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jared strate committed Dec 2, 2009
2 parents 8cc3096 + e7d4a39 commit 29762d6
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Showing 29 changed files with 2,369 additions and 33 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions README.textile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ The online documentation for most Incanter functions contain usage examples. The
** "Datasets":
** "Statistics examples":
** "Probability distributions":
* See the @examples/@ directory and @tests/test-cases.clj@ for additional usage examples
* See the @examples/@ directory and @test/incanter/*-tests.clj@ for additional usage examples
** Run @examples/run_prob_plots.clj@ to generate example probability distribution plots
** Run @tests/runtests.clj@ to run test cases
** Run @bin/runtests.clj@ to run test cases

<a name="docs"></a>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ To build Incanter, test it, and generate the api documentation yourself, run the
* cd into the incanter directory
* Download and uncompress Incanter's dependencies: @ant deps@
* Build incanter.jar: @ant@
* Run unit tests: @tests/runtests.clj@
* Run unit tests: @bin/runtests.clj@
* Generate API docs: @bin/generate_docs.clj@

(Note: the @bin/clj@ and @*.clj@ scripts won't run on Windows systems as is. Although, the Clojure code contained in the @*.clj@ scripts can be run from the Clojure shell.)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions bin/clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ JFREECHART_JARS=$INCANTER_LIB_DIR/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar:$INCANTER_LIB_DIR/jcommo

echo "java -server -cp .:..:$INCANTER_JAR:$COLT_JARS:$JLINE_JARS:$CLOJURE_JARS:$JFREECHART_JARS:$OPENCSV_JARS:$PROCESSING_JARS -Dclojure.compile.path=$CLASSES_DIR -Dincanter.home=$INCANTER_HOME jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main"

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
java -server -cp .:..:$INCANTER_JAR:$COLT_JARS:$JLINE_JARS:$CLOJURE_JARS:$JFREECHART_JARS:$OPENCSV_JARS:$PROCESSING_JARS -Dclojure.compile.path=$CLASSES_DIR -Dincanter.home=$INCANTER_HOME jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main
java -server -cp .:..:$INCANTER_JAR:$COLT_JARS:$JLINE_JARS:$CLOJURE_JARS:$JFREECHART_JARS:$OPENCSV_JARS:$PROCESSING_JARS:$TESTS_DIR -Dclojure.compile.path=$CLASSES_DIR -Dincanter.home=$INCANTER_HOME jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main
java -server -cp .:..:$INCANTER_JAR:$COLT_JARS:$JLINE_JARS:$CLOJURE_JARS:$JFREECHART_JARS:$OPENCSV_JARS:$PROCESSING_JARS -Dclojure.compile.path=$CLASSES_DIR -Dincanter.home=$INCANTER_HOME clojure.lang.Script $scriptname -- $*
java -server -cp .:..:$INCANTER_JAR:$COLT_JARS:$JLINE_JARS:$CLOJURE_JARS:$JFREECHART_JARS:$OPENCSV_JARS:$PROCESSING_JARS:$TESTS_DIR -Dclojure.compile.path=$CLASSES_DIR -Dincanter.home=$INCANTER_HOME clojure.lang.Script $scriptname -- $*

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions bin/runtests.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bin/clj

;;; test-incanter.clj -- Unit tests of Incanter functions

;; by David Edgar Liebke
;; March 12, 2009

;; Copyright (c) David Edgar Liebke, 2009. All rights reserved. The use
;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
;; Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

;; March 12, 2009: First version

(ns test.runtests
(:use [clojure.test :only (run-tests)]
(incanter tests)))


64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions examples/blog/annotations.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
;; from the following blog post

(use '(incanter core charts))

(def x (range (* -2 Math/PI) (* 2 Math/PI) 0.01))
(def plot (xy-plot x (sin x)))
(view plot)

;; annotate the plot
(doto plot
(add-pointer (- Math/PI) (sin (- Math/PI))
:text "(-pi, (sin -pi))")
(add-pointer Math/PI (sin Math/PI)
:text "(pi, (sin pi))" :angle :ne)
(add-pointer (* 1/2 Math/PI) (sin (* 1/2 Math/PI))
:text "(pi/2, (sin pi/2))" :angle :south))

;; try the different angle options
(doto plot
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "north" :angle :north)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "nw" :angle :nw)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "ne" :angle :ne)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "west" :angle :west)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "east" :angle :east)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "south" :angle :south)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "sw" :angle :sw)
(add-pointer 0 0 :text "se" :angle :se))

;; PCA chart example
(use '(incanter core stats charts datasets))
;; load the iris dataset
(def iris (to-matrix (get-dataset :iris)))
;; run the pca
(def pca (principal-components (sel iris :cols (range 4))))
;; extract the first two principal components
(def pc1 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 0))
(def pc2 (sel (:rotation pca) :cols 1))

;; project the first four dimension of the iris data onto the first
;; two principal components
(def x1 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc1))
(def x2 (mmult (sel iris :cols (range 4)) pc2))

;; now plot the transformed data, coloring each species a different color
(def plot (scatter-plot x1 x2
:group-by (sel iris :cols 4)
:x-label "PC1" :y-label "PC2" :title "Iris PCA"))

(view plot)

;; add some text annotations
(doto plot
(add-text -2.5 -6.5 "Setosa")
(add-text -5 -5.5 "Versicolor")
(add-text -8 -5.5 "Virginica"))

;; put box around the first group
(add-polygon plot [[-3.2 -6.3] [-2 -6.3] [-2 -3.78] [-3.2 -3.78]])

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions examples/blog/bayesian_multinomial.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
;; from the following blog post:

;; Bayesian inference of multinomial distribution parameters

(use '(incanter core stats bayes charts))

(def y [727 583 137])

(div y 1447.) ;; (0.502 0.403 0.095)

(def theta (sample-multinomial-params 1000 y))
(def theta1 (sel theta :cols 0))
(def theta2 (sel theta :cols 1))
(def theta3 (sel theta :cols 2))

;; view means, 95% CI, and histograms of the proportion parameters
(mean theta1) ;; 0.502
(sd theta1) ;; 0.0129
(quantile theta1 :probs [0.025 0.975]) ;; (0.476 0.528)
(view (histogram theta1
:title "Bush, Sr. Support"))

(mean theta2) ;; 0.403
(sd theta2) ;; 0.013
(quantile theta2 :probs [0.025 0.975]) ;; (0.376 0.427)
(view (histogram theta2
:title "Dukakis Support"))

(mean theta3) ;; 0.095
(sd theta3) ;; 0.008
(quantile theta3 :probs [0.025 0.975]) ;; (0.082 0.111)
(view (histogram theta3
:title "Other/Undecided"))

;; view a histogram of the difference in proportions between the first
;; two candidates
(view (histogram (minus theta1 theta2)
:title "Bush, Sr. and Dukakis Diff"))

;; sample the proportions directly from a Dirichlet distribution
(def alpha [1 1 1])
(def props (sample-dirichlet 1000 (plus y alpha)))

89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions examples/blog/bootstrapping.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
;; from the following blog post

;; example with smoothing
;; Newcomb's speed of light data

(use '(incanter core stats charts))

;; A numeric vector giving the Third Series of measurements of the
;; passage time of light recorded by Newcomb in 1882. The given
;; values divided by 1000 plus 24 give the time in millionths of a
;; second for light to traverse a known distance. The 'true' value is
;; now considered to be 33.02.

(def x [28 -44 29 30 24 28 37 32 36
27 26 28 29 26 27 22 23 20
25 25 36 23 31 32 24 27 33
16 24 29 36 21 28 26 27 27
32 25 28 24 40 21 31 32 28
26 30 27 26 24 32 29 34 -2
25 19 36 29 30 22 28 33 39
25 16 23])

;; view histogram of data to see outlier observations
(view (histogram x
:nbins 20
:title "Newcomb's speed of light data"))

;; calculate the median of the data
(median x) ;; 27

;; define a function that converts Newcomb's data into speeds
(defn to-speed
"Converts Newcomb's data into speed (meters/sec)"
([x] (div 7400 (div (plus 24800 x) 1E9))))

;; convert the data to speeds and calculate the median
(median (to-speed x)) ;; 2.981E8

;; Draw 10000 bootstrap samples of the median
(def t* (bootstrap x median :size 10000))

;; view a histogram of the bootstrap medians
(view (histogram t*
:density true
:nbins 20
:title "Bootstrap sample of medians"
:x-label "median"))

;; Calculate the estimate of the median: 27.301
(mean t*)

;; Convert bootstrap median estimate to speed: 2.981E8
(to-speed (mean t*))

;; Calculate a 95% CI for the median: (26.0 28.5)
(quantile t* :probs [0.025 0.975])

;; Convert to speed and calculate 95% CI: (2.9804E8 2.9807E8)
(quantile (to-speed t*) :probs [0.025 0.975])

;; estimate the standard error of the median: 0.681
(sd t*)

;; estimate the bias of the sample median: -0.3
(- (mean t*) (median x))

;; draw 10000 smoothed bootstrap samples of the median
(def smooth-t* (bootstrap x median :size 10000 :smooth true))

(view (histogram smooth-t*
:density true
:nbins 20
:title "Smoothed bootstrap sample of medians"
:x-label "median"))(mean smooth-samp)

;; Calculate the estimate of the median
(mean smooth-t*)

;; Calculate a 95% CI: (25.905 28.446)
(quantile smooth-t* :probs [0.025 0.975])

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions examples/blog/categorical_plots.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
;; from the following blog post
;; plotting categorical data

(use '(incanter core charts datasets))

;; bar-charts
(view (bar-chart ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"] [10 20 30 25 20]))

(view (bar-chart ["a" "a" "b" "b" "c" "c" ] [10 20 30 10 40 20]
:legend true
:group-by ["I" "II" "I" "II" "I" "II"]))

(view (line-chart ["a" "b" "c" "d" "e"] [20 10 30 25 40]))

(def data (get-dataset :airline-passengers))
(def by-year (group-by data 0))
(view (bar-chart (sel (last by-year) :cols 2)
(sel (last by-year) :cols 1)
:title "Airline Travel in 1960"
:y-label "Passengers"
:x-label "Month"))

;; line-charts
(view (line-chart (sel (last by-year) :cols 2)
(sel (last by-year) :cols 1)
:title "Airline Travel in 1960"
:y-label "Passengers"
:x-label "Month"))

(view (line-chart (sel data :cols 2)
(sel data :cols 1)
:group-by (sel data :cols 0)
:title "Airline Travel in 1949-1960"
:legend true
:y-label "Passengers"
:x-label "Month"))

;; more bar-charts
(view (bar-chart (sel data :cols 2)
(sel data :cols 1)
:group-by (sel data :cols 0)
:title "Airline Travel in 1949-1960"
:legend true
:y-label "Passengers"
:x-label "Year"))

(view (bar-chart (sel data :cols 0)
(sel data :cols 1)
:group-by (sel data :cols 2)
:title "Airline Travel in 1949-1960"
:legend true
:y-label "Passengers"
:x-label "Year")
:width 525)


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