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Matthew D. Cutone edited this page Sep 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Would you like to contribute to PsychoPy by don't know where to start? This page proposes possible projects you can help out with. Please read the developers page before getting started.

Documentation (Easy)

The easiest way to contribute to PsychoPy is to improve documentation. This usually requires no actual coding skill, but helps familiarize you with development environment and the process of submitting pull requests. Documentation markdown files reside in the psychopy/docs directory, these files are used to generate the Documentation page on PsychoPy's website. Entries for the Reference Manual (API) are generated using 'docstrings' in PsychoPy's Python functions and classes. These are also referenced in the markdown file associated with the module they reside in. Code documentation is in NumpyDoc format and is strictly enforced.

No effort is too small when contributing to documentation, here are some suggested ways you can contribute:

  • Fix typos and grammar.
  • Rephrase documentation to be more concise and accessible to novice programmers.
  • Convert docstrings into NumpyDoc format.
  • Fixing formatting. If you see documentation page which appears rendered incorrectly (e.g. a list isn't properly bulleted), fixing it would be appreciated.
  • Add examples were applicable to function docstrings, showing a general and advanced use cases.
  • Find functions and classes present in the code but missing in the Reference Manual, then make sure they are correctly referenced in the markdown files.