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[How to] Create custom activities

pokonski edited this page Dec 15, 2012 · 2 revisions

Besides standard, automatic activities created on CRUD actions on your model (deactivatable), you can post your own activities that can be triggered without modifying the tracked model. There are a few ways to do this, as PublicActivity gives three tiers of options to be set.

Instant options

Because every activity needs a key (otherwise: NoKeyProvided is raised), the shortest and minimal way to post an activity is:

@user.create_activity :mood_changed
# the key of the action will be user.mood_changed
@user.create_activity action: :mood_changed # this is exactly the same as above

Besides assigning your key (which is obvious from the code), it will take global options from User class (given in #tracked method during class definition) and overwrite them with instance options (set on @user by #activity method). You can read more about options and how PublicActivity inherits them for you here.

Note the action parameter builds the key like this: "#{model_name}.#{action}". You can read further on options for #create_activity here.

To provide more options, you can do:

@user.create_activity action: 'poke', params: {reason: 'bored'}, recipient: @friend, owner: @user

In this example, we have provided all the things we could for a standard Activity.

Instance options

It is sometimes unavoidable to assign options in a more sophisticated way, where oneliners are not possible. For this case, we provide instance options, which are reset every time activity is created.

@user.activity key: 'user.mood_changed' # sets instance options
@user.create_activity # ok, key is set, passes validation => activity is saved
# here instance options are not set again
@user.create_activity # ERROR: NoKeyProvided