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Simple organizer app

To-do list:

5th stage. Part 3

(ver. 0.4.10 -> 0.5.0: progressive features)


  • Import data from JSON
  • Sharing projects with other users
  • Visitor's statistics
  • Automatic register new users and send them email
  • Variable for auto-naming of repeated tasks
  • Task assigment date(s) in addition to the deadline (or repeat feat.)
  • Optimize date visualization:
    • weekday for tasks in current week
    • hide year for current year tasks
  • Tomorrow tasks in Today with hide/show button
  • Categorize task in Week by day of week (consider repeating tasks)


  • Link to confirm email


  • Different button colors for on/off sidebar status


  • Remove current code of sort feature
  • Refactor functions 'organizer/'


5th stage. Part 2

(ver. 0.4.9: refactoring from Jan 02, 2020 to Jun 06, 2020)


  • hide date in Today's tasks except for overdue ones
  • by default 20:59 -> 20:00 (for reduce text)
  • Beauty placeholder in empty Today-folder: for example, "You're great!" or big green tick (
  • Remove "View done tasks" link and "Add task" button from Today and Week folder


  • Send daily message from user profile
  • Checkbox in profile to subscribe/unsubscribe today notification
  • Profile page with user's data
  • Ability to change email
  • Choose number of random tasks in daily email
  • Button for go to random task



  • Auto change current year in the end of intro template
  • Start to use constants


  • Saving status of side-bar to cookie doesn't work for task's template
  • Changing task from Today folder redirect to task's project
  • Daily email don't use tasks from Inbox
  • Link "organizer/export/" don't work properly
  • Sort doesn't work in Week
  • Incorrect work of week-folder for weekend

5th stage. Part 1

(ver. 0.4.1 -> 0.4.8: release progressive features from Jul 21, 2018 to Oct 29, 2018)


  • Set time to 20:59 if add date without time
  • In Week folder sort tasks by due_date
  • Add random task in today email
  • Add repeating every two days
  • Subject in message begin with capitalize letter
  • Link to organizer in email massage about today tasks
  • Email notification about today tasks
  • Separate application for user profile


  • Review projects_change and projects_rename view


  • Crash introduction page style when use https
  • Week counts next Sunday tasks
  • Url 'organizer/asdf' go to Inbox with "Asdf" header
  • When go into hidden project look at "View hidden projects" link
  • Instead of renaming the project is hidden
  • Close a task in Today folder go to project folder of the task or Inbox
  • Task snooze but continue to count near the folder
  • Repeat tasks 500 Server Error without due_date
  • Error with closing project's task in today or week folder ('url projects/0/task_apply not found')

Useful links:

4th stage

(ver. 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0: continue to develop)



  • Sorting return to default after something operations. Maybe to use save in user's model setting of sort and also different other.
  • Today, Week -> Task viewing back transition leads to project of task
  • DateTimeField Task.due_date received a naive datetime while time zone support is active.
  • There is no options to restore deleted projects
  • Into deleted projects showing deleted tasks (not active tasks by default)

Useful links about exporting data:

Third stage

Progressive improvement (ver. 0.2.1 -> 0.3.0: still without use of JS).


  • Send message
  • Registration page
  • Weekly tasks
  • Today tasks
  • After logout goto index page
  • Last edit time for comments
  • Line breaks in comments
  • Edit comments text
  • Hide the comments instead of deleting


  • Sort tasks by publication date (newest or latest)
  • Highlighting (red color) of overdue tasks
  • Numbers of comments to task
  • Empty data input verification
  • Checkboxes for tasks instead radiobuttons
  • Change project of task
  • View number of tasks for every project in sidebar

Second stage

Progressive development (ver. 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0).


  • Layout:
    • Base html-structure of the page
    • Mobile first
    • Responsive design
    • Collapse navbar
    • Turn on/off sidebar
    • Area for comments
    • Refactoring
    • Flexibility for aside area

Useful resources:

Grid Layout:


Backend (Done, v0.1.1):

  • Refactoring
  • User authorization
  • Comments
  • History
  • Tasks deadline time
  • Completeness flag for tasks/projects
  • Inbox
  • Rename projects/tasks

First stage

Working prototype (ver. 0.1.0: provides minimal, but sufficient opportunities for work):

  • Add projects
  • Add tasks
  • Delete projects
  • Delete tasks
  • Minimalistic design

List of used sources

