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✨ Setup Autocomplete (#341)
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* WIP setup-autocomplete command

* WIP writing to file

* Autocomplete for bash and zsh

* Autocomplete for fish

* Add comments

* Add error messages if writing completion script fails

* Error handling for fish

* Improved error handling

* Add confirmation prompt

* Autocomplete for PowerShell and Windows PowerShell

* Config file errors for PowerShell

* Cross platform profile path

* Run in shell

* Formatting

* Skip confirmation prompts

* Better profile path for PowerShell

* Bash on windows

* WIP cross platform compatibility

* Move scripts to separate files

* Fix relative path

* Use pathlib

* Expand user

* Formatting

* Enable shell mode

* Shorten help message

* Save autocomplete script in PROS directory

* Disable completion for bash < 4

* Surround script path in " "

* Disable nosort on bash 3

* Add more comments
  • Loading branch information
mayankpatibandla committed Jun 6, 2024
1 parent a075f94 commit 81c6654
Show file tree
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Showing 5 changed files with 280 additions and 42 deletions.
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions pros/autocomplete/.pros-complete.bash
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
_pros_completion() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local response
response=$(env COMP_WORDS="${COMP_WORDS[*]}" COMP_CWORD=$COMP_CWORD _PROS_COMPLETE=bash_complete $1)
for completion in $response; do
IFS=',' read type value <<<"$completion"
if [[ $type == 'dir' ]]; then
compopt -o dirnames
elif [[ $type == 'file' ]]; then
compopt -o default
elif [[ $type == 'plain' ]]; then
return 0
_pros_completion_setup() {
if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]]; then
complete -o nosort -F _pros_completion pros
complete -F _pros_completion pros
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions pros/autocomplete/.pros-complete.zsh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
_pros_completion() {
local -a completions
local -a completions_with_descriptions
local -a response
(( ! $+commands[pros] )) && return 1
response=("${(@f)$(env COMP_WORDS="${words[*]}" COMP_CWORD=$((CURRENT-1)) _PROS_COMPLETE=zsh_complete pros)}")
for type key descr in ${response}; do
if [[ "$type" == "plain" ]]; then
if [[ "$descr" == "_" ]]; then
elif [[ "$type" == "dir" ]]; then
_path_files -/
elif [[ "$type" == "file" ]]; then
_path_files -f
if [ -n "$completions_with_descriptions" ]; then
_describe -V unsorted completions_with_descriptions -U
if [ -n "$completions" ]; then
compadd -U -V unsorted -a completions
if [[ $zsh_eval_context[-1] == loadautofunc ]]; then
_pros_completion "$@"
compdef _pros_completion pros
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions pros/autocomplete/pros-complete.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Modified from
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName pros -ScriptBlock {
param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
$env:COMP_WORDS = $commandAst
$env:COMP_WORDS = $env:COMP_WORDS.replace('\\', '/')
$incompleteCommand = $commandAst.ToString()
$myCursorPosition = $cursorPosition
if ($myCursorPosition -gt $incompleteCommand.Length) {
$myCursorPosition = $incompleteCommand.Length
$env:COMP_CWORD = @($incompleteCommand.substring(0, $myCursorPosition).Split(" ") | Where-Object { $_ -ne "" }).Length
if ( $wordToComplete.Length -gt 0) { $env:COMP_CWORD -= 1 }
$env:_PROS_COMPLETE = "powershell_complete"
pros | ForEach-Object {
$type, $value, $help = $_.Split(",", 3)
if ( ($type -eq "plain") -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value) ) {
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($value, $value, "ParameterValue", $value)
elseif ( ($type -eq "file") -or ($type -eq "dir") ) {
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wordToComplete)) {
$dir = "./"
else {
$dir = $wordToComplete.replace('\\', '/')
if ( (Test-Path -Path $dir) -and ((Get-Item $dir) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) ) {
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($dir, $dir, "ParameterValue", $dir)
Get-ChildItem -Path $dir | Resolve-Path -Relative | ForEach-Object {
$path = $_.ToString().replace('\\', '/').replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core/FileSystem::', '')
$isDir = $false
if ((Get-Item $path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
$path = $path + "/"
$isDir = $true
if ( ($type -eq "file") -or ( ($type -eq "dir") -and $isDir ) ) {
[System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($path, $path, "ParameterValue", $path)
$env:COMP_WORDS = $null | Out-Null
$env:COMP_CWORD = $null | Out-Null
$env:_PROS_COMPLETE = $null | Out-Null
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions pros/autocomplete/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
function _pros_completion;
set -l response (env _PROS_COMPLETE=fish_complete COMP_WORDS=(commandline -cp) COMP_CWORD=(commandline -t) pros);
for completion in $response;
set -l metadata (string split "," $completion);
if test $metadata[1] = "dir";
__fish_complete_directories $metadata[2];
else if test $metadata[1] = "file";
__fish_complete_path $metadata[2];
else if test $metadata[1] = "plain";
echo $metadata[2];
complete --no-files --command pros --arguments "(_pros_completion)";
206 changes: 164 additions & 42 deletions pros/cli/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,42 +1,164 @@
import pros.common.ui as ui
from pros.cli.common import *
from import analytics

def misc_commands_cli():

@click.option('--force-check', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Force check for updates, disregarding auto-check frequency')
@click.option('--no-install', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Only check if a new version is available, do not attempt to install')
def upgrade(force_check, no_install):
Check for updates to the PROS CLI
with ui.Notification():
ui.echo('The "pros upgrade" command is currently non-functioning. Did you mean to run "pros c upgrade"?', color='yellow')

return # Dead code below

from pros.upgrade import UpgradeManager
manager = UpgradeManager()
manifest = manager.get_manifest(force_check)
if manager.has_stale_manifest:
ui.logger(__name__).error('Failed to get latest upgrade information. '
'Try running with --debug for more information')
return -1
if not manager.needs_upgrade:
ui.finalize('upgradeInfo', 'PROS CLI is up to date')
ui.finalize('upgradeInfo', manifest)
if not no_install:
if not manager.can_perform_upgrade:
ui.logger(__name__).error(f'This manifest cannot perform the upgrade.')
return -3
ui.finalize('upgradeComplete', manager.perform_upgrade())
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess

from click.shell_completion import CompletionItem, add_completion_class, ZshComplete

import pros.common.ui as ui
from pros.cli.common import *
from import analytics

def misc_commands_cli():

@click.option('--force-check', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Force check for updates, disregarding auto-check frequency')
@click.option('--no-install', default=False, is_flag=True,
help='Only check if a new version is available, do not attempt to install')
def upgrade(force_check, no_install):
Check for updates to the PROS CLI
with ui.Notification():
ui.echo('The "pros upgrade" command is currently non-functioning. Did you mean to run "pros c upgrade"?', color='yellow')

return # Dead code below

from pros.upgrade import UpgradeManager
manager = UpgradeManager()
manifest = manager.get_manifest(force_check)
if manager.has_stale_manifest:
ui.logger(__name__).error('Failed to get latest upgrade information. '
'Try running with --debug for more information')
return -1
if not manager.needs_upgrade:
ui.finalize('upgradeInfo', 'PROS CLI is up to date')
ui.finalize('upgradeInfo', manifest)
if not no_install:
if not manager.can_perform_upgrade:
ui.logger(__name__).error(f'This manifest cannot perform the upgrade.')
return -3
ui.finalize('upgradeComplete', manager.perform_upgrade())

# Script files for each shell
'bash': '.pros-complete.bash',
'zsh': '.pros-complete.zsh',
'fish': '',
'pwsh': 'pros-complete.ps1',
'powershell': 'pros-complete.ps1',

def _get_shell_script(shell: str) -> str:
"""Get the shell script for the specified shell."""
script_file = Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'autocomplete' / _SCRIPT_FILES[shell]
with'r') as f:

class PowerShellComplete(ZshComplete): # Identical to ZshComplete except comma delimited instead of newline
"""Shell completion for PowerShell and Windows PowerShell."""

name = "powershell"
source_template = _get_shell_script("powershell")

def format_completion(self, item: CompletionItem) -> str:
return super().format_completion(item).replace("\n", ",")

@click.argument('shell', type=click.Choice(['bash', 'zsh', 'fish', 'pwsh', 'powershell']), required=True)
@click.argument('config_path', type=click.Path(resolve_path=True), default=None, required=False)
@click.option('--force', '-f', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Skip confirmation prompts')
def setup_autocomplete(shell, config_path, force):
Set up autocomplete for PROS CLI
SHELL: The shell to set up autocomplete for
CONFIG_PATH: The configuration path to add the autocomplete script to. If not specified, the default configuration
file for the shell will be used.
Example: pros setup-autocomplete bash ~/.bashrc


default_config_paths = { # Default config paths for each shell
'bash': '~/.bashrc',
'zsh': '~/.zshrc',
'fish': '~/.config/fish/completions/',
'pwsh': None,
'powershell': None,

# Get the powershell profile path if not specified
if shell in ('pwsh', 'powershell') and config_path is None:
profile_command = f'{shell} -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command "Write-Output $PROFILE"' if == 'nt' else f"{shell} -NoLogo -NoProfile -Command 'Write-Output $PROFILE'"
default_config_paths[shell] =, shell=True, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True).stdout.strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
raise click.UsageError("Failed to determine the PowerShell profile path. Please specify a valid config file.") from exc

# Use default config path if not specified
if config_path is None:
config_path = default_config_paths[shell]
ui.echo(f"Using default config path {config_path}. To specify a different config path, run 'pros setup-autocomplete {shell} [CONFIG_PATH]'.\n")
config_path = Path(config_path).expanduser().resolve()

if shell in ('bash', 'zsh', 'pwsh', 'powershell'):
if config_path.is_dir():
raise click.UsageError(f"Config file {config_path} is a directory. Please specify a valid config file.")
if not config_path.exists():
raise click.UsageError(f"Config file {config_path} does not exist. Please specify a valid config file.")

# Write the autocomplete script to a shell script file
script_file = Path(click.get_app_dir("PROS")) / "autocomplete" / _SCRIPT_FILES[shell]
with'w') as f:

# Source the autocomplete script in the config file
if shell in ('bash', 'zsh'):
source_autocomplete = f'. "{script_file.as_posix()}"\n'
elif shell in ('pwsh', 'powershell'):
source_autocomplete = f'"{script_file}" | Invoke-Expression\n'
if force or ui.confirm(f"Add the autocomplete script to {config_path}?", default=True):
with'r+') as f:
# Only append if the source command is not already in the file
if source_autocomplete not in f.readlines():
f.write("\n# PROS CLI autocomplete\n")
ui.echo(f"Autocomplete script written to {script_file}.")
ui.echo(f"Add the following line to {config_path} then restart your shell to enable autocomplete:\n")
elif shell == 'fish':
# Check if the config path is a directory or file and set the script directory and file accordingly
if config_path.is_file():
script_dir = config_path.parent
script_file = config_path
script_dir = config_path
script_file = config_path / _SCRIPT_FILES[shell]

if not script_dir.exists():
raise click.UsageError(f"Completions directory {script_dir} does not exist. Please specify a valid completions file or directory.")

# Write the autocomplete script to a shell script file
with'w') as f:

ui.echo(f"Succesfully set up autocomplete for {shell} in {config_path}. Restart your shell to apply changes.")

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