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Security Groups Webstack by Pulsely

Security Groups Webstack Screenshot

Security Groups Webstack is a Django powered webstack solution developed by Pulsely. Security Groups Webstack let you control the access of a specific Security Group in an Amazon Web Services Virtual Private Network.

Running the Security Groups Webstack

You can run the Security Groups Webstack directly with a Python virtual environment, or with Docker.

Running with Python Virtual Environment

The best way would be to create a new Python virtual environment. Any Python with version 3.9 should work. The only dependency would be an active Redis 4.0+ installation.

  • Pull the source code of Security Groups Webstack:

    git clone
  • Changed to the directory of the Security Groups Webstack:

    cd webstack-securitygroups
  • Create a new python virtual environment and install the packages from requirements.txt:

    python -m venv venv
    source ./venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

(Your Python 3 runtime could be named differently, such as 'python3', so change to python3 -m venv venv if this is the case.)

  • Then run the Security Groups Webstack:
    python runserver
    The will check if a .env file is create and create one for you automatically if missing. The db.sqlite3 file will also be created for you 4 seconds after the installation is fired up the first time.
  • You can run your Security Groups Webstack in development mode with the Make command make dev, or activate the venv virtual environment created previously with these commands:
    source ./venv/bin/activate
    python runserver

Running with Docker

The Security Groups Webstack has a default DockerFile which will run with Docker or Podman in development mode.

  • The Docker setup will run the Security Groups Webstack with Django, and run the first run setup automatically.

    docker-compose up
  • To run the Docker setup in daemon mode:

    docker-compose up -d
    docker-compose run django python createsuperuser

Django settings that can be overwritten

These settings are stored at the .env file and can be overwriten at the default Django settings at securitygroups/ which should be created on first run.

Varaiable Description Defaults
SECRET_KEY The secret key for Django user authentication Random key generated automatically
DEBUG Django DEBUG mode for development. Set to false for deployment true
ALLOWED_HOSTS Host/domain names that this Django site can serve. *
AWS_REGION_SECURITY_GROUP AWS Region of the Security Group ap-northeast-1
AWS_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP The Security Group ID sg-xxxxxxxxxx
EMAIL_BACKEND The default E-mail backend, set to django-ses for AWS deployment django_ses.SESBackend
AWS_SES_REGION_NAME Default AWS SES region Name us-west-2
AWS_SES_REGION_ENDPOINT Default AWS SES region endpoint
SERVER_EMAIL E-mail for sending the notification emails

Optional Access Key and Secret settings that can be added

These settings can be overwriten at the default Django settings at securitygroups/ which should be created on first run.

Varaiable Description Defaults
AWS_SECURITY_GROUP_KEY_ID Access ID of IAM user which has access to the Security Group -
AWS_SECURITY_GROUP_ACCESS_KEY Access Key of IAM user which has access to the Security Group -

Special notes on deployment

If you deploy to production such as Nginx with Supervisord, you will need to overwrite the default CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS variable at the file securitygroups/

Configuration details of the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS is available at Django website

Django Management Commands

Type python to check for the default Django management commands available:


python migrate will create database schema on your database settings. It should automatically run by the first time though.

python createsuperuser allows you to create superuser at the command line.

python changepassword let you change password for any user in the system.

These Security Groups Webstack commands are available for testing and house cleaning.


python mail_test can be used for sending test e-mail(s) to check your notification configurations.

python reset will remove the .env, db.sqlite3, celerybeat-schedule and securitygroups/ configuration files to reset your installation.
(Only available for DEBUG mode on.)

Running databases other than SQLite?

You can use any databases supported by Django. Create the database settings at the securitygroups/ file following the Django documentations, and you should be good to go.

Credits & Acknowledgements

This project utilizes the following components:

Python packages


Copyright and license

The Security Groups Webstack is written by Pulsely

Copyright 2023 Pulsely


Security Groups Webstack let you control the access of a specific Security Group in an Amazon Web Services Virtual Private Network.







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