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RTOS Facilities C++ API


Additional example code for this module can be found in its Tutorial.

Analogous to millis.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        std::uint32_t pros::millis ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void opcontrol() {
          std::uint32_t now = pros::millis();
          while (true) {
            // Do opcontrol things
            pros::Task::delay_until(&now, 2);

Returns: Returns the number of milliseconds since PROS initialized.

Analogous to micros.

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        std::uint64_t pros::micros ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void opcontrol() {
          std::uint64_t now = pros::micros();
          while (true) {
            // Do opcontrol things
            pros::Task::delay_until(&now, 2000);

Returns: Returns the number of microseconds since PROS initialized.

Analogous to task_create.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        pros::Task::Task ( pros::task_fn_t function,
                           void* parameters = NULL,
                           std::uint32_t prio = TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                           std::uint16_t stack_depth = TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT,
                           const char* name = "")

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          pros::Task my_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                        TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");

Create a new task and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run.

function Pointer to the task entry function
parameters Pointer to memory that will be used as a parameter for the task being created. This memory should not typically come from stack, but rather from dynamically (i.e., malloc'd) or statically allocated memory.
prio The priority at which the task should run. TASK_PRIO_DEFAULT plus/minus 1 or 2 is typically used.
stack_depth The number of words (i.e. 4 * stack_depth) available on the task's stack. TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT is typically sufficient.
name A descriptive name for the task. This is mainly used to facilitate debugging. The name may be up to 32 characters long.

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        pros::Task::Task ( pros::task_t task )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          pros::task_t my_task = task_create(my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                                       TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");
          pros::Task my_cpp_task (my_task);

Creates a Task object from a task already created with the C API.

task The task for which to create an object

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        pros::Task::Task ( task_fn_t function, void* parameters, const char* name )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          pros::Task my_cpp_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", "My Task");

Create a new task and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run.

function Pointer to the task entry function
parameters Pointer to memory that will be used as a parameter for the task being created. This memory should not typically come from stack, but rather from dynamically (i.e., malloc'd) or statically allocated memory.
name A descriptive name for the task. This is mainly used to facilitate debugging. The name may be up to 32 characters long.

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        template <class F>
        pros::Task::Task (
                F&& function,
                std::uint32_t prio = TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                std::uint16_t stack_depth = TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT,
                const char* name = ""

   .. tab :: Example
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        void initialize() {
          std::unique_ptr<int> data{new int(7)};
          pros::Task my_callable_task ([=] {
            std::cout << *data << std::endl;

Create a new task from any C++ Callable object and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run.

function Callable object to use as entry function. Must also satisfy std::is_invocable_r_v<void, F>.
prio The priority at which the task should run. TASK_PRIO_DEFAULT plus/minus 1 or 2 is typically used.
stack_depth The number of words (i.e. 4 * stack_depth) available on the task's stack. TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT is typically sufficient.
name A descriptive name for the task. This is mainly used to facilitate debugging. The name may be up to 32 characters long.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        template <class F>
        pros::Task::Task ( F&& function, const char* name = "" )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

        void initialize() {
          std::unique_ptr<int> data{new int(7)};
          pros::Task my_callable_task ([=] {
            std::cout << *data << std::endl;
          }, "callable_task");

Create a new task from any C++ Callable object and add it to the list of tasks that are ready to run.

function Callable object to use as entry function. Must also satisfy std::is_invocable_r_v<void, F>.
name A descriptive name for the task. This is mainly used to facilitate debugging. The name may be up to 32 characters long.

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        void operator = ( const pros::task_t in )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          pros::task_t my_task = task_create(my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                                       TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");
          Task my_cpp_task = my_task;

Creates a Task object from a task already created with the C API.

task The task for which to create an object

Delay a task for a given number of milliseconds.

This is not the best method to have a task execute code at predefined intervals, as the delay time is measured from when the delay is requested. To delay cyclically, use delay_until.

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         static void pros::Task::delay ( const std::uint32_t milliseconds )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void opcontrol() {
          while (true) {
            // Do opcontrol things

milliseconds The number of milliseconds to wait (1000 milliseconds per second)

Delay a task until a specified time. This function can be used by periodic tasks to ensure a constant execution frequency.

The task will be woken up at the time *prev_time + delta, and *prev_time will be updated to reflect the time at which the task will unblock. *prev_time should be initialized to the result from millis().

Analogous to task_delay_until.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        void pros::Task::delay_until ( std::uint32_t* const prev_time,
                                       const std::uint32_t delta )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void opcontrol() {
          std::uint32_t now = pros::millis();
          while (true) {
            // Do opcontrol things
            pros::Task::delay_until(&now, 2);

prev_time A pointer to the location storing the setpoint time. This should typically be initialized to the return value of millis().
delta The number of milliseconds to wait (1000 milliseconds per second)

Returns the number of tasks the kernel is currently managing, including all ready, blocked, or suspended tasks. A task that has been deleted, but not yet reaped by the idle task will also be included in the count. Tasks recently created may take one context switch to be counted.

Analogous to Task_get_count.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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          std::uint32_t pros::Task::get_count ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          Task my_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                        TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");
          std::cout << "Number of Running Tasks:" << pros::Task::get_count();

Returns: The number of tasks that are currently being managed by the kernel

Get a handle to the task which called this function.

Analogous to task_get_current.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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          Task pros::Task::current ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          Task this_task = pros::Task::current();
          if (this_task.get_state() == pros::E_TASK_STATE_RUNNING) {
            std::cout << "This task is currently running" std::endl;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          Task my_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                        TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");

Returns: The currently running task.

Obtains the name of the specified task.

Analogous to task_get_name.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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          char const* pros::Task::get_name ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          Task my_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                        TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");
          std::cout << "Task Name:" << my_task.get_name();

Returns: A pointer to the name of the task

Obtains the priority of the specified task.

Analogous to task_get_priority.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        std::uint32_t pros::Task::get_priority ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          Task my_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                        TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");
          std::cout << "Task Priority:" << my_task.get_priority();

Returns: The priority of the task.

Returns the state of the specified task.

Analogous to task_get_state.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        task_state_e_t pros::Task::get_state ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

        void my_task_fn(void* param) {
          std::cout << "Hello" << (char*)param;
          // ...
        void initialize() {
          Task my_task (my_task_fn, (void*)"PROS", TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                        TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "My Task");
          std::cout << "Task's State:" << my_task.get_state();

Returns: The state of the task. (see task_state_e_t).

Sends a simple notification to task and increments the notification value, using it as a notification counter.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/notifications` for details.

Analogous to task_notify.


verify this example code

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        std::uint32_t pros::Task::notify ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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          void my_task_fn(void* ign) {
            while(my_task.notify_take(true, TIMEOUT_MAX)) {
              std::cout << "I was unblocked!";
          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Notify me! Task");
            pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
            while(true) {
              if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L1)) {

Returns: Always true.

Clears the notification for a task.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/notifications` for details.

Analogous to task_notify_clear.

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        bool pros::Task::notify_clear ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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          TO BE ADDED

Returns: False if there was not a notification waiting, true if there was

Sends a notification to a task, optionally performing some action. Will also retrieve the value of the notification in the target task before modifying the notification value.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/notifications` for details.

Analogous to task_notify_ext.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        static std::uint32_t pros::Task::notify_ext ( std::uint32_t value,
                                                      notify_action_e_t action,
                                                      std::uint32_t* prev_value )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

          TO BE ADDED

value The value used in performing the action
action An action to optionally perform on the task's notification value
prev_value A pointer to store the previous value of the target task's notification value, may be NULL

Returns: Dependent on the notification action. For NOTIFY_ACTION_NO_OWRITE: return 0 if the value could be written without needing to overwrite, 1 otherwise. For all other NOTIFY_ACTION values: always return 0

Wait for a notification to be nonzero.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/notifications` for details.

Analogous to task_notify_take.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        std::uint32_t pros::Task::notify_take ( bool clear_on_exit,
                                           std::uint32_t timeout )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

          void my_task_fn(void* ign) {
            while(my_task.notify_take(true, TIMEOUT_MAX)) {
              std::cout << "I was unblocked!";
          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Notify me! Task");
            pros::Controller master (E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
            while(true) {
              if(master.get_digital(DIGITAL_L1)) {

clear_on_exit If true (1), then the notification value is cleared. If false (0), then the notification value is decremented.
timeout Specifies the amount of time to be spent waiting for a notification to occur.

Returns: The value of the task's notification value before it is decremented or cleared.

Utilizes task notifications to wait until specified task is complete and deleted, then continues to execute the program. Replicates the functionality of thread joining in C++.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/notifications` for details.

Analogous to task_join.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        std::void pros::Task::join ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

          void my_task(void* ign) {
            std::cout << "Task running" <<
            std::cout << "End of task" <<

          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Task One");
            std::cout << "Before task" <<
            std::cout << "After task" <<

Remove a task from the RTOS real time kernel's management. The task being deleted will be removed from all ready, blocked, suspended and event lists.

Memory dynamically allocated by the task is not automatically freed, and should be freed before the task is deleted.

Analogous to task_delete.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        void pros::Task::remove ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

        void my_task_fn(void* ign) {
            // Do things
          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Example Task");
            // Do things
            my_task.remove(); // Delete the task
            std::cout << "Task State: " << my_task.get_state() << std::endl;
            // Prints the value of E_TASK_STATE_DELETED

Resumes the specified task, making it eligible to be scheduled.

Analogous to task_resume.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        void pros::Task::resume ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

          void my_task_fn(void* ign) {
            // Do things
          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Example Task");
            // Do things
            my_task.suspend(); // The task will no longer execute
            // Do other things
            my_task.resume(); // The task will resume execution

Sets the priority of the specified task.

If the specified task's state is available to be scheduled (e.g. not blocked) and new priority is higher than the currently running task, a context switch may occur.

Analogous to task_set_priority.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
      .. highlight:: cpp

        void pros::Task::set_priority ( std::uint32_t prio )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

          void my_task_fn(void* ign) {
            // Do things
          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Example Task");
            my_task.set_priority(TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT + 1);

prio The new priority of the task

Suspends the current task, making it ineligible to be scheduled.

Analogous to task_suspend.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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        void pros::Task::suspend ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: cpp

          void my_task_fn(void* ign) {
            // Do things
          void opcontrol() {
            Task my_task (my_task_fn, NULL, TASK_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
                          TASK_STACK_DEPTH_DEFAULT, "Example Task");
            // Do things
            my_task.suspend(); // The task will no longer execute
            // Do other things
            my_task.resume(); // The task will resume execution

Creates a mutex.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/multitasking` for details.

Analogous to mutex_create.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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         pros::Mutex::Mutex ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: c

        Mutex mutex;

        // Acquire the mutex; other tasks using this command will wait until the mutex is released
        // timeout can specify the maximum time to wait, or MAX_DELAY to wait forever
        // If the timeout expires, "false" will be returned, otherwise "true"
        // do some work
        // Release the mutex for other tasks

Unlocks a mutex.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/multitasking` for details.

Analogous to mutex_give.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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         void pros::Mutex::destructor ( )

   .. tab :: Example
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        Mutex mutex;

        // Acquire the mutex; other tasks using this command will wait until the mutex is released
        // timeout can specify the maximum time to wait, or MAX_DELAY to wait forever
        // If the timeout expires, "false" will be returned, otherwise "true"
        // do some work
        // Release the mutex for other tasks
        // Destructor called here

Unlocks a mutex.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/multitasking` for details.

Analogous to mutex_give.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
      .. highlight:: c

         bool pros::Mutex::give ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: c

        Mutex mutex;

        // Acquire the mutex; other tasks using this command will wait until the mutex is released
        // timeout can specify the maximum time to wait, or MAX_DELAY to wait forever
        // If the timeout expires, "false" will be returned, otherwise "true"
        // do some work
        // Release the mutex for other tasks

Returns: True if the mutex was successfully returned, false otherwise. If false is returned, then errno is set with a hint about why the mutex couldn't be returned.

Takes and locks a mutex, waiting for up to a certain number of milliseconds before timing out.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/multitasking` for details.

Analogous to mutex_take.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
      .. highlight:: c

         bool pros::Mutex::take ( std::uint32_t timeout )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: c

        Mutex mutex;

        // Acquire the mutex; other tasks using this command will wait until the mutex is released
        // timeout can specify the maximum time to wait, or MAX_DELAY to wait forever
        // If the timeout expires, "false" will be returned, otherwise "true"
        // do some work
        // Release the mutex for other tasks

timeout Time to wait before the mutex becomes available. A timeout of 0 can be used to poll the mutex. TIMEOUT_MAX can be used to block indefinitely.

Returns: True if the mutex was successfully taken, false otherwise. If false is returned, then errno is set with a hint about why the the mutex couldn't be taken.

Takes and locks a mutex, with an infinite timout.

See :doc:`../../tutorials/topical/multitasking` for details.

Analogous to mutex_take.

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   .. tab :: Prototype
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         bool pros::Mutex::take ( )

   .. tab :: Example
      .. highlight:: c

        Mutex mutex;

        // Acquire the mutex; does not time out if parameter not specified.
        // do some work
        // Release the mutex for other tasks

Returns: True if the mutex was successfully taken, false otherwise. If false is returned, then errno is set with a hint about why the the mutex couldn't be taken. ----

Refers to the current task. To be used for checking attributes of the task in which this macro is called.

Value: ((task_t)NULL)

The maximum number of characters allowed in a task's name.

Value: 32

The default task priority, which should be used for most tasks.

Default tasks such as autonomous() inherit this priority.

Value: 8

The highest priority that can be assigned to a task. Beware of deadlock.

Value: 16

The lowest priority that can be assigned to a task.

This may cause severe performance problems and is generally not recommended.

Value: 1

The recommended stack size for a new task. This stack size is used for default tasks such as autonomous(). This equates to 32,768 bytes, or 128 times the default stack size for a task in PROS 2.

Value: 0x2000

The minimal stack size for a task. This equates to 2048 bytes, or 8 times the default stack size for a task in PROS 2.

Value: 0x200

The maximum timeout value that can be given to, for instance, a mutex grab.

Value: ((uint32_t)0xffffffffUL)

typedef enum {
} task_state_e_t;
pros::E_TASK_STATE_RUNNING The task is actively executing.
pros::E_TASK_STATE_READY The task exists and is available to run, but is not currently running.
pros::E_TASK_STATE_BLOCKED The task is delayed or blocked by a mutex, semaphore, or I/O operation.
pros::E_TASK_STATE_SUSPENDED The task is suspended using task_suspend.
pros::E_TASK_STATE_DELETED The task has been deleted using task_delete.
pros::E_TASK_STATE_INVALID The task handle does not point to a current or past task.
typedef enum {
} notify_action_e_t;
pros::E_NOTIFY_ACTION_NONE The task's notification value will not be touched.
pros::E_NOTIFY_ACTION_BITS The task's notification value will be bitwise ORed with the new value.
pros::E_NOTIFY_ACTION_INCR The task's notification value will be incremented by one, effectively using it as a notification counter.
pros::E_NOTIFY_ACTION_OWRITE The task's notification value will be unconditionally set to the new value.
pros::E_NOTIFY_ACTION_NO_OWRITE The task's notification value will be set to the new value if the task does not already have a pending notification.

Points to a task handle. Used for referencing a task.

typedef void* task_t;

Points to the function associated with a task.

typedef void (*task_fn_t)(void*);

A mutex.

typedef void* mutex_t;