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Avoids closure in Stream class
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s -> m (Maybe { head :: t, tail :: s, updatePos :: Position -> Position })
instead of having updatePos as a result of uncons or stripPrefix now this operations take position with input which is part of a parser state. this way we should allocation less of intermediate objects.
  • Loading branch information
safareli committed Dec 3, 2017
1 parent ea96e73 commit 80785b0
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Showing 4 changed files with 89 additions and 65 deletions.
47 changes: 33 additions & 14 deletions src/Text/Parsing/Parser.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ module Text.Parsing.Parser
, Parser
, runParser
, runParserT
, unParserT
, inParserT
, hoistParserT
, mapParserT
, consume
Expand All @@ -22,14 +24,14 @@ import Control.Lazy (defer, class Lazy)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (class MonadThrow, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Except (class MonadError, ExceptT(..), runExceptT, mapExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec)
import Control.Monad.State (runStateT, class MonadState, StateT(..), gets, evalStateT, mapStateT, modify)
import Control.Monad.State (runStateT, class MonadState, StateT(..), gets, mapStateT, modify)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (class MonadTrans, lift)
import Control.MonadPlus (class Alternative, class MonadZero, class MonadPlus, class Plus)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Monoid (class Monoid, mempty)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap, over)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), fst)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos (Position, initialPos)

-- | A parsing error, consisting of a message and position information.
Expand All @@ -49,7 +51,9 @@ derive instance eqParseError :: Eq ParseError
derive instance ordParseError :: Ord ParseError

-- | Contains the remaining input and current position.
data ParseState s = ParseState s Position Boolean
-- data ParseState s = ParseState s Position Boolean
newtype ParseState s = ParseState
{ input :: s, pos :: Position, consumed :: Boolean }

-- | The Parser monad transformer.
-- |
Expand All @@ -61,8 +65,23 @@ derive instance newtypeParserT :: Newtype (ParserT s m a) _

-- | Apply a parser, keeping only the parsed result.
runParserT :: forall m s a. Monad m => s -> ParserT s m a -> m (Either ParseError a)
runParserT s p = evalStateT (runExceptT (unwrap p)) initialState where
initialState = ParseState s initialPos false
runParserT input p = fst <$> unParserT p initialState
initialState = ParseState { input, pos: initialPos, consumed: false }

-- Reveals inner function of parser
unParserT :: forall m s a
. Monad m
=> ParserT s m a
-> (ParseState s -> m (Tuple (Either ParseError a) (ParseState s)))
unParserT (ParserT p) = runStateT $ runExceptT p

-- Takes inner function of Parser and constructs one
inParserT :: forall m s a
. Monad m
=> (ParseState s -> m (Tuple (Either ParseError a) (ParseState s)))
-> ParserT s m a
inParserT = ParserT <<< ExceptT <<< StateT

-- | The `Parser` monad is a synonym for the parser monad transformer applied to the `Identity` monad.
type Parser s = ParserT s Identity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,12 +120,12 @@ derive newtype instance monadThrowParserT :: Monad m => MonadThrow ParseError (P
derive newtype instance monadErrorParserT :: Monad m => MonadError ParseError (ParserT s m)

instance altParserT :: Monad m => Alt (ParserT s m) where
alt p1 p2 = (ParserT <<< ExceptT <<< StateT) \(s@(ParseState i p _)) -> do
Tuple e s'@(ParseState i' p' c') <- runStateT (runExceptT (unwrap p1)) (ParseState i p false)
case e of
Left err
| not c' -> runStateT (runExceptT (unwrap p2)) s
_ -> pure (Tuple e s')
alt p1 p2 = inParserT \(ParseState state) ->
unParserT p1 (ParseState (state{consumed = false})) <#> \(Tuple e (ParseState nextState)) ->
case e of
Left err
| not nextState.consumed -> unParserT p2 (ParseState state)
_ -> pure (Tuple e (ParseState nextState))

instance plusParserT :: Monad m => Plus (ParserT s m) where
empty = fail "No alternative"
Expand All @@ -122,12 +141,12 @@ instance monadTransParserT :: MonadTrans (ParserT s) where

-- | Set the consumed flag.
consume :: forall s m. Monad m => ParserT s m Unit
consume = modify \(ParseState input pos _) ->
ParseState input pos true
consume = modify \(ParseState state) ->
ParseState state{consumed = true}

-- | Returns the current position in the stream.
position :: forall s m. Monad m => ParserT s m Position
position = gets \(ParseState _ pos _) -> pos
position = gets \(ParseState state) -> state.pos

-- | Fail with a message.
fail :: forall m s a. Monad m => String -> ParserT s m a
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32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions src/Text/Parsing/Parser/Combinators.purs
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Expand Up @@ -21,16 +21,14 @@
module Text.Parsing.Parser.Combinators where

import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT, ExceptT(..))
import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), runStateT)
import Control.Plus (empty, (<|>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldl)
import Data.List (List(..), (:), many, some, singleton)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParseState(..), ParserT(..), ParseError(..), fail)
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParseState(..), ParserT(..), ParseError(..), unParserT, inParserT, fail)

-- | Provide an error message in the case of failure.
withErrorMessage :: forall m s a. Monad m => ParserT s m a -> String -> ParserT s m a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,24 +66,28 @@ optionMaybe p = option Nothing (Just <$> p)

-- | In case of failure, reset the stream to the unconsumed state.
try :: forall m s a. Monad m => ParserT s m a -> ParserT s m a
try p = (ParserT <<< ExceptT <<< StateT) \(s@(ParseState _ _ consumed)) -> do
Tuple e s'@(ParseState input position _) <- runStateT (runExceptT (unwrap p)) s
case e of
Left _ -> pure (Tuple e (ParseState input position consumed))
_ -> pure (Tuple e s')
try p = inParserT \(ParseState state) ->
unParserT p (ParseState state) <#> \(Tuple e (ParseState nextState)) ->
case e of
Left _ -> Tuple e (ParseState nextState{consumed = state.consumed})
Right _ -> Tuple e (ParseState nextState)

-- | Like `try`, but will reannotate the error location to the `try` point.
tryRethrow :: forall m s a. Monad m => ParserT s m a -> ParserT s m a
tryRethrow p = (ParserT <<< ExceptT <<< StateT) \(s@(ParseState _ position consumed)) -> do
Tuple e s'@(ParseState input' position' _) <- runStateT (runExceptT (unwrap p)) s
case e of
Left (ParseError err _) -> pure (Tuple (Left (ParseError err position)) (ParseState input' position' consumed))
_ -> pure (Tuple e s')
tryRethrow p = inParserT \(ParseState state) ->
unParserT p (ParseState state) <#> \(Tuple e (ParseState nextState)) ->
case e of
Left (ParseError err _) ->
(Left (ParseError err state.pos))
(ParseState nextState{consumed = state.consumed})
Right _ ->
Tuple e (ParseState nextState)

-- | Parse a phrase, without modifying the consumed state or stream position.
lookAhead :: forall s a m. Monad m => ParserT s m a -> ParserT s m a
lookAhead p = (ParserT <<< ExceptT <<< StateT) \s -> do
Tuple e _ <- runStateT (runExceptT (unwrap p)) s
lookAhead p = inParserT \s -> do
Tuple e _ <- unParserT p s
pure (Tuple e s)

-- | Parse phrases delimited by a separator.
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Text/Parsing/Parser/Indent.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import Control.Monad.State.Trans (get, put)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.List (List(..), many)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParserT, ParseState(ParseState), fail)
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParserT, ParseState(..), fail)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Combinators (option, optionMaybe)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos (Position(..), initialPos)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Stream (prefix, oneOf)
Expand All @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ type IndentParser s a = ParserT s (State Position) a
-- | @ getPosition @ returns current position
-- | should probably be added to Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos
getPosition :: forall m s. (Monad m) => ParserT s m Position
getPosition = gets \(ParseState _ pos _) -> pos
getPosition = gets \(ParseState state) -> state.pos

-- | simple helper function to avoid typ-problems with MonadState instance
get' :: forall s. IndentParser s Position
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71 changes: 37 additions & 34 deletions src/Text/Parsing/Parser/Stream.purs
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Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@

module Text.Parsing.Parser.Stream where

import Control.Monad.State (modify, gets)
import Control.Monad.State (put, get)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Foldable (fold, elem, notElem)
import Data.Foldable (foldl, elem, notElem)
import Data.List as L
import Data.List.Lazy as LazyL
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Monoid.Endo (Endo(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.String as S
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Prelude hiding (between)
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParseState(..), ParserT, fail)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Combinators (tryRethrow, (<?>))
Expand All @@ -36,60 +36,63 @@ instance charHasUpdatePosition :: HasUpdatePosition Char where
updatePos = updatePosChar

-- | This class exists to abstract over streams which support the string-like
-- | operations which this modules needs.
-- | operations with position tracking, which this modules needs.
-- |
-- | Instances must satisfy the following laws:
-- | - `stripPrefix (Prefix a) a >>= uncons = Nothing`
-- | - `stripPrefix (Prefix input) {input, position} >>= uncons = Nothing`

class Stream s m t | s -> t where
uncons :: s -> m (Maybe { head :: t, tail :: s, updatePos :: Position -> Position })
stripPrefix :: Prefix s -> s -> m (Maybe { rest :: s, updatePos :: Position -> Position })
uncons :: forall r. ParserCursor s r -> m (Maybe (Tuple t (ParserCursor s r)))
stripPrefix :: forall r. Prefix s -> ParserCursor s r -> m (Maybe (ParserCursor s r))

-- Part or ParseState which is exposed to Stream instances
type ParserCursor s r = { input :: s, pos :: Position | r}

instance stringStream :: (Applicative m) => Stream String m Char where
uncons f = pure $ S.uncons f <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
{ head, tail, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` head)}
stripPrefix (Prefix p) s = pure $ S.stripPrefix (S.Pattern p) s <#> \rest ->
{ rest, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` p)}
instance stringStream :: (Applicative m) => Stream String m Char where
uncons state = pure $ S.uncons state.input <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
Tuple head state{input = tail, pos = updatePos state.pos head }
stripPrefix (Prefix p) state = pure $ S.stripPrefix (S.Pattern p) state.input <#> \rest ->
state{input = rest, pos = updatePos state.pos p}

instance listStream :: (Applicative m, Eq a, HasUpdatePosition a) => Stream (L.List a) m a where
uncons f = pure $ L.uncons f <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
{ head, tail, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` head)}
stripPrefix (Prefix p) s = pure $ L.stripPrefix (L.Pattern p) s <#> \rest ->
{ rest, updatePos: unwrap (fold (p <#> (flip updatePos >>> Endo)))}
uncons state = pure $ L.uncons state.input <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
Tuple head state{input = tail, pos = updatePos state.pos head }
stripPrefix (Prefix p) state = pure $ L.stripPrefix (L.Pattern p) state.input <#> \rest ->
state{input = rest, pos = foldl updatePos state.pos p}

instance lazyListStream :: (Applicative m, Eq a, HasUpdatePosition a) => Stream (LazyL.List a) m a where
uncons f = pure $ LazyL.uncons f <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
{ head, tail, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` head)}
stripPrefix (Prefix p) s = pure $ LazyL.stripPrefix (LazyL.Pattern p) s <#> \rest ->
{ rest, updatePos: unwrap (fold (p <#> (flip updatePos >>> Endo)))}
uncons state = pure $ LazyL.uncons state.input <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
Tuple head state{input = tail, pos = updatePos state.pos head }
stripPrefix (Prefix p) state = pure $ LazyL.stripPrefix (LazyL.Pattern p) state.input <#> \rest ->
state{input = rest, pos = foldl updatePos state.pos p}

-- | Match end of stream.
eof :: forall s t m. Stream s m t => Monad m => ParserT s m Unit
eof = do
input <- gets \(ParseState input _ _) -> input
(lift $ uncons input) >>= case _ of
ParseState state <- get
(lift $ uncons state) >>= case _ of
Nothing -> pure unit
_ -> fail "Expected EOF"

-- | Match the specified prefix.
prefix :: forall f c m. Stream f m c => Show f => Monad m => f -> ParserT f m f
prefix p = do
input <- gets \(ParseState input _ _) -> input
(lift $ stripPrefix (Prefix p) input) >>= case _ of
Just {rest, updatePos} -> do
modify \(ParseState _ position _) ->
ParseState rest (updatePos position) true
ParseState state <- get
(lift $ stripPrefix (Prefix p) state) >>= case _ of
Nothing -> fail $ "Expected " <> show p
Just state -> do
put $ ParseState state{consumed = true}
pure p
_ -> fail ("Expected " <> show p)

-- | Match any token.
token :: forall s t m. Stream s m t => Monad m => ParserT s m t
token = do
input <- gets \(ParseState input _ _) -> input
(lift $ uncons input) >>= case _ of
ParseState state <- get
(lift $ uncons state) >>= case _ of
Nothing -> fail "Unexpected EOF"
Just ({ head, updatePos, tail }) -> do
modify \(ParseState _ position _) ->
ParseState tail (updatePos position) true
Just (Tuple head nextState) -> do
put $ ParseState nextState{consumed = true}
pure head

-- | Match a token satisfying the specified predicate.
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