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This repository contains a free and open-source, fully synthesizable VGA controller requesting pixel data directly using configurable AXI bursts. It is part of the PULP ecosystem.


While future improvements may relax these constraints, currently:

  • We only support AXI data widths of 32b to 1024b.
  • The pixel size in memory must be equal to the sum of the hardware channel widths.
  • The pixel size in memory must be a divisor of the data bus width.

Reconfiguring AXI VGA

To simplify VGA reconfiguration in your project, you can include the GNU Make fragment in your makefile, for example:

include $(shell bender path axi_vga)/

# Inject alternative register layout if needed
$(AXI_VGA_ROOT)/data/axi_vga.hjson: config/axi_vga.json
    cp $< $@

# Rebuild VGA RTL
all: axi_vga


A simple standalone testbench is provided. If you have access to Questa Advanced Simulator, you can run it using the scripts provided in vsim:

make vsim


Everything in this repository is licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License 0.51 (see LICENSE), with the exception of the regfile RTL (src/axi_vga_reg_*.sv) which is generated by a fork of lowRISC's regtool and licensed under Apache 2.0.