy.core.quit()`` is invoked.

Coding and documentation style

Since plugins are not part of PsychoPy, developers are not compelled to adhere
to the official style guide. However, to provide a consistent experience for
users, it is highly recommended that any user facing objects exported by the
plugin do use the official style conventions. See :ref:`demostyleguide` for more
information. For documentation, PsychoPy standardized on the `NumpyDoc` style
for new code.

Creating a plugin example

This example will demonstrate how to create and package a plugin for
distribution. Here we would like to add a new stimulus class and function to
`psychopy.visual` called `MyStim` and `helperFunc`, respectively.

Setting up project files

The source tree of the plugin resembles a typical Python package. The top-level
project directory is named `psychopy_mystim`, in it we have files ``,
``, and `LICENCE`, and module sub-directory named `psychopy_mystim`
with a `` file inside it. This sub-directory defines the entry
point for the plugin.

Below is a diagram of what the project directory should look like when viewed
in a file manager:


Configuring ``

Adding code

The Python file serving as the entry point for your package needs to define an
``__extends__`` statement which indicates which objects need to be placed into
which namespace. For our example, we want to put objects ``MyStim`` and
``helperFunc`` into `psychopy.visual`. Therefore our ``__extends__`` statement
should be placed in the `` file in our module sub-directory and
defined as::

__extends__ = {'psychopy.visual': ["MyStim", "helperFunc"]}

Optionally, we can also define an ``__all__`` statement to handle the case where
we import the plugin module directly (note that PsychoPy plugins must *always*
define ``__extends__`` even if ``__all__`` is present)::

__all__ = ["MyStim", "helperFunc"]

Now we add our ``import`` statements. ``MyStim`` is a subclass of
``BaseShapeStim`` so we need to import it::

import psychopy
from psychopy.visual.shape import BaseShapeStim

You can also add additional import statements to bring in objects from other
files located in the module sub-directory. In our example, ``helperFunc`` is
defined in the file ```` and we would like to make it exportable. To do
this, we add add an additional import statement which brings the function into
the module namespace::

import psychopy
from psychopy.visual.shape import BaseShapeStim
from import myFunc

We can now define our ``MyStim`` class which may look something like this::

class MyStim(BaseShapeStim):
def __init__(*args, **kwargs):

Packaging and testing

Plugins as patches

Plugins can also be used to install and distribute unofficial patches or
hotfixes to quickly fix bugs in current releases of PsychoPy without needing to
manually edit files in your existing PsychoPy installation. This also allows for
fixes to be applied across several installations too.

Note that not all features in PsychoPy can be patched and will require upstream
fixes. In any case make sure you report the bug to the developers!

Example patch

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/source/documentation.rst
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Further information:

For developers:

Expand Down

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