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generalize StringLike to StreamLike
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safareli committed May 26, 2017
1 parent f9388a1 commit d02e52a
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Showing 2 changed files with 94 additions and 53 deletions.
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions src/Text/Parsing/Parser/Pos.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.String (split)
import Data.String (toCharArray)

-- | `Position` represents the position of the parser in the input.
-- |
Expand All @@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ initialPos = Position { line: 1, column: 1 }

-- | Updates a `Position` by adding the columns and lines in `String`.
updatePosString :: Position -> String -> Position
updatePosString pos' str = foldl updatePosChar pos' (split (wrap "") str)
updatePosChar (Position pos) c = case c of
"\n" -> Position { line: pos.line + 1, column: 1 }
"\r" -> Position { line: pos.line + 1, column: 1 }
"\t" -> Position { line: pos.line, column: pos.column + 8 - ((pos.column - 1) `mod` 8) }
_ -> Position { line: pos.line, column: pos.column + 1 }
updatePosString pos' str = foldl updatePosChar pos' (toCharArray str)

updatePosChar :: Position -> Char -> Position
updatePosChar (Position pos) c = case c of
'\n' -> Position { line: pos.line + 1, column: 1 }
'\r' -> Position { line: pos.line + 1, column: 1 }
'\t' -> Position { line: pos.line, column: pos.column + 8 - ((pos.column - 1) `mod` 8) }
_ -> Position { line: pos.line, column: pos.column + 1 }
130 changes: 85 additions & 45 deletions src/Text/Parsing/Parser/String.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,89 +2,129 @@

module Text.Parsing.Parser.String where

import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (tailRecM3, Step(..))
import Data.String as S
import Control.Monad.State (modify, gets)
import Data.Array (many)
import Data.Foldable (elem, notElem)
import Data.Array (many, toUnfoldable)
import Data.Foldable (elem, notElem, foldMap)
import Data.Unfoldable (class Unfoldable)
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.String (Pattern, fromCharArray, length, singleton)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Monoid (class Monoid)
import Text.Parsing.Parser (ParseState(..), ParserT, fail)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Combinators (try, (<?>))
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos (updatePosString)
import Text.Parsing.Parser.Pos (Position, updatePosString, updatePosChar)
import Prelude hiding (between)
import Data.Foldable (foldl)

-- | A newtype used in cases where there is a prefix string to droped.
newtype Prefix f = Prefix f

derive instance eqPrefix :: Eq f => Eq (Prefix f)
derive instance ordPrefix :: Ord f => Ord (Prefix f)
-- derive instance newtypePrefix :: Newtype Prefix _

instance showPrefix :: Show f => Show (Prefix f) where
show (Prefix s) = "(Prefix " <> show s <> ")"

-- | This class exists to abstract over streams which support the string-like
-- | operations which this modules needs.
class StringLike s where
drop :: Int -> s -> s
indexOf :: Pattern -> s -> Maybe Int
null :: s -> Boolean
uncons :: s -> Maybe { head :: Char, tail :: s }

instance stringLikeString :: StringLike String where
uncons = S.uncons
drop = S.drop
indexOf = S.indexOf
null = S.null

-- | Match end-of-file.
eof :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => ParserT s m Unit
-- |
-- | Instances must satisfy the following laws:
-- |
type Single f c = { head :: c, singleton :: f }

class HasUpdatePosition a where
updatePos :: Position -> a -> Position

instance stringHasUpdatePosition :: HasUpdatePosition String where
updatePos = updatePosString

instance charHasUpdatePosition :: HasUpdatePosition Char where
updatePos = updatePosChar

class StreamLike f c | f -> c where
uncons :: f -> Maybe { head :: c, tail :: f, updatePos :: (Position -> Position) }
drop :: Prefix f -> f -> Maybe { rest :: f, updatePos :: (Position -> Position) }

instance stringLikeString :: StreamLike String Char where
uncons f = S.uncons f <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
{ head: head, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` head), tail}
drop (Prefix p) s = S.stripPrefix (S.Pattern p) s <#> \rest ->
{ rest: rest, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` p)}

instance listcharLikeString :: (Eq a, HasUpdatePosition a) => StreamLike (L.List a) a where
uncons f = L.uncons f <#> \({ head, tail}) ->
{ head: head, updatePos: (_ `updatePos` head), tail}
drop (Prefix p') s' = case (tailRecM3 go p' s' id) of -- no MonadRec for Maybe
Right a -> pure a
_ -> Nothing
go prefix input updatePos' = case prefix, input of
(L.Cons p ps), (L.Cons i is) | p == i -> pure $ Loop
({ a: ps, b: is, c: updatePos' >>> (_ `updatePos` p) })
(L.Nil), is -> pure $ Done
({ rest: is, updatePos: updatePos' })
_, _ -> Left unit

eof :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Monad m => ParserT f m Unit
eof = do
input <- gets \(ParseState input _ _) -> input
unless (null input) (fail "Expected EOF")
case uncons input of
Nothing -> pure unit
_ -> fail "Expected EOF"

-- | Match the specified string.
string :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => String -> ParserT s m String
string :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Show f => Monad m => f -> ParserT f m f
string str = do
input <- gets \(ParseState input _ _) -> input
case indexOf (wrap str) input of
Just 0 -> do
case drop (Prefix str) input of
Just {rest, updatePos} -> do
modify \(ParseState _ position _) ->
ParseState (drop (length str) input)
(updatePosString position str)
ParseState rest (updatePos position) true
pure str
_ -> fail ("Expected " <> show str)

-- | Match any character.
anyChar :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => ParserT s m Char
anyChar :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Monad m => ParserT f m c
anyChar = do
input <- gets \(ParseState input _ _) -> input
case uncons input of
Nothing -> fail "Unexpected EOF"
Just { head, tail } -> do
Just ({ head, updatePos, tail }) -> do
modify \(ParseState _ position _) ->
ParseState tail
(updatePosString position (singleton head))
ParseState tail (updatePos position) true
pure head

-- | Match a character satisfying the specified predicate.
satisfy :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => (Char -> Boolean) -> ParserT s m Char
satisfy :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Show c => Monad m => (c -> Boolean) -> ParserT f m c
satisfy f = try do
c <- anyChar
if f c then pure c
else fail $ "Character '" <> singleton c <> "' did not satisfy predicate"
else fail $ "Character " <> show c <> " did not satisfy predicate"

-- | Match the specified character
char :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => Char -> ParserT s m Char
char :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Eq c => Show c => Monad m => c -> ParserT f m c
char c = satisfy (_ == c) <?> ("Expected " <> show c)

-- | Match a whitespace character.
whiteSpace :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => ParserT s m String
whiteSpace = do
cs <- many $ satisfy \c -> c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ' ' || c == '\t'
pure $ fromCharArray cs
-- | Match many whitespace characters.
whiteSpace :: forall f m g. StreamLike f Char => Unfoldable g => Monoid f => Monad m => ParserT f m (g Char)
whiteSpace = map toUnfoldable whiteSpace'

-- | Match a whitespace characters but returns them as Array.
whiteSpace' :: forall f m. StreamLike f Char => Monad m => ParserT f m (Array Char)
whiteSpace' = many $ satisfy \c -> c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ' ' || c == '\t'

-- | Skip whitespace characters.
skipSpaces :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => ParserT s m Unit
skipSpaces = void whiteSpace
skipSpaces :: forall f m. StreamLike f Char => Monad m => ParserT f m Unit
skipSpaces = void whiteSpace'

-- | Match one of the characters in the array.
oneOf :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => Array Char -> ParserT s m Char
oneOf ss = satisfy (flip elem ss) <?> ("Expected one of " <> show ss)
oneOf :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Show c => Eq c => Monad m => Array c -> ParserT f m c
oneOf ss = satisfy (flip elem ss) <?> ("one of " <> show ss)

-- | Match any character not in the array.
noneOf :: forall s m. StringLike s => Monad m => Array Char -> ParserT s m Char
noneOf ss = satisfy (flip notElem ss) <?> ("Expected none of " <> show ss)
noneOf :: forall f c m. StreamLike f c => Show c => Eq c => Monad m => Array c -> ParserT f m c
noneOf ss = satisfy (flip notElem ss) <?> ("none of " <> show ss)

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