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Off The Shelf Components

shmurthy62 edited this page Feb 12, 2015 · 2 revisions

Jetstream provides several Off the shelf components that are listed below. You can wire them together to build your own Jetstream Applications.

  • [InboundMessageChannel] (../wiki/InboundMessageChannel) - A channel for receiving Jetstream Events over Jetstream Cluster Messaging
  • [OutboundMessageChannel] (../wiki/Outbound-Message-Channel) - A channel for publishing Jetstream Events over Jetstream Cluster Messaging
  • EsperProcessor - A Processor implementation that wraps Esper.
  • RateLimiterProcessor - A rate limiting processor that uses frequency estimation technique to limit the event rate in an application instance to a provisioned value.
  • InboundFileChannel - A Channel implementation to consume Jetstream Events from a CSV file and play that at provisioned rates.
  • OutboundFileChannel - A Channel implementation to collect and persist Jetsteam Event in to a CSV file.
  • InboundKafkaChannel - A Channel implementation that listens to Jetstream Events from Kafka queues.
  • OutboundKafkaChannel - A Channel implementation that listens to Jetstream Events from Kafka queues.
  • RoundRobinLoadbalancer - A load balancer for distributing events among its sinks in a round robin manner
  • PartitionedLoadbalancer - A load balancer for distributing events among its sinks by creating partitioning of event stream by using one or more event fields
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