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BLRS Template

PROS Project CI


This project is a starting point for all software sub-teams. It allows us to have a common code base to work from, speed up trouble shooting, and reduce the prerequisite knowledge required to create consistent autonomous programs.


In order to reduce the amount of redundant code between the robots, we packaged the most important stuff into libraries for easy reuse.


This library includes the autoSelector and Greenhat (now just called ARMS) all future work is done here.


This library handles chassis movement. Any function that moves the robot around the field will be controlled by functions located in this library. Documentation for it can be found here. This library was developed by Micah Rassi.


This library handles the selection of the autonomous program for matches, hence the name. It creates a graphical menu on the brain's display to allow easy selection between the multiple autonomous programs. Documentation for it can be found here. This library was developed by Kunwar Sahni.

Project Structure

The project structure is focused around dividing the subsystems and autons into separate files. The main.cpp should contain little actual code.


The subsystems folder contains one file for each subsystem. The general template for subsystems should follow this pattern:

#include "main.h"

namespace intake{

okapi::MotorGroup motors = {5,-6};

void init() {

void move (int speed) {

void opcontrol() {
  static int speed;

    speed = 100;
  else if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_R2))
    speed = -100;
    speed = 0;


} //namespace intake

The entire subsystem is placed into a unique namespace to allow a general naming convention to be applied to each subsystem.

The motors (or singular motor) are declared using okapi. We use okapi because of it's native support for motor groups, which allow for more compact and readable autonomous programs.

The init() function should be called from main.cpp during robot initialization. It allows the setting of gearing, brake mode, encoder units, and any other subsystem specific initialization.

The move() function is simply a shorthand for voltage based movement. The function takes a number between -100 and 100. Which is much easier to use than the regular moveVoltage function.

The opcontrol() function utilizes a static variable to keep track of the speed assigned to the subsystem. This approach can make some tasks easier by storing the previously assigned motor speed.

The chassis subsystem

All configuration for the chassis can be done from the file: main.cpp

This is where you can define which ports the drive motors are plugged into and what internal gearset to use. Negative numbers mean reversed motor

{1, 2}, // left motors
{-3, -4}, // right motors
200, // motor rpm

Below that are the distance_constant and degree_constant. These affect how far the robot moves per unit during auton. When calling the function drive(1) the distance constant defines what 1 is. It can be 1 inch, 1 foot, 1 meter, or any other measurement you choose. By default, we use feet for simplicity. Just adjust the value until you achieve the desired movement. The same is true of the degree_constant, which should be tuned to produce a consistent 90 degree turn.

Writing an autonomous

All autonomous programs are located in the scripts folder. By default there is just red, blue, and skills. The macros.cpp file is for putting reusable pieces of code for common actions. If a block of code is used more than once, you can often make it a macro. This improves program readability greatly.

Chassis movement

To start moving the robot around the field, you can use the drive() function and the turn() function supplied by Greenhat. The template is using namespace greenhat; by default, so all functions from the library are available with no prefix. To preform more complicated drive maneuvers, read the Greenhat documentation linked above.

Other subsystem movement

Other subsystems can be moved by accessing the move function in their namespace.


The move function takes a value between -100 and 100. It will produce a constant movement at the given voltage until the command intake::move(0) is given. That means that a delay must be put between the starting and stopping of the movement.

delay(1000); // delay for 1 second

This type of time-based movement is good enough for many subsystems, but sometimes more precision is required. In these cases PID is the best option. Vex motors have a built-in PID that can be used through the moveVelocity, moveAbsolute, and moveRelative commands. Here is an example of their usage:

intake::motors.moveAbsolute(180); // move 180 degrees
while(intake::motors.getPosition() != 180)
  delay(10); //wait until the motor reaches the target

Documentation on how to use the built-in functions can be found here.

But even the built-in PID can often be insufficient. This is where an okapi async position controller comes in handy. They can be added to a subsystem following the format in the documentation

std::shared_ptr<okapi::AsyncPositionController<double, double>> controller = okapi::AsyncPosControllerBuilder()
  .withGains({0.001, 0})

The controller can then be utilized with the following syntax:

intake::controller->setTarget(180); // move 180 degrees

The setup for this type of controller is a little verbose, but it can be much more consistent than either time based or the built in PID.

Code Formatting

The template contains a clang-format according to the BLRS style guide This can be run by executing the bash script and will automatically adjust all code in the project to follow the proper coding standards. To make life easier its best to install a clang-format extension to whatever editor your using. These extensions for Atom (the PROS Editor) or VS Code will automaticaly format your code to the standard everytime you save.


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