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Xinglang Wang edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 5 revisions

Pulsar use github manage the sourcecode, issues. And use the github wiki manages the documents.

General discussion

Pulsar use google groups!forum/gopulsar for general discussion.

Raise issue

Feel free to create issue and comment issue under github when you found any issues.

Contribute Your Work

Pulsar follow up the standard fork/pull model. And when you submit your first pull request, please sign a Contributor License Agreement and email it to, and use Pulsar as the Project Name.

  • Raise an issue on GitHub, describing the feature/enhancement/bug
  • Discuss with others in google group or issue comments, make sure the proposed changes fit in with what others are doing and have planned for the project
  • Make changes in your fork
  • Write unit test if none exists that cover your change
  • Push to GitHub under your fork
  • Raise a pull request on GitHub, include both code and test, link with related issue
  • Committer will review in terms of correctness, performance, design, coding style, test coverage
  • Discuss and revise if necessary
  • Finally commit merge code into main branch

For local env setup, here are guides for IDEs:

Wish List

  • Connectors to HBase, Couch base & MongoDB
  • Local disk storage as overflow buffer for kafka producer
  • WEB based IDE for EPL development
  • Graphical drag and drop editor for building pipelines
  • Real-time reporting API and dashboard
  • Integration with Druid or other metrics stores
  • Integration with Mesos for deployment and resource management of Jetstream clusters
  • Persistent session store integration
  • Support long rolling window aggregation
  • Support for longer rolling window views in Esper

Look forward for your contribution!!!