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add hardcoded dma contrl signals #2399

add hardcoded dma contrl signals

add hardcoded dma contrl signals #2399

GitHub Actions / verible-verilog-lint failed Jul 7, 2024 in 1s

reviewdog [verible-verilog-lint] report

reported by reviewdog 🐶

Findings (6)

hw/bootrom/|2084 col 10| File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]
hw/|1305 col 50| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
hw/|1321 col 15| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
hw/|1331 col 45| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
hw/|1337 col 45| Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
hw/|357 col 10| File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]

Filtered Findings (0)


Check warning on line 2084 in hw/bootrom/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] hw/bootrom/

File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]
Raw output
message:"File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]"  location:{path:"hw/bootrom/"  range:{start:{line:2084  column:10}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}  suggestions:{range:{start:{line:2084  column:10}  end:{line:2085}}  text:"endmodule\n"}

Check warning on line 1305 in hw/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] hw/

Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]"  location:{path:"hw/"  range:{start:{line:1305  column:50}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}  suggestions:{range:{start:{line:1305  column:50}  end:{line:1306}}  text:"      .DataWidth           ( Cfg.AxiDataWidth  ),\n"}

Check warning on line 1321 in hw/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] hw/

Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]"  location:{path:"hw/"  range:{start:{line:1321  column:15}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}  suggestions:{range:{start:{line:1321  column:15}  end:{line:1322}}  text:"      .rst_ni,\n"}

Check warning on line 1331 in hw/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] hw/

Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]"  location:{path:"hw/"  range:{start:{line:1331  column:45}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}  suggestions:{range:{start:{line:1331  column:45}  end:{line:1332}}  text:"      .phy_resetn_o        ( eth_rstn_o   ),\n"}

Check warning on line 1337 in hw/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] hw/

Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]
Raw output
message:"Remove trailing spaces. [Style: trailing-spaces] [no-trailing-spaces]"  location:{path:"hw/"  range:{start:{line:1337  column:45}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}  suggestions:{range:{start:{line:1337  column:45}  end:{line:1338}}  text:"      .phy_mdc_o           ( eth_mdc_o    ),\n"}

Check warning on line 357 in hw/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] hw/

File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]
Raw output
message:"File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]"  location:{path:"hw/"  range:{start:{line:357  column:10}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}  suggestions:{range:{start:{line:357  column:10}  end:{line:358}}  text:"endmodule\n"}