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Solving Prim.Coerce.Coercible constraints requires the compiler to know the role played by type parameters in the runtime representation of their type. There's three roles, from most to least restrictive: nominal, representational and phantom.

The primitives ->, Array and Record types have representational parameters and roles are otherwise inferred based on their appearance in the right hand side of a data type declaration.

Role inference

  • Nominal roles are inferred for parameters of foreign data types, since we do not have enough information to safely choose a less restrictive role.

Nominal parameters are only coercible to themselves:

foreign import data Nominal :: Type -> Type

Coercible (Nominal a) (Nominal b) does not hold, even when Coercible a b does.

Albeit a safe default, this is often too constraining. More coercions can be allowed with a role annotation when it is known to be safe.

Nominal roles are also inferred for constrained parameters:

newtype Shown a = Shown ((Show a => a -> String) -> String)

Coercible (Shown a) (Shown b) does not hold, even when Coercible a b does.

Inferring a more permissive role would allow to coerce instances dictionnaries, which would threaten coherence: we could exhibit multiple type class instances with different behaviour for the same type.

shown :: forall a. Shown a -> String
shown (Shown f) = f show

newtype HTML = MkHTML String
instance showHTML :: Show HTML where
  show (MkHTML s) = "(HTML " <> show s <> ")"

shownString :: Shown String
shownString = Shown (\f -> f "Hello")

shownHTML :: Shown HTML
shownHTML = Shown (\f -> f (MkHTML "Hello"))

badShownHTML :: Shown HTML
badShownHTML = coerce shownString
> :type shownHTML
Shown HTML

> shown shownHTML
"(HTML \"Hello\")"

> :type badShownHTML
Shown HTML

> shown badShownHTML
  • Representational roles are inferred for parameters appearing under at least one of the constructors of their type.

Representational parameters are coercible when a Coercible constraint holds.

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Coercible (Maybe a) (Maybe b) holds only when Coercible a b does.

This rule must be amended for parameters appearing in the arguments of a type variable. Because the variable could be instantiated to anything we have to be conservative and infer nominal, the most restrictive role, instead of representational: Coercible (a -> f b) (a -> f c) does not hold, even when Coercible b c does.

  • Phantom roles are inferred for parameters not appearing at all under any constructor of their type.

Phantom parameters are coercible to anything:

data Proxy a = Proxy

Coercible (Proxy a) (Proxy b) holds for all a and b, regardless of Coercible a b.

  • Roles of parameters appearing in the arguments of another type are inferred from the declaration of that type:
newtype First a = First (Maybe a)

Coercible (First a) (First b) holds when Coercible a b does, even when the newtype constructor is out of scope, because the parameter of Maybe is representational.

We cannot infer the role of parameters in recursive position this way, so we default to phantom but usually end up with something else because we keep the most restrictive role a parameter appears at:

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

Here the parameter appears at representational (under the Cons constructor) and phantom (in recursive position) roles so we infer representational: Coercible (List a) (List b) holds when Coercible a b does.

newtype Mu f = In (f (Mu f))

Here the parameter appears at representational (under the In constructor) and nominal (as argument to itself) roles so we infer nominal: Coercible (Mu f) (Mu g) does not hold, unless g is actually f.

Role annotations

Inferring nominal roles for foreign data types is safe but can be too constraining sometimes. For example this prevents to coerce Effect Age to Effect Int, even though they actually have the same runtime representation.

The roles of foreign data types can thus be loosened with explicit role annotations, similar to the RoleAnnotations GHC extension.

Conversely, we might want to strengthen the roles of parameters with invariants invisible to the type system. Maps are the canonical example of this: the shape of their underlying tree rely on the Ord instance of their keys, but the Ord instance of a newtype may behave differently than the one of the wrapped type so it would be unsafe to allow coercions between Map k1 a and Map k2 a, even when Coercible k1 k2 holds.

A role annotation starts with type role, then the name of the annotated type and the role (nominal, representational or phantom) of each parameters of the type. Role annotations are only allowed for data and newtype declarations. They have to immediately follow the annotated type declaration.

For example this role annotation relaxes the role inferred for the parameter of Effect (which would be nominal otherwise):

type role Effect representational

and this one strengthens the role inferred for the first parameter of Map (which would be representational otherwise), leaving its second parameter representational:

type role Map nominal representational

Annotated roles are compared against the roles inferred by the compiler so it is not possible to compromise safety by ascribing too permissive roles, except for foreign types.