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ESPHome configuration, templates, and projects.


A collection of utility and device specific configuration templates. Some templates are customized based on other people's work, see YML files for source references.

Device Templates


  • Generic bootstrap template used when converting Tuya devices to ESPHome using TuyaConvert.
  • See blog post for firmware conversion details.

Ayococr X5P WiFi Plug

EFUN SH331 WiFi Power Monitoring Plug

  • Template for the EFUN SH331W US 120V AC WiFi power monitoring wall plug.
  • See blog post for firmware conversion details.
  • Note: No longer listed on Amazon.

Sonoff TH10/TH16 WiFi Relay

Sonoff S31 WiFi Power Monitoring Plug

  • Template for the Sonoff S31 US 120V AC WiFi power monitoring wall plug.
  • Follow the Tasmota guide for flashing instructions.

Norvi NORVI-ENET-AE06-R DIN Controller

  • Template for the Norvi NORVI-ENET-AE06-R or SensOper SC-EN-I6-RO4 ESP32 DIN form factor controllers.
  • Flash over USB.
  • Note:
    • Norvi devices are sold under the SensOper Controls brand in the US and available at the SensOper store.
    • Norvi branded devices can be shipped to the US from the Sri Lanka based Norvi store, or the Germany based CarTFT store.
    • I am experiencing issues with PSU and ADC stability on several devices, see the notes section in YML for details.
    • Norvi addressed the issues through a design change (May 2024 date code) and sent me replacement devices, that I still need to test and verify.

RocketController ASTRA DIN Controller

Kincony KC868-ASR DIN Controller

GL-S10 POE Ethernet Bluetooth Proxy

  • Template to use the GL-S10 IoT Gateway as a Bluetooth proxy.
  • Follow the Blakadder guide for flashing instructions.
  • Warning: Do not connect USB power and POE power at the same time.

Utility Templates


Garage Fan Thermostat

Utility Gas and Water Meter Pulse Counter

  • Project utility-pulse-counter.yaml config is used to measure water and gas consumption from my utility meter pulse counters.
  • See blog post for project details.

Hot Water Recirculation Pump

  • Project hot-water-recirc-pump.yaml config is used to control my whole home hot water recirculation pump using a Sonoff TH10 and several temperature probes.
  • See blog post for project details.

TubesZB Ethernet Zigbee Coordinator

RatGDO LiftMaster Garage Door Controller

Garage Fan Thermostat and Utility Gas and Water Meter Pulse Counter

  • Project utility-counter-gate-fan.yaml is used as thermostat for cool air ventilation in my garage, and to measure water and gas consumption from my utility meter pulse counters.

Docker Deployment

  • The standard ESPHome container does not support running as non-root.
  • Deploy the ESPHome-NonRoot container for non-root operation.
  • Set directory permissions:
    • sudo chown -R nonroot:users /data/appdata/esphome
    • sudo chmod -R ugo=rwx /data/appdata/esphome
  • Clone Git repository in ESPHome config folder.
    • cd /data/appdata/esphome/config
    • git clone -b develop .
  • Deploy secrets.yaml, use secrets._yaml as template.
  • In VSCode open remote SSH workspace on docker host, and open workspace from config directory.



  • Not all templates are documented here.
  • I deployed Zigbee in my home using Z2M and TubesZB Zigbee Ethernet coordinator, and no longer use ESPHome flashed smart plugs. For US smart plugs I highly recommend the Sengled Zigbee power monitoring smart plugs.

Renaming a Device in Home Assistant

  • Rename HA entities:
    • Stop HA container using docker stop home-assistant.
    • Reset config permissions:
      • sudo chown -R nobody:users /data/appdata/home-assistant/config
      • sudo chmod -R ugo=rwx /data/appdata/home-assistant/config
    • Edit core.config_entries and rename title and host.
    • Edit core.device_registry and rename name.
    • Edit core.entity_registry and rename unique_id and original_name.
  • Set new ESPHome device name:
    • Set use_address in wifi config, see notes.
    • Update firmware.
    • Delete or uncomment use_address.
    • Update firmware.
  • Restart HA container using docker start home-assistant.
  • Troubleshooting:
    • Look at ESPHome integration entities, fix incorrect entries.
    • E.g. search for entities named foo_2, delete foo, and rename foo_2 to foo.
    • E.g. replace short entity names with fully qualified names.
  • Note: ESPHome + HA v2024+ made improvements in device and entity naming changes and conflicts, and the listed steps may no longer be required.

Espressif32 and Framework Versions

  • PlatformIO version is determined by the ESPHome release, it cannot be updated independently.
  • framework: type: can be arduino or esp-idf, use esp-idf for ESP32 devices.
  • platform_version specifies the platformio/espressif32 version.
    • Using latest is not supported, use an exact version number.
  • version specifies the platformio/framework-espidf version.
    • Using latest will use the version supported by platformio/espressif32 at release time, not the current latest version.


VSCode Setup

  • Install VSCode.
  • Clone ptr727/ESPHome-Config repo and open workspace.
  • Upload secrets.yaml.
  • Open ESPHome-Config workspace.
  • Install recommended extensions (from workspace).
  • Associate YAML files with ESPHome (from the ESPHome extension).
  • Select default Python interpreter and create virtual environment (Ctrl-Shift-P Python...).
  • Install ESPHome (in venv terminal): pip install --upgrade [--pre] setuptools wheel platformio esphome.
  • Make sure ESPHome is installed: esphome version.
  • Compile ESPHome project: esphome compile esp32-s3-test.yaml.
  • Launch Dashboard: esphome dashboard ., open http://localhost:6052/.

Debugging in DevContainer

  • Setup VSCode.
  • Open workspace and clone in devcontainer volume.
  • TODO: Serial port forwarding config.

Debugging on Windows

  • Install Python from the Microsoft Store.
  • Setup VSCode.
  • Compile ESPHome project: esphome compile esp32-s3-feather-test.yaml.
  • Plugin device, hold Boot and press Reset if required.
  • List COM ports from PowerShell:
    • Serial ports: [System.IO.Ports.SerialPort]::getportnames()
    • Msft drivers: Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_SerialPort | Select-Object Name, Description, DeviceID.
    • Custom drivers: Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PnPEntity | Where-Object { $_.Name -match '.*\(COM(\d)\)' } Select-Object Caption.
  • Upload firmware: esphome run --device COM4 esp32-s3-feather-test.yaml.
  • Log output: esphome logs [--device COM5] esp32-s3-feather-test.yaml.

Debugging on Windows WSL

  • Install Ubuntu or Debian from the Microsoft Store.
  • Install USBIPD-WIN from GitHub Releases.
  • Bind serial port.
    • Open PowerShell as Admin in Terminal, referred to as Windows.
    • Open Ubuntu in Terminal, referred to as WSL.
    • Windows: usbipd list, e.g. 7-1 303a:1001 USB Serial Device (COM4), USB JTAG/serial debug unit Not shared
    • Windows: usbipd bind --busid 7-1
    • Windows: usbipd attach --wsl --busid 7-1
    • WSL: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y
    • WSL: sudo apt install python3 python3-venv usbutils -y
    • WSL: lsusb, e.g. Bus 001 Device 002: ID 303a:1001 Espressif USB JTAG/serial debug unit
    • WSL: dmesg | grep tty, e.g. cdc_acm 1-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
    • WSL: ls /dev/tty*, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Install VSCode and the Remote Explorer extension.
  • Open VSCode Remote WSL Ubuntu session.
    • Setup VSCode in remote WSL session.
    • List COM ports: ls /dev/tty*.
    • Upload firmware: esphome run --device /dev/ttyUSB0 esp32-s3-test.yaml
  • Unbind serial port.
    • Windows: usbipd detach --busid 7-1
    • Windows: usbipd unbind --all

Debugging in PlatformIO

  • Setup VSCode and install the PlatformIO extension.
  • Compile the project using esphome compile [project].
  • Launch the PlatformIO extension and open the project folder, e.g. ./.esphome/build/esp32-s3-test
  • PlatformIO will open a new instance of VSCode for that project.
  • Select default Python interpreter and create virtual environment (Ctrl-Shift-P Python...).
  • PlatformIO Core will be installed in the virtual environment and use the environment Python.


ESPHome configuration






