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A collection of my system configuration files.


  1. i3wm
  2. i3blocks
  3. bashrc (user + root)
  4. compton
  5. gtksourceview style (tinge.xml)
  6. homepage
  7. mousespeed
  8. neovim
  9. terminalrc (xfce4-terminal)
  10. Xresources (rxvt-unicode and rofi)

My Setup:

  • Distribution: Arch Linux
  • Shell: bash
  • Window Manager: i3
  • Status: i3-blocks
  • Launcher: rofi

  • File Manager: thunar
  • IDE: atom
  • Media Player: mpv
  • Music Player: cmus
  • Terminal: rxvt-unicode
  • Text Editors: neovim + mousepad
  • Torrent Client: transmission-gtk
  • Video Editor: kdenlive
  • Video Transcoder: ffmpeg (swift-encoder)
  • Web Browser: chromium

  • Monospace Font:Hack 11
  • System Font: Noto Sans 11
  • GTK Theme: Arc-Dark [GTK2/3]
  • Icon Theme: Numix-Circle
  • Terminal Color Scheme: Brogrammer
  • Mousepad Color Scheme: Tinge
  • Steam Skin: Metro for Steam